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I know how you're feeling, I got bloody C for chemistry after getting A in the mocks and 2 out of 3 chemistry awards. I can't believe it, I am sure that I got an A, even so I should of got a B at least
Reply 2
Recieved my History results today and got the following:

Unit 4 - 59/90
Unit 5 - 72/90
Unit 6 - 40/120

I felt the paper went well - not A grade standard but certainly not a U grade.

This is means that I technically failed unit 6 after looking at the grade boundaries. Compared to my other results I felt this was slightly wrong as soon as I read my results sheet.

Is it worth getting remarked? AS my overall grade could change from a C to a B

Definetly worth getting re-marked. In the 2 papers where I honestly believed I had done very badly I got Bs and in the only paper I honestly thought I'd got an A/B in I got a C (unit 4).

I just don't understand why Edexcel's marking of History is so erratic every year.
Reply 3
I know how you're feeling, I got bloody C for chemistry after getting A in the mocks and 2 out of 3 chemistry awards. I can't believe it, I am sure that I got an A, even so I should of got a B at least

Is this common for Science A/AS-Levels this year, my chemistry mocks and predictions were higher than what I actualy got and the same was true for most people I asked who did a science A-Level today, and on these forums alot of people have said they seem to have been a bit unfairly done on science A-Levels. Very Odd, I wonder if this has anything to do with all this hoo-har yet again about too many people receiving top grades?
Reply 4
I know how you're feeling, I got bloody C for chemistry after getting A in the mocks and 2 out of 3 chemistry awards. I can't believe it, I am sure that I got an A, even so I should of got a B at least

same happened to me with chemistry. I was convinced i had got an A, i thought the exam went so well that I even got close to full marks

i ended up getting 2 marks from an A.

does anyone else think something went drastically wrong with the ED chemistry?
same happened to me with chemistry. I was convinced i had got an A, i thought the exam went so well that I even got close to full marks

i ended up getting 2 marks from an A.

does anyone else think something went drastically wrong with the ED chemistry?

Yeah, I thought I got 10 wrong, at the most on the unit 1 paper, now I've ended up with a B on that unit!!

Everything is ruined now :frown: :mad:
My AS history results:

Unit 1: 91/120 (high B)
Unit 2: 50/90 (mid D)
Unit 3: 79/90 (high A)

I still got a mid B overall (220/300) but I was expecting Unit 2 to be my best mark, not my worst, as I felt the exam went really well. Most of my class did much worse than expected on that paper even though we all thought it was better than Unit 1! :confused: I'm going to talk to my teachers in September, but I'll probably ask to see my script and then get a remark or resit depending on what the teachers say. I think you should definitely have it remarked; you have nothing to lose, and we all know how accurate Edexcel are sometimes! :rolleyes:
Reply 7
KNow the feeling about edexcel i got 52/100 on D2 the easiest maths module but 66/100 on c4 and 69/100 on c3 the two hardest a-levle maths modules.

In a subject were your writing essayslike History it is worth a remark defo as there is often techincally no really correct answer and your just expressing your opinion with reasons behind why you think it is right!

Tbh your gonna spend 50 quid getting remarked and although it sometimes can make a difference in your points it more tthan likely wont change anything, for the 50 quid your gonna pay you may aswellresita module in January and spend the change on somethign useful!
Reply 8
Agree with the person hu said bout AL sciences r messed up.
Jus listen to this : (Edexcel board)
I get a higher B in my AS Chem unit 1, A higher B in my chem unit 2 and a "U" for my chem 2
Is this possible? A student getting Bs in unit 1 and 3 and then a str8 U?
I mean i expected atleast a B in unit 2 as well. I dont understand this cuz this means i knew nothing in chem 2 whereas i knew everything from top to down, i expected a B and if someone says u might have not answered to the point ! then atleast a C or a D not a U? think i should resit or get it remarked?
I guess should resit that U cuz i want more marks added up for my A2
Reply 9
"I get a higher B in my AS Chem unit 1, A higher B in my chem unit 2 and a "U" for my chem 2"

EDIT : that higher B was in unit 3
Reply 10
Recieved my History results today and got the following:

Unit 4 - 59/90
Unit 5 - 72/90
Unit 6 - 40/120

I felt the paper went well - not A grade standard but certainly not a U grade.

This is means that I technically failed unit 6 after looking at the grade boundaries. Compared to my other results I felt this was slightly wrong as soon as I read my results sheet.

Is it worth getting remarked? AS my overall grade could change from a C to a B

im exactly the same im about 3 marks of a b and completely failed unit 6 got 43 deffo somethin weird gone on. also failed unit 5 which i dnt think is possible given i know i knew my stuff for it so deffo get it remarked i am
Reply 11
You could always get the sixthform to get the exam for you, and then go through it with a teacher and if they say you deserve a higher mark then get it remarked. I'm getting my Graphics paper back to see what happened and if it deserved more. You can always retake and getting the paper back will show you where you went wrong.
Reply 12
That's what my sixth form is going to do!
Hey I've just posted this on another thread but it looks like it applys here too.
My history results were a bit weird

unit 4 Fascist Italy 90/90
Unit 5 Representation and Democracy 40/90
Unit 6 Stalin 120/120
I got an A overall so I'm happy and I got into my uni and History isn't my degree subject...
But I feel a bit confused by it as I wasn't expecting a big difference in marks and didn't feel that unit 5 went that badly! (or that the other two went that well!) Also feel bad for my Unit 5 teacher because he's a really good teacher in fact better than my unit 6 teacher.

Last year at AS level I had weird results too
I can't remember which unit was which but I got
36/90 E in Fascist Italy which when I resat went up to full marks
85/120 C in Russia in revolutioon which went up to full marks when I resat
74/90 A in britain between the wars ( I didn't resit this one)
You could always get the sixthform to get the exam for you, and then go through it with a teacher and if they say you deserve a higher mark then get it remarked. I'm getting my Graphics paper back to see what happened and if it deserved more. You can always retake and getting the paper back will show you where you went wrong.

Did you do Edexcel Product Design: Graphics with Materials tech? Cos my boyf got an E grade for his A2 and he's so upset because he thought he was going to get a much better grade - he got 40/120 for his A2 coursework grade even though he made a really good product and had a really good folder. Edexcel has really buggered things up this year.
Reply 15
ok something like this happened to me,I've got a low mark in unit 5 in physics,I know I should've got better....:frown:
Reply 16
I thought I'd done much better in my chemistry (edexcel nuffield) exams than my biology (AQA A) exams but my overall mark for chemistry was 233/300 (a B) and for biology it was 258/300 (an A)!

Also I got a low C for my composition paper for edexcel music...which I really didn't think I'd done so badly in. Edexcel are poopies.
Reply 17
In our year for AS the marks for French are all mixed up as well....I was predicted an A but got a C and there have only been like 3 As when usually there are far more.....same old story with edexcel!!
Reply 18
In Geography, I got high As in the first 2 unit, and a low-ish B in the 3rd.... Wierdness
Reply 19
Access to photocopy scrips cost 10pounds at my college. You have to tell them before the 23rd Aug. (Is that for 1 a paper only or the whole A Level?)

A remark costs £11.
Priority Remark £40