The Student Room Group

AVCE Science

Hey ppl,
i've recently applied to an college and i'd chosen AVCE Science and now am having regrets about chosing it. because i had done GNVQ Science at GCSE my college interviewer recommeded because AVCE is more practical and so was GNVQ. so i was just wondering is there anyone here that has done AVCE Science and could u please tell me ur personal opnion on it becasue it might make be a bit more confortable about doing it this year in college.
could u tell me if it is an straightforward or hard subject because I’ve heard that there is a lot of coursework and not much time to do it in and also i have heard that it is been withdrawn and the last the exam will be in summer 2006. i would really appreciate it someone would put an end to my worries.


p.s GCSE results coming out next week which will probably determine which course i will be taking this year.
Reply 1
I did AVCE science, havent heard anything about it being withdrawn though. I got my grade yesterday and got a C overall. It was probably the easiest course that I did, I did 3 assignments (portfolio coursework pieces) and 3 examinations. It does, however, take up a lot of time with the assignments, since some of them are so in depth. The examinations need to be revised for quite well also. However, it's definately worth looking at, so I say go for it! (are you thinking of doing double award or single award? I did Single)
Reply 2
well if ur doing AQA i think it is being withdrwn in 2006 so u will have to it as AS and not A LEVEL. and that is very very bad news for me coz i wanna get the A LEVELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AVCE Science is being withdrawn, and the last examination is 2006 according to the website above. However, they will still have an AVCE Science type vocational subject though, and it will be called 'GCE Applied Science'. ,

This subject interesting. I wonder if I should do it during my gap year...
Reply 4
youre obviously not comfortable taking this course... and it sounds like you'll have to drop it after AS... so i suggest you go to your college or ring them ASAP and change.
Reply 5
look, my friend who got A physics, A Chemistry and B biology at GCSE did AVCE science. He got 100%,100%, 96% in the 3 modules - he thought it was too easy and is now dropping it to do AS/AS physics in one year.