The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I thought oxford colleges only had cambridge sister I wrong?
I thought oxford colleges only had cambridge sister I wrong?

That's what I thought so too :confused:
Reply 3
hmm maybe its more of an unofficial affiliation thing then...just heard a rumour somewhere
Reply 4
Now that you make me think about it...there might be some affiliation, I remeber reading somewhere that Branford College at Yale is affiliated to an Oxford College (Pembroke?)...It might be there's something similar with TCD, not sure which one though...
Reply 5
does anybody know what oxford colleges, if any, have links with tcd? thanks!

Yeah, TCD is linked with Balliol Oxford and St. John's Cambridge.
Yeah, TCD is linked with Balliol Oxford and St. John's Cambridge.

where can I find more about these sister colleges elsewhere? Are there any sister colleges at Durham ?
Reply 7
where can I find more about these sister colleges elsewhere? Are there any sister colleges at Durham ?

I don't know, sorry. But I'm fairly sure Balliol and John's are the only colleges linked with a non-Oxbridge college. It did have some significance as well - there are quite a few TCD graduates in the SBR at John's, and the same may be true for Balliol (But Ryanair flying to Stanstead seemed to encourage more TCD people to Cambridge).
Reply 8
does anybody know what oxford colleges, if any, have links with tcd? thanks!

Remember that TCD is more like a college of the University of London rather than an Oxbridge college, ie effectively a University in its own right with 15000 students and its own faculties etc.

It has links with both Oxford and Cambridge in that its degrees can be incorporated, that is 'converted' into Oxbridge ones.
Reply 9
Remember that TCD is more like a college of the University of London rather than an Oxbridge college, ie effectively a University in its own right with 15000 students and its own faculties etc.

It's the Irish workethic - start building a collegiate university on the model of Oxford and Cambridge, then stop after the first and just let it expand. :wink:
Reply 10
go raibh maith acu!
and the next question is, what exactly is the nature of this link? does it have any practicable benefits or application for us trinners grad desperately seeking places?