The Student Room Group
Reply 1
starting to argue a bit over litle things. weve been going out for 4 months... so outa honeymoon period i guess.

i dont know if its becuase of the distance and the time weve been apart or any other reason... :frown: im not looking for an answer to that, as no one else will probably know!

just wondring how often you argue with the other half to see if this is normal or not.


I live with my partner and we are always arguing. i would be more worried if you werent arguing, at least if your arguing it means you care!
weve had nearly one argument in 19 months. whats the point in arguing if you can simply talk about things
my boyfriend and i never argue, we discuss. and its much more constructive.

lol but arguing is perfectly normal - differences of opinion are inevitable in any relationship. just don't let it get out of control, and try to talk things over calmly afterwards
starting to argue a bit over litle things. weve been going out for 4 months... so outa honeymoon period i guess.

i dont know if its becuase of the distance and the time weve been apart or any other reason... :frown: im not looking for an answer to that, as no one else will probably know!

just wondring how often you argue with the other half to see if this is normal or not.


My ex & I used to 'discuss' matters but not exactly argue as in increased volumes, violent gestures etc. We would make our views know quite clearly, and sometimes I felt that words can convey more than actions.
Me and my boyfriend don't argue at all (15 months), but that could just be because we're abnormally close. Another couple friend of ours argue all the time, and they've been going out even longer - doesn't make them any less happy as a couple though. I think it's just about how your personalities get on. If you're worried about it, just make a huge effort not to get annoyed about things easily, and to talk calmly about things that are annoying you. Hope that helps.
Me and my boyfriend don't argue as such, but we talk A LOT. If one of us does something that bothers the other one, we tell each other cos that's how arguments start, we get irritated by little things that each other does. Arguments do happen and you will inevitably piss each other off, you just need to swallow your pride sometimes and say "i'm sorry". We have disagreements and we've also had some really bad times but we talk through them and we've always get through. You do kinda have to make the extra effort not to get wound up or pissed off, everyone is different and has their quirks, just try to accept them and her for who she is.
Arguing ultimately brings you closer as a couple - it healthy and normal, I wouldn't worry!
Show her the back of your hand, that should sort it.

.. I'm joking, of course.
Reply 9
Wzz and I don't. We'll have a little disagreement every so often that lasts about 5 minutes but we don't shout at each other or anything.

Reply 10
Tonight Matthew
Show her the back of your hand, that should sort it.

.. I'm joking, of course.

Damn right, bitch slap her back to the stoneage!!!!!