The Student Room Group

Phone sex with another it cheating?

Hii all,

I know I'm going to get slated for even thinking about another guy but I would really like some opinions.

Basically I have a boyfriend of two years, but have got really really close to a guy at uni. This guy just asked me for phone sex and I said ring me in haf an hour when everyone is out and I will. He also has a topless pic of me on his phone that I sent :frown: I regret sending the pic I know I'm a horrible person. But I would just like to know, do you guys consider phne sex with someone other than your partner cheating?

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Reply 1
Is it "cheating"? I don't know, but I would dump you anyway. :rolleyes:
Yes. I'd dump my boyfriend straight away, for either the photo or the phone sex.

How would you feel if your boyfriend did that, or if you found a topless photo of another girl on his phone?
Reply 3
I think if you have phone sex you're laughable, thats what I think. If you're going to cheat at least do it properly , not only are you being deceitful to your bf but you sound really lame.
Reply 4
I'd say maybe it'a a little bit cheating, but a lot more forgivable than actually getting with him
Depends how forgiving your bf is tbhs
Reply 5
Yea its cheating.
It is a grey area as far as cheating is concerned, as nothing physical is happening, still I'd be gutted if I found out that had happened.
Reply 7
your relationship is ******
Reply 8
Of course it is! You don't need to do something physically to class it as "cheating"
I guess? You obviously don't think it's right otherwise you wouldn't be posting this in the first place. If I was him and I found out I would dump you. Unless you have a very open relationship. Which you don't, obviously.
Either cheat properly or not at all. Jeez.
Reply 11
Of course its cheating you fool
Reply 12
Yes. Also phone sex is lame.

Wtf. You stick the phone up there or something?

If you're gonna cheat, at least do a good job. Bang him.
Reply 13
Of course it's cheating!
Reply 14
Dunno loads of married guys call sex hotlines and it's not really classed as cheating. Sending nude pics though, I would be more worried about that x
Were I your boy-friend I would be rid of you for it.
Reply 16
Dunno loads of married guys call sex hotlines and it's not really classed as cheating. Sending nude pics though, I would be more worried about that x

Lots of married guys do it so it's not cheating?!

Course it's cheating! If you wanna have phonesex, why not have it with the person YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH!

Any type of intimacy is cheating, if you're in a relationship - Be it sexual, or emotional. Still infidelity.
Reply 17
Who **** has phone sex? I'd rather watch some porn, otherwise i'd be laughing down the phone, not getting off.
Reply 18
Yes of course it's still cheating, the thoughts still there, just because you haven't done anything physical doesn't make it okay!
I did this a while ago and for some deluded reason I thought I wasn't cheating. I felt a little guilty but didn't stop. Then he found out and I felt so awful. I can see now that it was a really horrible thing to do and I regret it so badly. It is cheating, think how you would feel if you found out he was doing it.