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Reply 1
MegaBus from £1.
Reply 3
or book in advance on the train and you get it cheaper.
100 pound is for on the day or next day. I think you need to book 1 week in advance and you do get in considerabnly cheaper.
Reply 4
Megabus works out to £14.50. That's not bad actually.

I can't book in advance because I need to go on Thursday.
hitch hike
Reply 6
Top Gear bought crappy old second hand cars which kept breaking down etc and drove them to manchester and back. with all the costs involved of the car, petrol, repairs etc, it still worked out cheaper than a train ticket.
Reply 7
You could fly from MAN to either Heathrow or Gatwick for less than £70....

but I'd recommend Megabus.
Reply 8
May not be of any use for this Thursday, but for future reference, and for anyone else who needs it, the trick is to book single fares in advance - one for out and one return. They work out at £12 each. You are restricted to certain trains, but at least you're guaranteeed a seat. Anyone going to Uni in Manchester from London, or vice versa, should start investigating now.
Reply 9
You should be able to get the train for £55 if you book now for Thursday.

Megabus is the cheapest way but it takes a long time. Flying is not really worth it, Manchester airport is miles away from where Gemgems lives and Heahtrow and Gatwick are not exactly in central London so by the time you have all that hassle its quicker and cheaper to by train.
When I look on the train sites, for a return manchester-london it's like £100. :eek:

Nationalexpress coaches are like £31 which is less but still too much for some students!

Does anyone know any companies that can do it for cheaper?

If you book 7 days in advance its 32 pound on virgin or 60pound on british airways or bmi at various dates.
Reply 11
You should be able to get the train for £55 if you book now for Thursday.

Megabus is the cheapest way but it takes a long time. Flying is not really worth it, Manchester airport is miles away from where Gemgems lives and Heahtrow and Gatwick are not exactly in central London so by the time you have all that hassle its quicker and cheaper to by train.

Yeh I think I may stick to megabus. It's slightly easier - i'm only going for one night.

How do you know I don't live near Manchester airport lol?
Yeh I think I may stick to megabus. It's slightly easier - i'm only going for one night.

How do you know I don't live near Manchester airport lol?

You know when you go on virgin's website it shows the most expensive but they you press somthing and it shows you cheaper tickets should be able to get 32 pound one 3 days before.
Reply 13
Book two weeks in advance getting two singles and you get from Manchester Piccadilly to Euston in 2 hours for £20, it's the best thing ever. Plus Virgin Trains are lush.
Reply 14
There is one coach company which charges £1 return isnt there?
Yeh I think I may stick to megabus. It's slightly easier - i'm only going for one night.

How do you know I don't live near Manchester airport lol?

Probably because Manchester Airport is so far out of the city that nobody would live by it and still claim to live in Manchester?
Reply 16
Its actually in Stockport isnt it?
Reply 17
Yeh I think I may stick to megabus. It's slightly easier - i'm only going for one night.

How do you know I don't live near Manchester airport lol?

LOL AT does his homework...
Reply 18
I have my theories as to how AT know where gemgems lives
Its actually in Stockport isnt it?

No, it's in the city boundaries.