I'm just about to head into my 3rd year at sheffield uni, and i would like to apply to do the LLM at Cambridge, partly to boost my CV but mainly because i think i'd enjoy the further study.
The problem is my 2nd year grades aren't brilliant due to a badly timed trip away before the january exams, meaning i was jet lagged and hadn't revised. I managed to pull my results up in the summer exams to give me a 61% average for the 2nd year (poor i know).
I am very confident that i can do well in my third year, and should be able to pull my final percentage up to high 60s (3rd year has a 2/3rds weighting). My worry is that the deadline for the LLM is very early, so i won't be able to apply with any impressive grades. Does this mean i have no chance of getting in?
My other option is to take a year out after uni, try to do something constructive (gap year project and get some work experience) and apply for the LLM the year after. I am not that keen on this idea as i have already had one year out, and i'll be pretty old by the time i get a job!
Any advice on the situation would be much appreciated, thanks.