The Student Room Group

Cambridge LLM - advice please

I'm just about to head into my 3rd year at sheffield uni, and i would like to apply to do the LLM at Cambridge, partly to boost my CV but mainly because i think i'd enjoy the further study.

The problem is my 2nd year grades aren't brilliant due to a badly timed trip away before the january exams, meaning i was jet lagged and hadn't revised. I managed to pull my results up in the summer exams to give me a 61% average for the 2nd year (poor i know).

I am very confident that i can do well in my third year, and should be able to pull my final percentage up to high 60s (3rd year has a 2/3rds weighting). My worry is that the deadline for the LLM is very early, so i won't be able to apply with any impressive grades. Does this mean i have no chance of getting in?

My other option is to take a year out after uni, try to do something constructive (gap year project and get some work experience) and apply for the LLM the year after. I am not that keen on this idea as i have already had one year out, and i'll be pretty old by the time i get a job!

Any advice on the situation would be much appreciated, thanks.
Reply 1
so i won't be able to apply with any impressive grades. Does this mean i have no chance of getting in?

Erm, to put it bluntly, if you have less than impressive grades you will have little to no chance of getting an offer, unless those poor grades arise out of exceptional circumstances (and I wouldn't have thought jetlag would count - we are talking about serious illness here or something like that, but even then, you would have to show that your performance during the year was stellar, and that the exam results were a freak occurence).

There's someone one here, LauraWalker I think, who has just recently deferred an offer to do the Cambs LLM, so I'm sure she can advise you better. But my impression is that if you are applying before you have your final degree classification, the tutors that write your references need to be confidently predicting you get a first, and if you apply after, you must have a first alrea
Hi thanks for remembering me, Craigy Boy. Its about time that I became famous!

Yes in their graduate prospectus it states a 68% average. However, my offer was contigent upon a first. I think you've got to be on a good 2.1 and expected to go upwards from there, but I cannot be certain; Oxford is more competitive for sure.
Reply 3
I'm just about to head into my 3rd year at sheffield uni, and i would like to apply to do the LLM at Cambridge, partly to boost my CV but mainly because i think i'd enjoy the further study.

The problem is my 2nd year grades aren't brilliant due to a badly timed trip away before the january exams, meaning i was jet lagged and hadn't revised. I managed to pull my results up in the summer exams to give me a 61% average for the 2nd year (poor i know).

I am very confident that i can do well in my third year, and should be able to pull my final percentage up to high 60s (3rd year has a 2/3rds weighting). My worry is that the deadline for the LLM is very early, so i won't be able to apply with any impressive grades. Does this mean i have no chance of getting in?

My other option is to take a year out after uni, try to do something constructive (gap year project and get some work experience) and apply for the LLM the year after. I am not that keen on this idea as i have already had one year out, and i'll be pretty old by the time i get a job!

Any advice on the situation would be much appreciated, thanks.

If you want, we can meet up when we're both in Sheff and talk stuff over. I didnt personally do the LLM but know a bit about how Cambridge works and graduate stuff on a more general level.

Also, Laura is indeed an excellent person to talk to..she'll tell it to u like it is:smile:
Thanks ChrisWhit; I have acquired fame in the student room. Although, I do think that your probably far more qualified than my self since you actually have the LLM to your name. Also, I better not start off the Hughes debate incase their admissions tutor makes a fleeting visit on here.

Actually now I am deferring perhaps they will put me in a different 'not full' college.
Reply 5
Thanks ChrisWhit; I have acquired fame in the student room. Although, I do think that your probably far more qualified than my self since you actually have the LLM to your name.

hehe - noo, my MPhil is in Criminological Research - a reformed lawyer..i've been tempted back for the PhD though:smile:

Also, I better not start off the Hughes debate incase their admissions tutor makes a fleeting visit on here.

Actually now I am deferring perhaps they will put me in a different 'not full' college.

You will be fine in HH, esp if they put u in the new accommodation, tis all modern and v plush!
Oh well, if I commit a crime then you'll know why: psychological damage from not getting my first choice of college. I am sure Hughes rocks and apparently 'hunky' rowers are prevalent in the area. Lucky Laura
Reply 7
Hehe, thats true, tis known for being a sporty place! I coxed for HH women for a term and the men were indeed quite big and "hunky":smile:
Reply 8
Thanks for the responses guys, probably is a bit of a lofty goal to be honest, should probably give up on it. :frown:

Chris - Thanks for the offer, i'll contact you through these forums when i'm back in sheff, would help to have a chat about it. What modules are you a grad tutor for?

Laura - Thanks for the response, just wondering, when did you apply for the LLM? I'm thinking my best bet is to apply in March after i have my first set of 3rd year results. I have just sent out some emails to other uni's i'm interested in asking if they think March is too late to apply.
Reply 9
Thanks for the responses guys, probably is a bit of a lofty goal to be honest, should probably give up on it. :frown:

Nah - Apply- they can only say no, you've little to lose!

Chris - Thanks for the offer, i'll contact you through these forums when i'm back in sheff, would help to have a chat about it. What modules are you a grad tutor for?

I'll be doing Criminal Law in Mich. term and Criminal Justice and Penal Policy in Lent term..looking forward to it:smile:
Reply 10
I sent out emails to these universities asking if March would be too late to apply: Cambridge, LSE, UCL, KCL, Queen Mary, SOAS and Edinburgh. Heard back from Cambridge saying they close applications in December so no chance. Queen mary replied saying should be fine, and Edinburgh said there Commercial Law LLM is very popular/competitive so they can't guarantee anything but applications are open till May. Got a standard reply from LSE just saying they start considering applications in January and that it's extremely competitive etc so that doesn't sound good. Haven't heard back from the others yet.

I know the UoL LLM is fairly well respected, does it matter which UoL institutiuon you go to? I'm assuming employers would prefer you to have done it at UCL or KCL? Also opinions on Edinburgh LLM? I heard it's fairly respected. Is there anywhere else i should consider? Bearing in mind i ultimately want to work for a city firm.
I look forward to people answering whether the LLM is well respected.

I am sort of doing it because I want to be a real student. I have been living with my Mum at Hull. I want my Halls of residence bedroom