The Student Room Group
Reply 1

I was just wondering, in your own opinion, which is the best college to study law in oxford???

Also which college are you more likely to get en-suite rooms, beacuse i really dont want to be sharing washing facilites with loads of people...Just one of my strange things :s-smilie:

Is any one doing law at oxford at the moment, what is it like, good points, bad points etc...

Thank you in advanced for any replies...


Magdalen - the lawyers work hard, and have a fantastic society where all the undergrads just get together, eat curry and drink consume impossible amounts of alcohol... hmm actually, this is just based on people I know rather than any profound or accurate insight into Law at Oxford.

Ask Tagzt, who (I think...could be wrong, though) is doing Law at Merton.

ensuite: won't be available everywhere, and will often be 2nd/3rd yr accomodation. Lots of rooms in colleges will have a sink, other than that, it's not too hard to get used to shared bathrooms =)
Reply 2
As for ensuite facillites it will say in the college guides in the prospectus if rooms are ensuite or not.
Reply 3
thanks guys...

i'll check it out

Reply 4
In terms of tradition, Brasenose has a great rep for law. Its always been the strongest subject there. Don't know about ensuite facilities though. TBH you're not likely to get that.

Reply 5
yep im doin law at merton.

in terms of "prestige" i would say magdalen is probably the best college for law, a hell of a lot of law lords went there and its generally considered excellent for law. however brasenose has a reputation for being "the law college" and from what i hear it has a very strong tradition in law.

if you're looking at "results" then the best place is probably merton, and i would recommend merton as the best overall (not that im biased!!) Merton lawyers always get at least a 2.1 and has the highest number of firsts as well, the lawyer community is excellent. lawyers are very cliquely (usually because we work harder than the others) and you become very good friends with your fellow lawyers.

basically all colleges offer law and the best ones are going to be the ones near the top of the norringtion (of course this assumes you are looking for the most prestigious/respected) such as Merton, Magdalen, Christ Church, Balliol, St John's. The advantage of being at the top colleges are:

1. You are more likely to get a 1st/high 2.1 (a 2.1 is essential if you plan to go into a career in law, employers demand a 2.1)
2. Colleges exchange tutors for certain subjects, being at a top college ensures you will always get the tutors who are most respected within the university.

But studying law at any Oxford college is great, just go for the one you like the best.

I'm not too sure bout en-suite facilites, at Merton you are very very unlikely to get ensuite in your first year unless you have a special condition e.g. diabetes that means you need to live inside college and get the best rooms.
Reply 6
is Merton College reagrded as 'over-working' its law students?
Reply 7
is Merton College reagrded as 'over-working' its law students?

people from other colleges have this impression of Merton being an "academic hothouse" (particularly a certain individual from St Peters) but to be honest it is what you make it. in terms of actual workload it is no different from the workload at other colleges, the core of the reading lists are set by the university law faculty and the tutors then add on the stuff they think is most relevant...just because your tutor is from Merton does not mean they will add on more stuff than someone from another college.

however what you must realise is that each college has its own "character". at Merton it is perfectly acceptable to sit down at lunch and talk about how much work have to do or just talk about work in general. it's kind of in the atmosphere, people accept work as being the main reason why they came to university and if you tell someone you cant go out tonight because you have too much work, its understood. that does not mean that you have to work incredibly hard, it just means the environment is there for you to work hard, which means people always do well in their exams and hence merton topping the norrington table so often.

at other colleges (LMH for example) the character of the college is very much geared towards going out first, then work second. if you were at LMH and told people who had too much work and couldn't go out, they would laugh at you and drag you out! (or so my mate at LMH tells me).

at the end of the day, the college you are at does not define who you are. im not an incredibly hard working person but i have found coming to Merton means i work harder than i would do at say LMH but still go out a fair bit because thats just my personality.
Reply 8

I was just wondering, in your own opinion, which is the best college to study law in oxford???

Also which college are you more likely to get en-suite rooms, beacuse i really dont want to be sharing washing facilites with loads of people...Just one of my strange things :s-smilie:

Is any one doing law at oxford at the moment, what is it like, good points, bad points etc...

Thank you in advanced for any replies...


John's has one of the best reputations for law, but it's quite tough to get into. Rooms there aren't all ensuite, but you don't share with many, and it's quite nice accomodation. Wadham is also pretty good for law, and quite a nice place to live. Also, not all rooms there are ensuite though.
tagzt, what reputation does worcester have?
Reply 10
tagzt, what reputation does worcester have?

ermm do you mean for law or in general? either way reputation wise i haven't heard a lot about it so its probably somewhere in the middle. but i have some friends there and they love it, i think it is seen as a generally laid back, beautiful college. its also very close the train station and city centre which is always good, doesn't have a reputation for anything in particular i don't think.
Reply 11
people from other colleges have this impression of Merton being an "academic hothouse" (particularly a certain individual from St Peters) but to be honest it is what you make it. in terms of actual workload it is no different from the workload at other colleges, the core of the reading lists are set by the university law faculty and the tutors then add on the stuff they think is most relevant...just because your tutor is from Merton does not mean they will add on more stuff than someone from another college.

however what you must realise is that each college has its own "character". at Merton it is perfectly acceptable to sit down at lunch and talk about how much work have to do or just talk about work in general. it's kind of in the atmosphere, people accept work as being the main reason why they came to university and if you tell someone you cant go out tonight because you have too much work, its understood. that does not mean that you have to work incredibly hard, it just means the environment is there for you to work hard, which means people always do well in their exams and hence merton topping the norrington table so often

at other colleges (LMH for example) the character of the college is very much geared towards going out first, then work second. if you were at LMH and told people who had too much work and couldn't go out, they would laugh at you and drag you out! (or so my mate at LMH tells me).

at the end of the day, the college you are at does not define who you are. im not an incredibly hard working person but i have found coming to Merton means i work harder than i would do at say LMH but still go out a fair bit because thats just my personality.

Seems a very fair summary. You might allso add that a college like Merton tends to attracts a higher percentage of people with a strong academic work ethic.So the culture is self sustaining. Interestingly I believe that Merton has had one of the biggest increases in applicants across many subjects over the past couple of years. Rather more than some of the supposed 'fun' colleges. I'm not sure of the significance of this but I'd guess it's one of some very interesting issues and trends buried in the unpublished college admissions stats.
Reply 12
Seems a very fair summary. You might allso add that a college like Merton tends to attracts a higher percentage of people with a strong academic work ethic.So the culture is self sustaining. Interestingly I believe that Merton has had one of the biggest increases in applicants across many subjects over the past couple of years. Rather more than some of the supposed 'fun' colleges. I'm not sure of the significance of this but I'd guess it's one of some very interesting issues and trends buried in the unpublished college admissions stats.

oh yea i forgot to mention that, its very very true. the majority of people who apply to colleges know something about the college beforehand i.e. they might have heard its academic or laid back or good at rugby or publich school dominated. this results in the colleges maintaining these reputations because hard workers will apply to merton/christ church/st johns etc etc and good rugby players might apply to teddy hall etc etc. it would actually be a great system if the university was just more open about it in their prospectus, currently they try and tell the applicants the colleges are more alike than different. this is an absolute load of rubbish, each college has its own character and should be proud of it.
Reply 13
oh yea i forgot to mention that, its very very true. the majority of people who apply to colleges know something about the college beforehand i.e. they might have heard its academic or laid back or good at rugby or publich school dominated. this results in the colleges maintaining these reputations because hard workers will apply to merton/christ church/st johns etc etc and good rugby players might apply to teddy hall etc etc. it would actually be a great system if the university was just more open about it in their prospectus, currently they try and tell the applicants the colleges are more alike than different. this is an absolute load of rubbish, each college has its own character and should be proud of it.

Yes the pretence that they are all the same does seem to be hiding some sort of stronger conslodation of individual college cultures. In practice it seems many of the tutors are comfortable with their college reputations/perceptions as they do relatively little to try to modify them. Long term something has to give you can't really have some colleges out performing others by such a margin. As OUSU have pointed out the college variations to some extent undermine the University as a whole.
Reply 14
What about St Hilda's reputation in law???
Reply 15
wot about Jesus as wel?
They've both got good reputations. Colleges really aren't that important as you'll have a degree from the uni wherever you go. find somewhere where you'll like to live etc.