The Student Room Group

What are the girls in the UK/London usually like compared to …?

As the title suggests, the topic of discussion in this thread is:
Are girls in England (London) usually easy to catch up with?

Where I come from (Copenhagen), girls are usually really easy to catch up with. Obviously, when you marry someone s/he will most likely have slept with at least 15-20 others.

There are of course a minority (one out of four) consisting of Muslims, Catholics and well-raised Protestants, who know how to behave properly.

Also, it is not uncommon for girls in the beginning of their teenage years (14-15) to have one-night stands with guys who are much older (19-20).

So, what I would like to know is basically, whether English girls usually are easy to catch up with (one night stands) and/or if they wear these mini-skirts and express themselves physically or not?

In other words: If you find a girlfriend in London (let’s say she is 21), should you expect that
a) She has slept with at least 10-15 other guys.
b) She embraces her so-called friends, some of whom are guys.
c) She wears tops without sleeves, skirts shorter than to the knee, use much lipstick, etc.
or… ?

As you probably have found out, I personally think the sexual anomy appearing in Europe is terrible. Girls should not wear skirts, bikinis, (even when on the beach!) etc. and certainly they should not be friends with guys and have sex before marriage. I know this point of view is rather radical, but please comment on the descriptive aspects of this post before commenting on this paragraph.

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Reply 1
^o) - what a weird does anyone know...girls are weird and i see them as being aliens...who knows what they get up too :rolleyes:
Reply 2
You'll have a hard time finding a girl in England who is caucasian and never wears skirts or bikinis, is never friends with boys and has not had sex before marriage. However, that doesn't mean that we're all sluts with no values! :rolleyes:
WOAH..did i really just read that?
Those are huge generalisations you've gathered there, mate. :eek:
Reply 4
what the.......??!! u must be one of the only guys who think girls shouldn't wear mini skirts or bikinis! how sexist!
yea! if us guys can wear bikinis and skirts, why shouldnt girls be able to???!!
Why "/London"? Is it not in the UK? I thought it was only 110 miles away? Maybe the government is lying again...
Reply 7
Christian87, you obviously have a huge problem with this, and I think if you are coming to live in London you should address these issues first and learn to live with the diversity you'll find here.

Most young women in the UK have no problem with wearing short skirts and small tops if the weather is hot, and why shouldn't they? If your hormones can't cope with it, look away, but women shouldn't have to die of heat exhaustion just because you think it's morally wrong. There's also the issue that they should be free to wear whatever they like.

The majority of young people in the UK also have no problem with having sex before marriage - in fact, I think I speak for most of us when I say we believe it's a positive step forward. However, I think you may have got the wrong impression of such people - many will have one-night stands, but just as many think it's wrong or it's just not the way they want to conduct their sex life. Again, it's up to them.

From your username, I'm going to assume that you're a devout Christian. I suggest you look for a Christian girlfriend, as this country still has large groups of people who will wait until after marriage to have sex.

I must warn you that, if you come to the UK and start preaching your moral values to everyone you meet, you will find it very difficult to make friends. Young people in the UK are not the amoral beasts you make us out to be. We live in a country where we are free to make our own decisions and most of us prefer to 'try out' a few relationships before settling down into marriage. We're not doing this to cause harm or offend you, so you'd do well to let us get on with it.
Reply 8
yea! if us guys can wear bikinis and skirts, why shouldnt girls be able to???!!

LMAO!! Yeah!! I'll second that.
In fact reading your opening thread I think your a bit strange. Its 2005! People obviously should be careful when it comes to sex. So long as you take the necessary precautions then why not?

Not wearing bikinis or skirts?!
Honestly, I'd rather not have people like you cluttering up the UK thanks so if you wouldn't mind, stay in Denmark.
Young people in the UK are not the amoral beasts you make us out to be.

God that made me laugh!
What does 'catching up' with a girl mean?
What does 'catching up' with a girl mean?

One night stand from what I understood from the post... i'm not down with all this jive hip lingo youngsters use these days though :rolleyes:
Reply 13
You're a penis, do us all a favour and stay in copenhagen.

I think what trousers said about diversity highlighted the issue here; I doubt Copenhagen is more culturally diverse than London. Nothing is black and white here and making generalisations about English girls wearing bikinis is only going to lead to trouble. It's not that simple.
Reply 15
Girls should not wear skirts, bikinis, (even when on the beach!) etc. and certainly they should not be friends with guys and have sex before marriage. I know this point of view is rather radical, but please comment on the descriptive aspects of this post before commenting on this paragraph.

I can understand the whole 'no sex before marriage thing'. I don't agree with it, but its a fair enough view point.

The rest is pretty archaic though. I'm curious as to what your problem with mini-skirts, bikinis and male friends is? What exactly are girls supposed to wear on the beach if not a bikini? And if you answer 'a swimming costume', why is that any different?

My best friends are guys, and I can't see why that's so wrong. If anything its made me less likely to sleep with just anyone, because now I know how their minds work and what they're after!

With the mini skirts, I'm wearing one right now. I'll wear whatever the hell I want, thank you, and I think most girls will agree that being told how to dress by some guy and his morals is just laughable.

Regarding the rest of your post, all the girls I know are certainly not 'easy to catch up with' despite their bikinis and mini skirts :rolleyes:
Reply 16
a) I am a protestant myself, but my username has nothing to with that. (My name is Christian and I am born in the year of 1887)

b) I didn’t mean that London wasn’t part of the UK, but just that this is where I could imagine myself settling down in a few years.

c) I really don’t know what it is like in the UK with regards to relationships, but I might change my mind after having read this post accordingly, 1 out of 2 is not what I would characterise as a beast.

d) I wouldn’t consider myself a sexist. I never wear shorts, etc. Usually I wear trousers and a shirt with long sleeves (always, when it is warm in the weather and I am at the beach in Barcelona!). Couldn’t girls just do something equivalent?

e) I would appreciate it, if anyone would answer the question posed in the beginning of my original post.
You're a penis, do us all a favour and stay in copenhagen.

Reply 18

e) I would appreciate it, if anyone would answer the question posed in the beginning of my original post.

I think you need to clarify exactly what you mean by 'easy to catch up with'. We don't use that phrase in Britain.
Reply 19
d) I wouldn’t consider myself a sexist. I never wear shorts, etc. Usually I wear trousers and a shirt with long sleeves (always, when it is warm in the weather and I am at the beach in Barcelona!). Couldn’t girls just do something equivalent?

Why should we? Most boys I know do actually wear shorts and t-shirts sometimes, I just can't see why girls should stop wearing mini skirts and bikinis because you wear long sleeved shirts and trousers? :confused: