The Student Room Group

What are the girls in the UK like?

I am interested in getting an impression of, in which ways the British people differ from the Danish especially with regards to ‘common ethics’ and ‘common political views’.

In a previous post, I posted some of my most radical point of views, which I did so my thread could get some attention. Unfortunately, it got too much negative attention and the thread culminated with many insulting comments. I know that I should not have been so provocative, when all I was interested in was a healthy debate (not a laugh riot).

So know I will try to start a new debate, where I intend not to ‘piss people off’. On the other hand I expect not to be met with the same ‘we all hate you and you are not welcome in Britain’-attitude.

I know this is a sensitive area, but I hope people will give some honest and serious answers, since we are on an internet forum, where one is somewhat able to post anonymously.

Well, here it goes. In the following I will present some of the things that I would like to know about and later on I might dare to express my own views on them, and hopefully you will come with some somewhat constructive comments. Unless, this thread becomes as active and unserious as the previous one, I will try to contribute with further comments on the feed-back I receive.

1) Are one night stands normal in Britain/London? I know this is a tough question to answer, but perhaps you could just give an indication of to which extent it is normal within the social networks that you are a part of. Again, I know it is very individual, but is it uncommon to have slept with 10-15 persons at an age of 21 in Britain.

2) In my country, most girls have male friends; salute their guy friends with an embrace; dance with other guys, though they have a boyfriend. In addition, many of them wear mini-skirts and small tops and when they are on the beach they go ‘European style’ (as an American acquaintance expressed it), i.e. don’t wear the bikini top. I would appreciate it, if someone would compare the situation in the UK with the information given here. Actually, it is my impression that the Brits are a little more formal than the Danes, and that girls tend to dress okay smart/casual (not dirty jeans and a small top for example) this conception is of course somewhat biased, since I got this impression when attending an open day at Merton College (Oxford).

3) Is it a rare occurrence that people with different ethnicities find together? E.g. do those of Pakistani heritage usually only date other with the same cultural heritage, or is it common to see couples consisting of e.g. a white guy and an Asian girl? I’m interested, because in my country it is really seldom you see an Arab girl (the vast majority of the immigrants here are from the Middle East) date a Caucasian guy.

4) Do the girls in England usually drink just something near the amount of beer/alcohol as their male counterparts? In Denmark, girls tend to drink less than guys, but at parties 40% of the girls are usually what I would characterise as ‘pissed’ and of course this doesn’t limit their physical way of expressing themselves (i.e. they dance around (sometimes grinding), hug (sometimes random) guys, make out with other girls, etc.). Is it the same in Britain?

5) Carlsberg is a Danish beer. What do you think of it? And: What do you think of this weeks soccer match between Denmark and England (the result: 4-1, should you have forgotten) :smile:

I don’t hope I have forgotten anything. Well, welcome to a new version of the ‘what are the girls in the UK like’-thread!

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Reply 1
I am sorry, I wrote this post rather quickly, so there are a few mistakes here and there.
Well, from my experience.

They are a load of slappers and ho's.

At least, thats how I see it.
Jeez well where to start?

1) Are one night stands normal in Britain/London? I know this is a tough question to answer, but perhaps you could just give an indication of to which extent it is normal within the social networks that you are a part of. Again, I know it is very individual, but is it uncommon to have slept with 10-15 persons at an age of 21 in Britain.

It depends on the person, i reckon if you're at university then maybe one night stands are more common. However if you're not one night stands are fairly infrequent. But different people and different social settings mean different circumstances, I don't have one night stands because I go out in large groups of friends who stay together and go home together, therefore no opportunity, also although I don't view sex as sacred I do like respect which i feel is probably missing if you have one night stands.

2) In my country, most girls have male friends; salute their guy friends with an embrace; dance with other guys, though they have a boyfriend. In addition, many of them wear mini-skirts and small tops and when they are on the beach they go ‘European style’ (as an American acquaintance expressed it), i.e. don’t wear the bikini top. I would appreciate it, if someone would compare the situation in the UK with the information given here. Actually, it is my impression that the Brits are a little more formal than the Danes, and that girls tend to dress okay smart/casual (not dirty jeans and a small top for example) this conception is of course somewhat biased, since I got this impression when attending an open day at Merton College (Oxford).

I hug all my guy friends, kiss them on the cheek etc. Most of my friends are the same. We all go out at weekends and dance with guys, with each other, regardless of our relationship status. Dancing although it may be sexual (bumping and grinding etc) is not a big deal. I wear short skirts every time i go out but not all my friends do, this depends on confidence/body image/personal taste. But no i don't take off my top on the sees the crown jewels without paying admission...

3) Is it a rare occurrence that people with different ethnicities find together? E.g. do those of Pakistani heritage usually only date other with the same cultural heritage, or is it common to see couples consisting of e.g. a white guy and an Asian girl? I’m interested, because in my country it is really seldom you see an Arab girl (the vast majority of the immigrants here are from the Middle East) date a Caucasian guy.

In big cities its probably more likely, i've dated guys from different ethnicities but once again i can't categorise all UK girls together!

4) Do the girls in England usually drink just something near the amount of beer/alcohol as their male counterparts? In Denmark, girls tend to drink less than guys, but at parties 40% of the girls are usually what I would characterise as ‘pissed’ and of course this doesn’t limit their physical way of expressing themselves (i.e. they dance around (sometimes grinding), hug (sometimes random) guys, make out with other girls, etc.). Is it the same in Britain?

Of course some girls behave this way

5) Carlsberg is a Danish beer. What do you think of it? And: What do you think of the soccer match between Denmark and England this week (the result: 4-1, should you have forgotten) :smile:

I drink Stella...and the english football team is not worth watching atm! WHO WOULD TAKE OFF ROBINSON AT HT?? FOOOOOOOOOL!!
Reply 4
One night stands aren't the norm in any country. Of course some people get up to it but don't focus on the small minority who do that kind of stuff regularly when the majority of people avoid that kind of stuff and to whom that might have happened once or twice during Uni and who, on the whole, look for a proper boyfriend/girlfriend.

As for "embracing", I lived a long time in France and kissed all my female friends on the cheek as in "la bise" yet French girls are far from easy compared to other European countries and actually tend to have morals.
Reply 5
1) Are one night stands normal in Britain/London? I know this is a tough question to answer, but perhaps you could just give an indication of to which extent it is normal within the social networks that you are a part of. Again, I know it is very individual, but is it uncommon to have slept with 10-15 persons at an age of 21 in Britain.
For the majority, I think it's quite normal at some point in their lives they will have a one-night stand.

2) In my country, most girls have male friends; salute their guy friends with an embrace; dance with other guys, though they have a boyfriend. In addition, many of them wear mini-skirts and small tops and when they are on the beach they go ‘European style’ (as an American acquaintance expressed it), i.e. don’t wear the bikini top. I would appreciate it, if someone would compare the situation in the UK with the information given here. Actually, it is my impression that the Brits are a little more formal than the Danes, and that girls tend to dress okay smart/casual (not dirty jeans and a small top for example) this conception is of course somewhat biased, since I got this impression when attending an open day at Merton College (Oxford).
I hug and kiss my guy mates. And I'm not very formal.

3) Is it a rare occurrence that people with different ethnicities find together? E.g. do those of Pakistani heritage usually only date other with the same cultural heritage, or is it common to see couples consisting of e.g. a white guy and an Asian girl? I’m interested, because in my country it is really seldom you see an Arab girl (the vast majority of the immigrants here are from the Middle East) date a Caucasian guy.
I've never dated a guy from a different ethnicity, but it's not a problem for me, if I liked, say, a pakistani guy then the fact that he was pakistani wouldn't stop me going out with him.

4) Do the girls in England usually drink just something near the amount of beer/alcohol as their male counterparts? In Denmark, girls tend to drink less than guys, but at parties 40% of the girls are usually what I would characterise as ‘pissed’ and of course this doesn’t limit their physical way of expressing themselves (i.e. they dance around (sometimes grinding), hug (sometimes random) guys, make out with other girls, etc.). Is it the same in Britain?
Yes :smile:

5) Carlsberg is a Danish beer. What do you think of it? And: What do you think of this weeks soccer match between Denmark and England (the result: 4-1, should you have forgotten) :smile:
I like Carlsberg.
And regarding the football, grrrr.
Reply 6

3) Is it a rare occurrence that people with different ethnicities find together? E.g. do those of Pakistani heritage usually only date other with the same cultural heritage, or is it common to see couples consisting of e.g. a white guy and an Asian girl? I’m interested, because in my country it is really seldom you see an Arab girl (the vast majority of the immigrants here are from the Middle East) date a Caucasian guy.

really? white guy and asian girl or white girl asian guy is fairly common in sweden i thought it was the same in the other nordic countries.

btw sorry for the hijacking i know you were talking about british girls.
Reply 7
On a whole, not very pleasant. :frown:

Reply 8
1) Are one night stands normal in Britain/London? I know this is a tough question to answer, but perhaps you could just give an indication of to which extent it is normal within the social networks that you are a part of. Again, I know it is very individual, but is it uncommon to have slept with 10-15 persons at an age of 21 in Britain.

Id say that one night stands are fairly common, because from what i see on the average night out, england is full of dirty slutty girls and dirty sex-driven men.

2) In my country, most girls have male friends; salute their guy friends with an embrace; dance with other guys, though they have a boyfriend. In addition, many of them wear mini-skirts and small tops and when they are on the beach they go ‘European style’ (as an American acquaintance expressed it), i.e. don’t wear the bikini top. I would appreciate it, if someone would compare the situation in the UK with the information given here. Actually, it is my impression that the Brits are a little more formal than the Danes, and that girls tend to dress okay smart/casual (not dirty jeans and a small top for example) this conception is of course somewhat biased, since I got this impression when attending an open day at Merton College (Oxford).

You will see lots of skimpy outfits in england, even when you are not on for a night out. The girls i see out are almost always in small tops and skirts- obviously males love to see this kind of thing, although im a male and i think its a bit too much. English girls do "go european" but not on english beaches...its too cold :wink:

3) Is it a rare occurrence that people with different ethnicities find together? E.g. do those of Pakistani heritage usually only date other with the same cultural heritage, or is it common to see couples consisting of e.g. a white guy and an Asian girl? I’m interested, because in my country it is really seldom you see an Arab girl (the vast majority of the immigrants here are from the Middle East) date a Caucasian guy.

People say that they would do it, but it really isnt often that you see this happening. There are LOTS of immigrants in the UK, but from experience they tend to stick together. (no racism or anything of the sort intended at all in the slightest)

4) Do the girls in England usually drink just something near the amount of beer/alcohol as their male counterparts? In Denmark, girls tend to drink less than guys, but at parties 40% of the girls are usually what I would characterise as ‘pissed’ and of course this doesn’t limit their physical way of expressing themselves (i.e. they dance around (sometimes grinding), hug (sometimes random) guys, make out with other girls, etc.). Is it the same in Britain?

To be honest id say the girls in england are on par with men here. Some girls just go out to get as drunk as possible! I read somewhere that women are drinking more now than ever before. Girls dance with boys a lot, friends or strangers.

5) Carlsberg is a Danish beer. What do you think of it? And: What do you think of this weeks soccer match between Denmark and England (the result: 4-1, should you have forgotten)

I dont like carlsberg to be honest. I dont like the danish team either...but to be fair, i dont like the england team either
Reply 9
So when you greet a girl in the UK, how is it done? I am really confused now. In France we usually go with the "bise" (as SamTheMan said), whether we know each other or not.

From what I understand, guys usually just say hi to one another, in France we shake hands to say hi. Is this right?

I am asking, so that people don't feel assaulted when I greet them. lol
So when you greet a girl in the UK, how is it done? I am really confused now. In France we usually go with the "bise" (as SamTheMan said), whether we know each other or not.

From what I understand, guys usually just say hi to one another, in France we shake hands to say hi. Is this right?

I am asking, so that people don't feel assaulted when I greet them. lol

Salut flick!

For two countries that are so close geographically, social interaction is totally different. I remember struggling with the whole bise thing. A lot of French people will claim it's simple and natural but it's actually not: I've given them scenarios as examples and then they realise how complex it is. Say you meet a new person who happens to be female, you will probably "faire la bise" but what if she's a bit older. Sometimes it's not that obvious. In my family, we kiss eachother on the cheek even with my male cousins and uncles, which I sometimes find strange but that's the French way of doing things.

In France, the "handshake" is a way of getting recognition when you enter a situation. In the UK you have to rely on speech to get that recognition.

Don't kiss girls on the cheek (well really la bise isn't really a kiss anyway is it?) unless maybe it's a drunken evening and you can use the excuse that you're French :wink: and get away with it. But most of the time, girls will be a bit offended if you do that so avoid it!

As for handshakes, guys don't do that although I sometimes find myself doing that just out of habit and then realise what I've just done.

You only shake hands in anglo-saxon countries the first time you meet, whether the person is male or female.

A nice American custom is the "hug" that you do to say goodbye. It's a nice way of getting close to a girl :wink: and beats a bise!
1) Are one night stands normal in Britain/London? I know this is a tough question to answer, but perhaps you could just give an indication of to which extent it is normal within the social networks that you are a part of. Again, I know it is very individual, but is it uncommon to have slept with 10-15 persons at an age of 21 in Britain.

Id say that one night stands are fairly common, because from what i see on the average night out, england is full of dirty slutty girls and dirty sex-driven men.

2) In my country, most girls have male friends; salute their guy friends with an embrace; dance with other guys, though they have a boyfriend. In addition, many of them wear mini-skirts and small tops and when they are on the beach they go ‘European style’ (as an American acquaintance expressed it), i.e. don’t wear the bikini top. I would appreciate it, if someone would compare the situation in the UK with the information given here. Actually, it is my impression that the Brits are a little more formal than the Danes, and that girls tend to dress okay smart/casual (not dirty jeans and a small top for example) this conception is of course somewhat biased, since I got this impression when attending an open day at Merton College (Oxford).

You will see lots of skimpy outfits in england, even when you are not on for a night out. The girls i see out are almost always in small tops and skirts- obviously males love to see this kind of thing, although im a male and i think its a bit too much. English girls do "go european" but not on english beaches...its too cold :wink:

3) Is it a rare occurrence that people with different ethnicities find together? E.g. do those of Pakistani heritage usually only date other with the same cultural heritage, or is it common to see couples consisting of e.g. a white guy and an Asian girl? I’m interested, because in my country it is really seldom you see an Arab girl (the vast majority of the immigrants here are from the Middle East) date a Caucasian guy.

People say that they would do it, but it really isnt often that you see this happening. There are LOTS of immigrants in the UK, but from experience they tend to stick together. (no racism or anything of the sort intended at all in the slightest)

4) Do the girls in England usually drink just something near the amount of beer/alcohol as their male counterparts? In Denmark, girls tend to drink less than guys, but at parties 40% of the girls are usually what I would characterise as ‘pissed’ and of course this doesn’t limit their physical way of expressing themselves (i.e. they dance around (sometimes grinding), hug (sometimes random) guys, make out with other girls, etc.). Is it the same in Britain?

To be honest id say the girls in england are on par with men here. Some girls just go out to get as drunk as possible! I read somewhere that women are drinking more now than ever before. Girls dance with boys a lot, friends or strangers.

5) Carlsberg is a Danish beer. What do you think of it? And: What do you think of this weeks soccer match between Denmark and England (the result: 4-1, should you have forgotten)

I dont like carlsberg to be honest. I dont like the danish team either...but to be fair, i dont like the england team either

krisshaw I think you're exaggerating. Yes there are a lot of dirty sluts and dirty man-whores in the UK but on the whole, people will not have had 10-15 partners by the time they're 21. I doubt the average is even more than 3 or 4. There's a small minority of people with no morals in the UK and they're very noticeable but on the whole,they're not representative of the average young British person.

As for interracial couples, I don't know where you live but here in London, I've never seen so many of them. I would even claim it's one of the places with the most interracial couples in the world and I've travelled a bit. They're absolutely everywhere in this city! but yes on the whole, people of non-white ethnic origin will go out with people of the same origin.
Reply 12
I grew up near the French border, so maybe not all parts of Germany are like this, but generally I'm used to kissing people like in France too :laugh: . I hope no one complains :wink:
Reply 13
Salut flick!

For two countries that are so close geographically, social interaction is totally different. I remember struggling with the whole bise thing. A lot of French people will claim it's simple and natural but it's actually not: I've given them scenarios as examples and then they realise how complex it is. Say you meet a new person who happens to be female, you will probably "faire la bise" but what if she's a bit older. Sometimes it's not that obvious. In my family, we kiss eachother on the cheek even with my male cousins and uncles, which I sometimes find strange but that's the French way of doing things.

In France, the "handshake" is a way of getting recognition when you enter a situation. In the UK you have to rely on speech to get that recognition.

Don't kiss girls on the cheek (well really la bise isn't really a kiss anyway is it?) unless maybe it's a drunken evening and you can use the excuse that you're French :wink: and get away with it. But most of the time, girls will be a bit offended if you do that so avoid it!

As for handshakes, guys don't do that although I sometimes find myself doing that just out of habit and then realise what I've just done.

You only shake hands in anglo-saxon countries the first time you meet, whether the person is male or female.

A nice American custom is the "hug" that you do to say goodbye. It's a nice way of getting close to a girl :wink: and beats a bise!

Yeah when I come to think about it, "la bise" doesn't occur in every situation actually (I usually let her come forwards rather than making the first move if we don't know each other).

Yes about the handsake that's how I thought it was done, although I am sure that like you I will have to loose the habit.

Ok I get the picture, at least I won't scare people off by just saying hi.
Still how do you say hi to girls (sounds like a stupid question, but given that this is not France)?

Merci bien :smile:
Reply 14
There were answers to most of these issues in your previous thread. Yes, there were insults too, but the responses you received earlier today should have given you a good idea of what British culture is like.
I read your previous post and this post and I think it is positive that you want to learn more about Britain’s culture before you consider moving there, having moved quit a lot myself I think people underestimate how important this is. Having said that……. What truly bothers me about your posts are not your questions themselves but really the supercilious and condescending manner in which they treat women. What about men who have one night stands? What about men who have sex before marriage and kiss and hug their female friends while parading the beach naked? Is this only morally condemnable when women commit these acts? Being a Christian I respect any individual who saves themselves for marriage, but your post puts heavy emphasis on women’s virginity, what about men’s, what about yours. If you demand that your wife be a virgin you better step up to the plate yourself! I respect your right to lead your life as you see fit, and you should respect others and their decisions and stop stereotyping and setting different standards for woman than for men. In my eyes you are not a true Christian if you cannot respect others and not question the way they live and set a different set of rules for women than for men. What should concern you is really not all these questions but what kind of Christian community that Britain has to offer and how you can be apart of it. I really don’t see how British women’s sexual habits concern you or are of any relevance to you. You are probably thinking of marrying a Christian virgin that you will most likely meet through a Christian network of friends and family so what the rest of the world is doing in their bedroom should be non of you business! Don’t impose your values on others because we certainly don’t impose ours on you!
Yeah when I come to think about it, "la bise" doesn't occur in every situation actually (I usually let her come forwards rather than making the first move if we don't know each other).

Yes about the handsake that's how I thought it was done, although I am sure that like you I will have to loose the habit.

Ok I get the picture, at least I won't scare people off by just saying hi.
Still how do you say hi to girls (sounds like a stupid question, but given that this is not France)?

Merci bien :smile:

Ce n'est pas compliqué:

You just say hi to girls too. But if you're rather close to a girl, I don't think she would be offended if you gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
Reply 17

A nice American custom is the "hug" that you do to say goodbye. It's a nice way of getting close to a girl :wink: and beats a bise!

I wouldn't have expected it to be so different in the UK - a hug is pretty much standard greeting among friends and especially when saying goodbye to someone. Obviously Canada isn't the US and you don't hug complete strangers, but I guess it's so common, being less personal than a bise and more personal than a handshake/just speaking.
girls are girls....wherever they may be. What diff wud it make. prob the culture wud vary but thats abt it.
Reply 19
Just say hello and smile :smile: easiest way! With closer lady friends, I give them a hug!

As for carlsberg, I do love Carlsberg Export (which is what you're referring to I think?) and I love that! Most pubs I've been to don't offer it which is a shame, and Im left with my number one beer - Corona, but then they may not have that either :frown: so I'll go with Stella ! wahey! I may sound like a complete drunkard, but I don't actually drink that often, and I never go out with the intention to get "drunk as a skunk" lol