Anon please as my cousins/relatives are on TSR too ...
Basically my Dad's younger brother is a knob. I hate him. He absolutely adores my other cousins for unknown reasons and really despises me and my brother. My Mum has always told me to be cautious of him and never ask for anything from him or borrow money from him. He used to argue with my Mum all the time, as he would ask stupid things like could my Dad lend him the BMW for the weekend when he has his own car or to borrow money for an investment, but he would never pay the money back, but when he invites us out to a restaurant, he'd expect our share of the bill straight away ... He rarely takes any interest in me or my brother's lifes, like when he comes over for a gathering, he will never ask how we are doing at school or how our sport team is doing ... He only just says hi and that's really it. For our birthdays, he gives us £30 (He's an accountant and I know for a fact he makes a 6 figure salary) and to our other cousins he gives £100 in cash for their birthdays or something extravagant like two box tickets to a Liverpool game. And biggest issue is my Dad's parents, they do not have a house in the UK as they travel frequently to visit their sons all over the world. My Dad seems to always pay for their tickets and this 'uncle' of mine never pays or even bothers to offer to pay ... My Dad last month, said to him to book the tickets to see what he would do, and he came back a week later, saying that his internet was not working and his credit card is declined over the phone so my Dad had to pay ...
I've never confronted him before about it but now that I am 20, I want to, as I grow older, to gradually lose touch with him as I genuinely think he is a knob ... What would you guys do and is anyone else in a similar situation?