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I hate my uncle

Anon please as my cousins/relatives are on TSR too ...

Basically my Dad's younger brother is a knob. I hate him. He absolutely adores my other cousins for unknown reasons and really despises me and my brother. My Mum has always told me to be cautious of him and never ask for anything from him or borrow money from him. He used to argue with my Mum all the time, as he would ask stupid things like could my Dad lend him the BMW for the weekend when he has his own car or to borrow money for an investment, but he would never pay the money back, but when he invites us out to a restaurant, he'd expect our share of the bill straight away ... He rarely takes any interest in me or my brother's lifes, like when he comes over for a gathering, he will never ask how we are doing at school or how our sport team is doing ... He only just says hi and that's really it. For our birthdays, he gives us £30 (He's an accountant and I know for a fact he makes a 6 figure salary) and to our other cousins he gives £100 in cash for their birthdays or something extravagant like two box tickets to a Liverpool game. And biggest issue is my Dad's parents, they do not have a house in the UK as they travel frequently to visit their sons all over the world. My Dad seems to always pay for their tickets and this 'uncle' of mine never pays or even bothers to offer to pay ... My Dad last month, said to him to book the tickets to see what he would do, and he came back a week later, saying that his internet was not working and his credit card is declined over the phone so my Dad had to pay ...

I've never confronted him before about it but now that I am 20, I want to, as I grow older, to gradually lose touch with him as I genuinely think he is a knob ... What would you guys do and is anyone else in a similar situation?
I'm guessing you're at Uni? If so, just stop all contact with him.
Reply 2
Maybe its because of the arguments he had with your mum back in the days and feels that for some reason you and your brother should pay the price since you're her kids.
He sounds like a complete arse. By all means confont him, but not at the expense of relationships between others in the family who might not want to do something about it.
But that doesn't explain why he takes it out on my Dad ... that's his older brother!
Anon fail...
I'm currently at uni, yeah ...

anon fail *sighs*
Reply 7
Anon please as my cousins/relatives are on TSR too ...

Basically my Dad's younger brother is a knob. I hate him. He absolutely adores my other cousins for unknown reasons and really despises me and my brother. My Mum has always told me to be cautious of him and never ask for anything from him or borrow money from him. He used to argue with my Mum all the time, as he would ask stupid things like could my Dad lend him the BMW for the weekend when he has his own car or to borrow money for an investment, but he would never pay the money back, but when he invites us out to a restaurant, he'd expect our share of the bill straight away ... He rarely takes any interest in me or my brother's lifes, like when he comes over for a gathering, he will never ask how we are doing at school or how our sport team is doing ... He only just says hi and that's really it. For our birthdays, he gives us £30 (He's an accountant and I know for a fact he makes a 6 figure salary) and to our other cousins he gives £100 in cash for their birthdays or something extravagant like two box tickets to a Liverpool game. And biggest issue is my Dad's parents, they do not have a house in the UK as they travel frequently to visit their sons all over the world. My Dad seems to always pay for their tickets and this 'uncle' of mine never pays or even bothers to offer to pay ... My Dad last month, said to him to book the tickets to see what he would do, and he came back a week later, saying that his internet was not working and his credit card is declined over the phone so my Dad had to pay ...

I've never confronted him before about it but now that I am 20, I want to, as I grow older, to gradually lose touch with him as I genuinely think he is a knob ... What would you guys do and is anyone else in a similar situation?

I have uncles etc. that I don't socialise with anymore- let them be- you don't need mean people in your life.
Anon fail btw.
Reply 9
yeahdude i know exactly what your going thru..
i kinda have a similar..maybe worse situation with my ****** up uncles..
im telling whole family from my dad sides are ****** evil and twisted...
they're all bunch of ****** greedy spineless selfish bastards..and never once helped my dad..
******* pricks..
my advise is cut all contacts with him man..
thats what my family is doing..we totally cut contact with my whole family at my dad need to have bunch of haters in your life man..
we better off without them..
i hope to god people like this will burn in hell
i have an uncle that i hate too. he adores my sister and brothers but literally hates me. everytime he comes over to our house, my mom will tell me to go greet him and ****. but when i go say 'hello' or 'hi', he just answers, 'hi' and turns his head the opposite direction. he's over right now and i absolutley hate him. he's also an ass to my grandma. he made her cry!! he is never thankfull for the food she makes and never says anything like, 'hello, how are you??'. he says things like, 'did you guys make food or what??'. I HATE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!
Read the gospel according to Thomas... it has the answer to this one.
Reply 12
I jat my uncle actually he is my uncle im law so he is not my actual uncle but he is hypocritical and stuck up, he thinks he is better than everyone else but my aunt who used to love doesnt anymore because of him. I moved in with her and he ammidatly started a compittion with me whitch I did not want, She married the wrong man
I hate all my relatives and their toxic I don't necessarily need them and you don't either I know this 11 years too late but family doesn't matter
Original post by Aytham
Dude eliminate him from the face of the earth same situation goes with me I hate My uncle I don't Hate Him for What Hve He done But I hate the way He acts He acts Like kid Running around like baby Forcing me to do Things That I won't The problem Is that My dad Always listens To him When we Going place My opinions doesn't matter What I want Doesn't matter I hate It burns me My inside is On fire He and My dad Are Shares in same Bussniess when I was Young I got sick And My dad wasn't there For Me so He had to call The uncle to Pick me To hospital He had enough money To pay the bill but he make it deposit to my dad And he My dad break up cuz Of Me I wanna eliminate him For Mentally and I'll 1 day

This thread’s almost 13 years old.
Original post by Aytham
Dude eliminate him from the face of the earth same situation goes with me I hate My uncle I don't Hate Him for What Hve He done But I hate the way He acts He acts Like kid Running around like baby Forcing me to do Things That I won't The problem Is that My dad Always listens To him When we Going place My opinions doesn't matter What I want Doesn't matter I hate It burns me My inside is On fire He and My dad Are Shares in same Bussniess when I was Young I got sick And My dad wasn't there For Me so He had to call The uncle to Pick me To hospital He had enough money To pay the bill but he make it deposit to my dad And he My dad break up cuz Of Me I wanna eliminate him For Mentally and I'll 1 day

“Eliminate him” noo I’m dead 😂🤣

@Serene Dreams