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No Point Going To Uni

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Reply 40
I agree that you are more employable if you have a science degree than an arts degree. That is kind of common knowledge as a student.

However I think that extra-curriculum stuff is well important these days. You can't just get a 1:1 and get a job. You would be better off with a 2:1 and a more rounded character.

IMHO of course.

Reply 41
A Degree is a passport to a better life

isnt it always?

Not always. A degree is can be seen neccessary, but not a sufficient condition for a 'better life.'

Also a degree doesn't always lead to a better life. Its just a stepping stone towards one.

Above all you need will, determination and passion - this kind of attitude can get you places.
Reply 42
Not always. A degree is a neccessary, but not a sufficient condition for a 'better life.'

Above all you need will, determination and passion - this kind of attitude can get you places.

Erm well I have spent the last few days developing websites to try and get a sandwhich job so I guess I have determination and passion. I just let little things hinder my determination though.
Reply 43
Not always. A degree is can be seen neccessary, but not a sufficient condition for a 'better life.'

Also a degree doesn't always lead to a better life. Its just a stepping stone towards one.

Above all you need will, determination and passion - this kind of attitude can get you places. missed out perseverence :wink:
You are absolutely right I have a 2.1 and I know people with firsts who have been completely unable to get grad jobs. most of the people I know have done either teacher training or masters in the hope that it will improve their prospects. These days where the grad jobs are concerned unless you are from a top 20 uni with a high degree and extra curricular activities and work exp you dont stand much chance of getting a well paid job. There are too may grads and not enough jobs

Also working for a year unpaid is a nice idea in theory in practise how could you afford it? Most top firms are in London accommodation is incredibly expensive. you could not afford to live even if you worked in a bar or something part time.

the lost art of punctuation
Reply 45
the lost art of punctuation

Ahem, where are yours? Capital letter, and full stop are missing. :tongue:
Ahem, where are yours? Capital letter, and full stop are missing. :tongue:

That was kind of the point. :tongue:
Reply 47
That was kind of the point. :tongue:

oH oK, DiDn\t rEaLLey No wat u meant
Reply 48
i think he was takin' da micky do ya know what a mean?
Reply 49
i think he was takin' da micky do ya know what a mean?

Oh, hello Mr 'I-Use-Legitimate-Operating-Systems', :biggrin: , where have you been?
Reply 50
Hello, To tell you the truth there is no point in going to uni unless you wanna do medicine,law,engineering cos graduates are not getting the jobs as they use to. My friend graduated from LSE with a 2.1 in Law, last year and has been rejected by 25 companies, and same with other people I know, there all on working allowances of 40 pounds a week from gov.
People think that just cos u got a degree u gona get a job but those days are gone. You need practical experience. Employers are keen to employ different people, so If you dont go to uni and start your own business up, they would be more interested, and more valued. Most of the subjects offered now a days can be studied in the library by reading books, eg computing, web site designing, languages.


it sounds like he has very little ambition.
it sounds like he has very little ambition.

onlywee u r back!! :smile:
i think he was takin' da micky do ya know what a mean?

Its not getting a degree that guarantees you getting a job; its using your degree that gets you a job; demonstrating the skills you have as a result of your degree gets you a job.
Hello, To tell you the truth there is no point in going to uni unless you wanna do medicine,law,engineering cos graduates are not getting the jobs as they use to. My friend graduated from LSE with a 2.1 in Law, last year and has been rejected by 25 companies, and same with other people I know, there all on working allowances of 40 pounds a week from gov.
People think that just cos u got a degree u gona get a job but those days are gone. You need practical experience. Employers are keen to employ different people, so If you dont go to uni and start your own business up, they would be more interested, and more valued. Most of the subjects offered now a days can be studied in the library by reading books, eg computing, web site designing, languages.


I agree with what you are saying, there is absolutely no point in most university degrees. I dropped out of my degree because I realised how USELESS it was and how I was wasting my time. I left and got a real job. Now, I have better qualifications than most of my friends - work experience, a LOT of money and a stable job that I really enjoy - not some piece of paper with a score on it.
I agree with what you are saying, there is absolutely no point in most university degrees. I dropped out of my degree because I realised how USELESS it was and how I was wasting my time. I left and got a real job. Now, I have better qualifications than most of my friends - work experience, a LOT of money and a stable job that I really enjoy - not some piece of paper with a score on it.

Obviously going to University is not for everyone, but that's no reason to just dismiss ot off hand. Everyone is so keen to have absolutes but there are in reality hardly any. For some, university is great, for others is not. Some things you need a degree for, and the knowledge and, in some cases more importantly, the skills you gain can be invaluable, depending on what career you want.

It's great you have a job you enjoy, but others enjoy university and enjoy what they can do with a degree after. Used properly a degree is vertainly not "some piece of paper with a score on it". Don't be so quick to put things down.