i didn't do medicine through time, did crime and punishment but the way they were taught and the things we were meant to get out of it were the same.
most of history (imo) is technique, if u get your technique down pat then whatever comes up u'll be fairly prepared for.. so practice the questions and try and get a rough framework of an answer that u can use for each question. it doesn't really change much...
intro... point..evidence... develop... point.. evidence.. develop. then the trademark "however" conclusion etc etc
after technique though, u need to make sure u have the knowledge necessary to use it. and be a bit more tactical about it.. having a list of key dates/developments is worth learning.. ones that were so key that regardless of what way the questions leaning, u can use them despite the context.
putting together a list like this and learning it well worked for me (at gcse and alevel)
as soon as i got into the exam i wrote it all down.. so as i was answering the question i could look at this cribsheet almost of dates and pick and choose what i think would be best whilst at the same time seeing what else i could write about.
hope thats helped somewhat / given u some ideas.