The Student Room Group

Forgetting dad's birthday? (Ouch)

OK, this is a relationship issue I guess....

In a few words:
"Stress over exam results, busy at work, general feeling crap ness and unable to concentrate" has been my state over the last month and a half.

Its only just sunk in that I forgot dad's birthday (which was exactly a month ago) :eek:, well I sent him a text on it, but I forgot card and stuff (parents are divorced, only see him once a month or so).

What should I do? Let it slide (ouch), or buy card + pressie and give it to him next time with an apology? (seeing him later this week)?
Buy him the gift and card - what's the worst that could happen??

Big fat apology and a hug [maybe an explaination?] can't hurt, and if you don't do it, you'll never forgive yourself even if he does... :smile:
Reply 2
lol. I'd hate it if someone forgot my birthday. My tip, get an extra nice present and a card, say your mind has been elsewhere and that it was a genuine mistake, then go out and get drunk.

That should work.
OMG - LOL :biggrin:

Get him a great present and a card (not a belated one! that'll rub it in) and just explain about your exams and stress and stuff! :biggrin: lol forgot! hehe
Reply 4
Yeah, I agree. If you don't buy the gift and card in the hope that he's forgotten then there's really no point in this thread is there? No worries... I think parents expect their children to forget anyway. He probably won't expect the card and gift now though.... extra special.
Reply 5
OMG - LOL :biggrin:

Get him a great present and a card (not a belated one! that'll rub it in) and just explain about your exams and stress and stuff! :biggrin: lol forgot! hehe

I agree. I know that with my dad it would be repairable. My mum, on the other hand - I don't even want to speculate the arguments that would ensue.