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Sleeping, Breathing and Revision Prob.

Right every day I tend to go to sleep around 12 - 1am and for some reason I automatically wake up at 8-9:30 even when im shattered.

Couple of days back I was going to sleep at 2-3am and still I wud wake up between 8 -9am.

I have also realised within the last week that while I am sitting against my wall for more then 20mins I would get breathing problems and allot of coughing.

This would make me feel depressed and down and would effect my whole structure of revising.
I also have a gran who is staying with me who is quite ill and this has also effected my moods.

I have a resit exam in 2weeks and ive already started off to revise but when this happens I just feel so messed up, So I pack it in and just sit trying to get my breath back & then my whole mood is messed up.

I dont know what to do so ive called the doc up, they all booked so I have to call back at 2pm.
What am I suppose to do? If I fail my resit I wont be able to continue to the 2nd year.
I just cant hak it.
can't you explain to your college, or get the doctor to write you a note describing your problems, they're bound to be lenient, if you work hard and are a good student, and they know this you shouldn't have any trouble :smile:
Reply 2
I hate to use excuses for studies but everything is just messed up. Its like im telling my g/f this morning about it and shes blaming my takeaways and then as a joke she was like 'I aint gonna marry some 1 so lazy etc'. I havnt told her the reason why I have hardly been going out as I feel depressed.
I tried starting football 2 weeks ago and the first time I played was ok but second time I couldnt play - breathing problems, headache and coughing.

I personally think its to do with the weather and how low the clouds are.
Reply 3
Went Doctors yesterday they gave me Penacilin and a Pump. Ive been trying to revise today. Done around 5-6 hours and at time I was just confusing myself with stuff that is so easy.
I told the doctor about my revision and how my health is making me depressed but the doctor didnt really say anything apart from we will assess u in 2 weeks, and my exam is next week.

What do I do, as im really finding it hard to revise and I dont know if ill be 100% at the exam. Should I contact the uni now or shall I see what happens and hope for the best?
Reply 4
To be honest, all this stress about your exam is what will be making you feel down, or play a major role in it anyways. You cant do 5-6 hours of revision at a time, break it up into what you can deal with. doing revision straight like that will not help you, and if youre getting this cough, just break it into something like

1 hour revise,
1/2 hour break (go for a walk outside or something)
40 minute revise
1/2 hour break
1 hour revise

and so on, (Dont revise all day though! just a few hours! otherwise it wont all stick!) or just try making up your own revision time table. Do NOT stress about this exam. Its worse thing you can do, just take it easy! not too easy though :P

why would the doctor give you a pump btw?

oh yeah, reading back a couple of posts, waking up at 8-9, thats just a body clock thing, its the same with me, when i finished college, i couldnt lie in, id go to bed really late, but still wake up at 8/9. Best thing to do, for now is just get to bed earlier than 12! get into bed for 11 and get a decent nights sleep, dont worry if you wake up at 8-9 cause youll be better rested and more able to deal with revision and exams. even if its hard going bed earlier, force yourself to for a few nights and get into a habit of preparing for bed at a certain time etc. Youll stop worrying about it soon enough and you can have your lie in :smile:
Reply 5
Its not the exam stress. I have broken the revision already into 2 hours then 1 hour break then I tried for 1 hour and still didnt click. Ive tried all sorts of routines but it just makes me depressed when im ill.
I use to have this problem couple of years back where I wouldnt be able to sleep cause of the breathing problem at nights and I would get very moody. I dont really think there is any stress regarding the exam hence I left it only 3 weeks before the exam to revise as its a very easy paper.
Its just this problem with healh thats causing me to be moody with every one and not allowing me to concentrate propperly.