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Reply 1

old :rolleyes:
what do u call a chav in a box with a lock on it? safe
Not funny.
old :rolleyes:
what do u call a chav in a box with a lock on it? safe

lol! Ooh i feel so alive!
Reply 4
Not funny, I wear trackies, but I am not a CHAV. I dont want to be labelled as anything except Shaun, plus this is hardly intelligent conversation so it should be in chat. Can I just ask OppressedMass, are you one of those people totally against chavs?
Reply 5
I personally think the jokes are award winning but seeing as the rest of the posts (2) do not agree can I ask:

>who invented this joke?
>where do jokes, that become so well known, get invented?

sorry, I couldn't be bothered to create a new thread!

danke :biggrin:
LOL i love chav joke :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Reply 7
I was going to make a comment about a small car...

And yes, I am completely agaisnt chavs. I used to be friends with a lot of them and actually wondered why I felt intellectually starved. In general they are idiotic, prejudiced (whilst denounicing anti-chavs as prejudiced) and devoid of any culture (save for the wasteground that is 'urban culture'). I have since realised that they should be wiped from the earth. And no, wearing tracksuit bottoms does not qualify you, chavness is far less superficial.
Reply 9
What do you call 50 Chavs at the bottom of the Ocean?
A good start.

What do you call a Chav in a suit?
The accused.

Why don't you hit a Chav on a bike?
It's probably your bike.

What do you say to a Chav with job?

Shaun O'Keefe
Not funny, I wear trackies, but I am not a CHAV. I dont want to be labelled as anything except Shaun, plus this is hardly intelligent conversation so it should be in chat. Can I just ask OppressedMass, are you one of those people totally against chavs?

Tad defensive today are we?
This is nova joke.
Reply 12
Shaun O'Keefe
Not funny, I wear trackies, but I am not a CHAV. I dont want to be labelled as anything except Shaun, plus this is hardly intelligent conversation so it should be in chat. Can I just ask OppressedMass, are you one of those people totally against chavs?

If you're not a chav, then surely you shouldn't take it so personally?
Reply 13
The Ministry of Chavillians is designed to destroy the very Britishness that is already deteriorating here on this land. The British are internationally renowned for having a firm grip on things and being rather smooth and sophisticated, The Chaviliian population aim to spread the message that us British are not as decent as we are perceived, but rather, quite unintelligent, disgustingly dressed, awkwardly abusive and pathetically repulsive.

I myself support The Chavillian movement, by donating to their services, for example, I eat at McDonalds and I occasionally by cheap cigarettes.
What do you call a chav in a filing cabinet?

What do you call a chav in an igloo?
Reply 15
What do you call a chav on the moon?
- a problem.

What do you call 100 chavs on the moon?
- a big problem.

What do you call all the chavs on the moon?
- a problem solved.

lol, old joke ported over from whatever minority group you previously heard it targeted at (almost certianly not as funny either)...but it's totally justified in this case!
What do you call a chav on the moon?
- a problem.

What do you call 100 chavs on the moon?
- a big problem.

What do you call all the chavs on the moon?
- a problem solved.

lol, old joke ported over from whatever minority group you previously heard it targeted at (almost certianly not as funny either)...but it's totally justified in this case!

:rofl: :congrats:

dem moonz gunna av dat bling soon
Reply 17
What do you call a chav on the moon?
- a problem.

What do you call 100 chavs on the moon?
- a big problem.

What do you call all the chavs on the moon?
- a problem solved.

lol, old joke ported over from whatever minority group you previously heard it targeted at (almost certianly not as funny either)...but it's totally justified in this case!

Haha :p:
the chavs are so selfish... if we melt down their jewellery or "bling" we can solve the problem of third world debt.. .saying that if its crappy stuff from argos, we can just drown them in the liquid aquired from said melting :biggrin:
Lirael Abhorsen
the chavs are so selfish... if we melt down their jewellery or "bling" we can solve the problem of third world debt.. .saying that if its crappy stuff from argos, we can just drown them in the liquid aquired from said melting :biggrin:

What we need to do is melt it all down so we've got like a tanker full of it and then "gold"-plate the chav using the "argos bling" and put up the statue in the town centre. Then some chavs can ironically vandalise it.