Just a general thought into if there is any men out there who don't watch pornography and if not why do you choose not to? I'm getting tired of people saying that if your boyfriend tells you he is not watching porn he is lying and only saying it to make you happy, does this mean they are just saying that to cover up their own use of porn and make it look as though all men do it so they can do it or is their genuine guys out there who don't?
So you know exactly how all men like to spend their time? I feel sad that you've clearly never had an honest relationship. My boyfriend does not watch porn. He laughs at the fact that he used to as nothing could seem so unattractive to him now.
Yehh, and I am sure he finds all other women apart from you repulsive.
Most guys would tell girls that they don't watch porn in order to make themselves seem less seedy, or to make girls think that they don't think about sex 24/7.
I used to watch porn quite a bit but tbh I havent really watched any for like a year now ... just ive basically been living with my girlfriend so tbh ive not had much of a need. And when i have had the need im with her so i can hardly grab a laptop and tell her to shut up for half hour lol
No but he doesn't find them attractive. He's just not that guy. He doesn't view girls as being 'the opposite sex' as it were.
My boyfriend is kind of like that too. Of course everyone will tell us that we're just stupid and naive
I have been with my guy for three and a half years and we have an extremely high level of trust. He has no reason to lie to me - he knows I find other guys attractive, for example. We've had lengthy conversations on the topic and he even says that when he was single he wasn't the sort to just check girls out when they were walking down the street. Friends have accused him of being gay because he wouldn't really notice hot girls! He'd only really notice if someone were attractive if he got to know them a bit. He is always telling me how desirable and beautiful he finds me (he is certainly not gay, although I am expecting that accusation to be made), and that he thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. I've never pushed for compliments like these in any way. Before we were going out, we went on a bar crawl with friends and a girl next to us at the bar dropped a load of money. She was wearing skimpy clothing and obviously trying to get his attention in the way she asked for his help and acted ... but he just picked up the money, gave it back to her and turned back to me.
I know this will be incomprehensible to many, who will then resort to attacking me or my boyfriend for my saying all this, but meh. I'm very happy with him.
My god you're seriously deluded if you actually believe that.
Why is it so impossible to believe that a guy can look at a girl regardless of how 'pretty' she is without finding her attractive? I do the same with guys-I can see when someone is good looking but it doesn't make me attracted to them because my boyfriend is gorgeous and I love him and he feels the same about me. Maybe we're both deluded-but hey, that's just the way it is. we are attracted only to each other and we are very happy.
My boyfriend is kind of like that too. Of course everyone will tell us that we're just stupid and naive
I have been with my guy for three and a half years and we have an extremely high level of trust. He has no reason to lie to me - he knows I find other guys attractive, for example. We've had lengthy conversations on the topic and he even says that when he was single he wasn't the sort to just check girls out when they were walking down the street. Friends have accused him of being gay because he wouldn't really notice hot girls! He'd only really notice if someone were attractive if he got to know them a bit. He is always telling me how desirable and beautiful he finds me (he is certainly not gay, although I am expecting that accusation to be made), and that he thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. I've never pushed for compliments like these in any way. Before we were going out, we went on a bar crawl with friends and a girl next to us at the bar dropped a load of money. She was wearing skimpy clothing and obviously trying to get his attention in the way she asked for his help and acted ... but he just picked up the money, gave it back to her and turned back to me.
I know this will be incomprehensible to many, who will then resort to attacking me or my boyfriend for my saying all this, but meh. I'm very happy with him.
This is all completely the same for me. Also it really pisses me off how everyone is attacking me. I didn't say anything controversial or offensive, I simply said that my boyfriend does not watch porn and would not enjoy it. Why is this so hard to believe?
To quote my boyfriend: "Well I think they're disgusting and should be ashamed of themselves, like how I feel when I look back to when I used to watch porn. Idiots" Though he did not say idiots, I think the word he did use is classed as swearing on here.
My bf does not watch porn at all. If I put it on as a joke he just grimaces and turns it off. He said that he doesn't get turned on by it, which is fair enough really.
Though he was an innocent lad before I corrupted him
It isn't a bad thing - nor does it indicated that your other half is sexually unsatisfied or doesn't find you attractive. Just leave the man be.
Only when there is an addiction does it become a problem. I'm not embarrased to say I have about 10 GB of porn, and my other half knows and probably has likewise.
Its all fictional and not always like real life. Some of it is downright cheesy and hysterical, but its always nice to look at the pretty boys
As a friend says: "Once you've seen one of them, you've seen them all. And you almost always know exactly how it is going to end"
Most guys watch porn. Im not gonna BS you and say i dont because i do. Its like if you catch me watching it because ive ran out of credit or im hellllllllaaaaaa bored. Havent watched it for about 3 months now
I'm guessing the only ones that don't either can't access it for whatever reason or possibly some people may be mentally scarred after 2 girls 1 cup, which deters them from ever risking a porno ever again.
hmm very true.. after i watched Glass Ass it just scarred my eyes.