Right. My thread got eaten up by the board and I really can't be bothered to type it up again so here's a much conciser version that may or may not make sense.
Me and a friend applied to Oxford, both got offers, she missed hers, I made mine. Today, she's realised that she never really wanted to go to Oxford, that its a crap course, in a horrid town, full of unsoicable twits and geeks who are never going to have any fun and her course at her secondary choice (which ironically was her insurace, not her firm) is much better and outclasses Oxford in all aspects. Now she's obviously a little bitter over it, but to spout out all of that in front of other friends really ticked me off, as I've worked hard to get in and she's just rubbished the next 3 years of my life for her own peace of mind. I didn't say anything, but to say the least I wasn't happy.
Anyone else experienced anything similar, like "I never really wanted to go there anyway, the course is much better elsewhere, it'll be boring and work, work, work!" attitude, or have you given it out and how's it made you feel

Edit: I'm not really having a go at her because its clear she's hurting, its just the attitude pisses me off.