There has been a lot of debate about whether universities would accept those on the first year of another degree. I personally thought most wouldn't. Out of curiosity, I emailed the universities with the following email to see who in fact does accept it:
“Dear Admission Tutor,
In regards to admissions, what would be the position of your university for an applicant that applies to your medical school whilst studying for the first year of a non-medical undergraduate degree at another university? For example someone studying the first year of a biomedical degree, which would require them to leave this course to join yours. Would their application be accepted or affected in anyway compared to someone who is in their final year of sixth form or on a gap year?”
Any universities not listed below either never replied or sent a generic response that in fact did not answer the question at all, lol. I sent this originally in Febuary, and I am still getting responses... Some uni's are very slow at answering. It turns out quite a few universities are willing to consider those on a degree, and I put it up here for future reference of those considering this route. Yes, I know this is random, but curiosity got the better of me. THose in red said no, those in green said yes.
Keele – “We regret that we do not consider applications from students on degree courses in other subjects who wish to transfer without first completing their degree.”
Edinburgh – “We would not normally encourage an application from anyone who was currently on-course and was not due to complete their qualification in the year of application.”
Leeds - “At Leeds we do discourage applicants from starting out on another degree course if they intend to apply for medicine. The reasons for this is that it is not fair to other applicants who may have been rejected for that course and it also isn’t fair to the course the student is on as they are losing students elsewhere.
We do advise that applicants who have commenced another degree course should complete that course and then apply as a graduate applicant for medicine.”
Bristol – “Applicants who embark on a degree course are
expected to complete their degree and then apply as a graduate.”
UEA – “We do not accept applications from candidates who are in the first year of a degree elsewhere.”
Manchester - “We only consider undergraduates applying a the start of their final year with a minimum 2.1 degree prediction”
Nottingham – “We do not accept applications from students who are already on a course and we would require that an applicant has withdrawn from any previous degree course... An applicant would need to have a strong personal statement that is backed up with relevant proof to show their motivation for a career in medicine that was not there when they applied for a different degree.”
Aberdeen – “Our usual advice in these circumstances is to complete the current degree to at least 2:1 Honours level and then apply for graduate entry to Medicine.”
Cambridge – “Please note that the Cambridge Colleges will not normally, as a matter of principle, consider applications from students attending other UK universities applying to study the same or a very similar subject at Cambridge.
If you wish to make such an application, it will have to be strongly supported by your tutor at your current university... If you wish to apply to Cambridge to study a different subject from the one you are currently studying at university, we would assume that had had a change of heart and no longer wish to study the subject you are currently pursuing. In this case your application would be considered, but would still need strong support from your current university tutor.”
Barts – “The School of Medicine and Dentistry does not accept applicants who have not completed their degree courses... You must work to finish your degree course and apply via UCAS for either the five year or graduate entry programme.”
Imperial – “We would consider someone who is already registered on another degree elsewhere; you would need to explain the choice to change the degree in your personal statement so that the shortlisters can determine your commitment to Medicine.”
Pennisula – “The fact that you will be leaving a degree course would not be detrimental to any application that you send to us. As you are still in the first year of your degree, your application would be judged on your A level results and UKCAT score... Alternatively, if you have signed on to the second year of your degree you would need to apply as a non-direct school leaver and would be required to sit GAMSAT”
Newcastle – “Just because they have left one programme would not necessarily disadvantage them during the selection process, however, they would be expected to outline why they felt they didn't want to complete their course.”
Leicester – “We would consider an application from a student in the first year of another course.”
St Andrews – “We consider applicants who have studied for one year in another university course (but not two years), however they are assessed on the basis of their school performance - they would be competing with other school leavers.”
Oxford – “Admissions tutors at Oxford are concerned only with selecting the most academically able students with the most potential to excel in their studies here. As a result, your being a student at another institution will not directly affect your application in any way; however, you will b expected to demonstrate a consistently excellent academic record, and thus they may ask to see transcripts from your university studies.”
Soton – “Provided you meet the academic entry requirements, it will be fine for you to apply.”
Cardiff – “This would not affect the status of your application.”
Sheffield – “There is nothing stopping a candidate applying here whilst doing a degree. However, we would not encourage anyone to drop out of a degree. ”
Glasgow – “Applications from applicants, who have commenced a degree programme other than medicine, can apply through UCAS and have their application considered, providing they meet entry requirements. We would not take the first year of the degree programme into consideration as this does not meet our entry requirements