The Student Room Group

Hepatitis B Injection

Hi people :ciao: I've just started a new job working with people with learning disabilities, and the managers recommend I have a Hep B jab. I was wondering if anyone had, had it? From what I hear, from the people at work I need to go 3 times, then have a blood test or something to check my immunity, then if it's not high enough I'll need another 2 injections, then another blood test....and so on until I'm immune. Sounds like a load of injections to me :bawling: So I was just wondering if it's worth it, because I'm not working in the kitchen or any place where I'm more at risk of cutting myself or something, but especially after some of the horror stories I've heard today :eek: Also I'm unsure whether I'll get it free.

So yeah, any help would be muchios appreciated, Thanks in advance! :flutter:
Reply 1
i think i had some when i went to turkey. I cant remember im sure it was hep something jab
* gemchicken
Hi people :ciao: I've just started a new job working with people with learning disabilities, and the managers recommend I have a Hep B jab. I was wondering if anyone had, had it? From what I hear, from the people at work I need to go 3 times, then have a blood test or something to check my immunity, then if it's not high enough I'll need another 2 injections, then another blood test....and so on until I'm immune. Sounds like a load of injections to me :bawling: So I was just wondering if it's worth it, because I'm not working in the kitchen or any place where I'm more at risk of cutting myself or something, but especially after some of the horror stories I've heard today :eek: Also I'm unsure whether I'll get it free.

So yeah, any help would be muchios appreciated, Thanks in advance! :flutter:

HepB has nothign to do with kitchens. HepB is a sexually and blood bourne virus. I see no reason why someone working as basically a carer would need a hepb jabv, especially as its doubtful many of the people you'd be working with would be infected.
i'd go for the jab anyway - it helps protect you somewhat both in sexual contacts, and also means that you'll be immune if you ever want to get work as a nurse, hospital assitant etc.
Reply 3
i had it when i went to the dominican republic. it was the only injection i've ever had that made me feel sick, but it was only for a few minutes. you can then go back 6 months later (?) for a booster, which prolongues the immunity. i didnt, but i should have since i'm going to the dominican republic again at christmas. ah well.
Reply 4
ive just got into dentistry. you now need the hep B jabs if you want to do med or dentistry.

its basically a viral incetion that can seriously damage the liver. its only recommened for family members and sexual partners of people with hep b, newborn babies whose mothers are infected, drug users, homosexual men and healthcare workers.

yh and its a course of three injection. you have your first one, then a month later your second, and after 6 months your third.

just ask you doctor about it aswell, he/she will fill you in on what its about.
Reply 5
I got the hep B shots (2 to be precise) for the dorm-life...

It's okay, all that happens is you turn purple for 3 days and you get weird spots on your skin and then it looks like you are a big, purple spotty cow.

After that your become bloated but the swelling recedes in one week. So just one week of tremendous, birthing-like pains to a lifetime of 98% immunity.
Reply 6
HepB has nothign to do with kitchens. HepB is a sexually and blood bourne virus. I see no reason why someone working as basically a carer would need a hepb jabv, especially as its doubtful many of the people you'd be working with would be infected.
i'd go for the jab anyway - it helps protect you somewhat both in sexual contacts, and also means that you'll be immune if you ever want to get work as a nurse, hospital assitant etc.

Sorry no I just meant I'd understand needing it if I worked in a kitchen as there would be more chance in cutting myself and bleeding...but yeah I can see how it might be useful anyway :smile: thanks for explaining. How long does it last?
Reply 7
I got the hep B shots (2 to be precise) for the dorm-life...

It's okay, all that happens is you turn purple for 3 days and you get weird spots on your skin and then it looks like you are a big, purple spotty cow.

After that your become bloated but the swelling recedes in one week. So just one week of tremendous, birthing-like pains to a lifetime of 98% immunity.

Reply 8
* gemchicken


Nothing happens.

It's two separate shots and it's for life I believe.
Reply 9
People react differently depending on their body (or if they're a wuss).

When I had mine (I started cleaning at a hospital) it was a little sore for the hour or so afterwards but after that there was nothing wrong with it. On the other hand my niece felt very sick after hers and couldn't work that day. We had 4 shots and a blood test.
Reply 10
* gemchicken
Sorry no I just meant I'd understand needing it if I worked in a kitchen as there would be more chance in cutting myself and bleeding...but yeah I can see how it might be useful anyway :smile: thanks for explaining. How long does it last?

Immunity once the vaccine has taken is lifelong.

Standard vaccination procedure (at least in my area) is one injection initially, followed by another a month later, and another 5 months after that, after which the blood test is taken. Most people by this point have sufficient immunity, but some require more doses of vaccine.
* gemchicken
Hi people :ciao: I've just started a new job working with people with learning disabilities, and the managers recommend I have a Hep B jab. I was wondering if anyone had, had it? From what I hear, from the people at work I need to go 3 times, then have a blood test or something to check my immunity, then if it's not high enough I'll need another 2 injections, then another blood test....and so on until I'm immune. Sounds like a load of injections to me :bawling: So I was just wondering if it's worth it, because I'm not working in the kitchen or any place where I'm more at risk of cutting myself or something, but especially after some of the horror stories I've heard today :eek: Also I'm unsure whether I'll get it free.

So yeah, any help would be muchios appreciated, Thanks in advance! :flutter:

I had a hepatithis B test when I was 12. I was in France at the time and Europe was going through a hep B scare. They realised that it could be transmitted through saliva and as it's not a very nice disease and you can die from it, they started giving all high school kids injections. I can't remember there being so many injections. I do know one thing though: it was believed that you needed an injection every 5 years, then they changed it to 10 and now it might even be 15 but don't quote me on that.

Edit: Helenia just confirmed there's no need for additional injections once you're immune. My GP might have told me that but I forgot.
Reply 12
Immunity once the vaccine has taken is lifelong.

Cool, thanks for that, so it's probably worth getting then :smile:
Reply 13
* gemchicken
Cool, thanks for that, so it's probably worth getting then :smile:

Yes, and if you can get it for occupational purposes quite often you don't have to pay, which you would have to if you needed it later on for a holiday :wink: