The Student Room Group

ARGOS - anyone work there?

I am going to apply to Argos and Extra for a part time job, seen as though theyre recruiting soon, and I was wondering if anyone knows that positions they have for working in store?

On their website it says customer adviser and thats it, what baout those who work in th back of the warehouse and those that work in the front, surely they're different jobs :confused:

To those who work there, please let me know what position you work for, thanks :smile:

Love BlueAngel xxx
Reply 1

I did work in Argos on a temporary job over Christmas and my job title was also 'customer adviser'

with us... it worked on a rota, and i found out what I was going to be doing etc when I got there on the daily schedule

for instance one time I might have been upstairs in the warehouse running back and forth to the machine and collecting the ticket and having to climb up ladders and allsorts to find the things!

I might have been on tills (you have to be till trained though obviously)

Or I was also on collection point too............... so all in all was varied and I liked the people I worked with!

The worst bit was the recruitment night where about 30 of us went and we had to first introduce ourselves to the group and say if we had any embarassing moments in our life lol (a bit strange) - we then had to do different activites, including being split into two teams and putting a tent up in the shop! I guess to see whether could work as a team... lol
Also had an informal interview one at a time too at one point during the night :eek:

But it was ok and most did get the job..... apart from one woman who started crying because she hadn't fed her baby or something and it was 7pm.... very weird!! :rolleyes:
Recruitment night sounds awful!! :eek: but it reminds me of those welcoming events you do when you go to a new school etc....
I hope I get the job there though, I'm getting too desperate.
Thanks for the info :smile:

If you dont mind, could you please show me your cover letter, Ive written it, but I'm stuck now,lol. If you want, I'll pm you mine and please could you check to see if its ok.
Reply 3
yeah, pm it and I'll have a look...
Reply 4
Yeh I have been working there for the past year, I started as a x-mas temp last xmas, i'm a team leader now, one of the people that does the hiring. Don't worry too much about it, unless you are a complete idiot you'll get the job. Unless they've changed it, this is what they had me doing, there was a big group of about 25 and they split us up into groups of about 4, then we had to get to know the person next to us, how old they are etc etc then they go round the room one by one and you stand up and tell everyone else about the person you've been chatting too sat next to you. Then after that they get you to do team exercises by table. We had to design a new uniform, although I think each table did something different. Then they go round table by table and you talk about your task as a team to the rest of the group. After that they gave us some basic number tasks, putting highest to lowest number in order I think it was. Pretty basic. Then they sent us off to the staff room before starting the 1-2-1 interviews. They asked pretty basic quesions, like, what can you bring to Argos, what can you do to help us do better than our competitors and then situational questions, what do/would you did if.....then I think that was it and they phoned me up although I can't remeber exactly what happened. I'll find out at work tommorrow what exactly they will be doing for the recruitment this year.

Kind of things you'll be doing, going on tills, customer services, being a collection and picking the stock. You'll recieve training for each over a period of days, this is how our store does it anyway. Tills are pretty easy, its even easier now with chip and pin, all you need to make sure you do it read any bullitins that come up on this screen, and read back what comes up on the screen when the customer gives you the cat number for the items they are ordering, its piss really and you are given several training videos on different aspects or how to use the tills to credit card fraud. Then you'll probabl observe someone who is on tills before having a go yourself, they'll be someone to hell you incase you need it.

Picking is fairly simple, ticket comes out of the machine, on the ticket you have the location of the item in the warehouse, you also have the cat number of the item and descrition also. For example if the location is 67AC then that would be isle 67 bay A and then the second letter is the shelf number so C is the second shelf down, because the top of the shelf is always A and the bottom shelf is always Z, if that makes sense, Its a new system thats only just come in and its called RACO (replenishment and core operations) its basic stuff, again which will be gone through with you when they traing you up. Then there is the order number on the bottom of the ticket so you can put it with the other items of that order number on the collection point, the collection point to which the item goes is also on the ticket and a piece of tape the same colour as the collection point will be on the ticket to make it even easier. Obviously there is a hell of a lot more things to do in the stockroom but as a temp I doubt you'll do it, that stuff is mostly left to people like me, stuff you could get into other than icking inthe stock room, is moving items on the files when items are returned and when damaged items are relaced or refunded, these are very simple though and you'll be training before your asked to do it, although the teamleaders will robably get a perminant member of staff to do it. One tip for the stock room, use the ladders, climbing on the racking is one of the ways you can be instantly be dismissed although in 90% of cases you wouldn't. Although you should be told all this in your training.

On collection all you need to do is make sure you call the numbers when the items are on the collection points and clear them striaght after, this will all become clear in your training. Its a nightmare at xmas, just keep calm though and if there are any problems don't hesitate to get a teamleader or manager.

Lots of people don't like Customer Services, I quite like it. All you need to do is follow company procedure, if someone gets funny or your not sure about something again get a teamleader or manager, its not your job to be shouted at :smile: its ours :smile: Again just keep calm, some people try to do funny things and try and pull fastones.

Your training will make all of this clear, as a customer advisor these are your roles, if you are fully trained of course, you won't be doing something if you arn't trained it in, the likelyhood is you won't be training on customer services straight away.

hope this helps and like I said I'll find out at work tommorrow what exactly they will be doing for the recruitment this year.
Reply 5
What lack of ambition :shot:
Reply 6
Its called "Gap Year Job", well for me anyway, I earn good money and i'm nicely set up for uni. If that was a dig at me then I will say that yeh Argos isn't the best place to work but You can only work with what's put in front you, I worked hard, got promoted earned good money and have a nice wad saved, so what the problem. Argos is also a good place to work part-time, they are very flexible with staff, money is decent, and there is plenty of variety in the job rather than doing the same day in day out.
Reply 7
Oh there is another aspect of the job I forgeot, working on Elizabeth Duke the jewellry dept which they could also train you up for.
Reply 8
Its called "Gap Year Job", well for me anyway, I earn good money and i'm nicely set up for uni. If that was a dig at me then I will say that yeh Argos isn't the best place to work but You can only work with what's put in front you, I worked hard, got promoted earned good money and have a nice wad saved, so what the problem. Argos is also a good place to work part-time, they are very flexible with staff, money is decent, and there is plenty of variety in the job rather than doing the same day in day out.

It's admirable that you're trying to help, but the fact that at your place of employment, you can go from (presumably) A Level qualified, part time to a team leader within 6 months shows the quality of the employees who work there full time. Indeed, the proposal that a student on a gap year could become a manager in almost any skilled profession is ludicrous, and only serves to highlight the lack of experience and skills that are necessary to perform that job.

I do not wish to be misunderstood, in that I should discourage this potential applicant for a part time job from doing so, and understand that such a brainless and intellectually mind-numbing job is perfect for part time, or for a student, where the objective is to make money in the short term rather than develop a career in a field of interest or qualification.

Nevertheless, the enthusiasm with which you speak of your position and promotion perhaps led to my confusion, in that it was a full-time and permanent job. I apologise.
Reply 9
"It's admirable that you're trying to help, but the fact that at your place of employment, you can go from (presumably) A Level qualified, part time to a team leader within 6 months shows the quality of the employees who work there full time. Indeed, the proposal that a student on a gap year could become a manager in almost any skilled profession is ludicrous, and only serves to highlight the lack of experience and skills that are necessary to perform that job"

Or is shows the quality of the employee, you speak of something which you realy have no idea about. The only thing mind numbing here or otherwise is your level of ignorance.
Reply 10
Yeh I would never want to do it as a career and am only doing it for the money till I go to uni but still you have no basis on which to base your assumptions on.
Reply 11
Or is shows the quality of the employee

Little bit pretentious - I'll let it pass.
The only thing mind numbing here or otherwise is your level of ignorance.

Certainly not! If you opposed what I said, and had evidence to support your opposition that I had intentionally ignored, that would be plain ignorance.

I would never want to do it as a career

hardly expresses your newly-found feelings of angst at my seemingly accurate conclusions.

you have no basis on which to base your assumptions on.

Am I right? Oh yes. How wonderful. So my assumptions were based on reasonable deduction, from your statement and user details. Quite a sound "basis on which to base [my] assumptions" (the final "on" is unnecessary).
Reply 12
Wow you really are a cock arn't you.
Reply 13
What lack of ambition :shot:

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have parents who are willing to support them financially at university. That's where holiday jobs come in. I imagine you were one of the fortunate ones.
Reply 14
Yes, unless you thermoregulatio do not live in the real world, or are one of those with your head stuck up your own arse - then you would realise that it is perfectly normal to have a part time job, and to enjoy it to an extent too. And it provides a perfectly good side income to university. Promotions are normal in these type of stores with A Level students or the such. As you say the jobs may be mind-numbing to an extent (although Argos wasn't that bad comparitively speaking), the skills required are not going to necessarily come from a person with a management degree, and plus he/she was promoted to team leader, not a manager.

So I think you should step outside your castle and take a breath of air from the real world.... and maybe experience normalities.... unless of course you have no bridge to cross your moat.
Reply 15
okay, well i'v got an interview on friday and am excted and nervous, beacuse its my first job interview!! Everyone else has said they just had a recruitment night, did anyone just have an interview??!! Whats the pay like, if you did have an interview what sort of questions did they ask??