The Student Room Group

Pulled Muscle

I've just been out playing football for a few hours, and toward the last 10 mins i pulled a muscle whilst about to take a shot. It's happened in the past (usually when i'm walking or riding), but this time i could not move at all, and there was a big lump on the back of my foot. An hour later and i still cant walk properly, but the lump seems to have gone. When it happened though, it felt as if something was out of place.. Do you think i should go get it checked out? I mean i've pulled it in the past, but i just shook it off, or simply sat out for a while.
ok umm thanks for your opinion, well i only torn a muscle, nothing serious, so yea, i gotta rest it for a week now :bawling:
Reply 2
If you can get to the doctor, then I'd say go! I pulled a muscle at the beginning of Reading Festival last year, and that was horrible.

So :hugs:
If you think there's something going on maybe go to the out of hours doctor/walk in centre?
If not then just rest it as normal maybe?

I think that's right anyways ...
Reply 4
i've pulled muscles quite a few times before (amongst other injuries) while skating...
wait for about a week and if it doesn't get better i'd go and see the doc...