The Student Room Group


Right, I have a BIIIIIIIIG problem with agression. A lot of things recently have started making me angry, the smallest thing will piss me off and just make me want to smash something, or his someone. The smallest thing could be waking up with a headache, my mum asking me a question, or even when the TV wont work, all these things make me want to scream.

It is beginning to piss me off now because I dont want to be angry all the time and I have even started telling my mates and family to shut the **** up when I am not in the mood, this anger thing can be stopped cant it? I havent been sleeping and that has been making me angry, my PC has spyware and viruses and **** like that on it and that is making me angry waiting for it to come on and then it runs quick/slow quick/slow and that just makes me mad.

I have been excercising, and doing the weights trying to keep the weight off, and so far it appears to be working, until something makes me angry. All my mates have been asking me why I am so angry and I just tell them that I am not and I dont even notice I am doing it, but now it is putting me under a big amount of pressure, and it is stressing me out and depressing me to an extent where I cant even sleep.. sometimes I just need to chill, but does anyone else feel the same from time to time and what advice can you give?

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Reply 1
If you think its more than just your standard mood swings and it can't be cured with an MP3 player, maybe you should post in H&R as well.
Don't sit on me, fatty.
Reply 3
Try some breathing exercises and possibly see your doctor for a referrel to couselling to see if you can find a root for your anger.
Reply 4
First and foremost u gotta not get depressed over the fact ur angry cuz thats just gonna make the problem worse.Yea I get like this hellava lot of times rangin from pressure in skl to relationship trouble,but wot u need to do is

a.)Have some me time.U have to learn to block out situations u have no control over from affecting ur life, and no matter how much u see it is as something u can change or influence say some trouble w/ mate's love life..u need to not let it affect u to such a point u lose sleep over it.
Me time means blocking out everyone and everything else...sitting down and relaxing...u really dunt have to meditate u just have to sit and breathe and do sumthng u love so u can actually forget wots goin on in ur world.

b.)if some one asks u wots up...tell them..sometimes talkin abt being angry helps cuz u can get valuable input and even if u just say "nah i got outta bed from the wring side 2day" ud be left alone.Talk to frnds or ur own time in ur own way.

c.)do something abt sort out the things that are bothering i said something u can get rid of the spyware on ur comp >_<

d.)write,i dunno if ur much of a writter but its easier wen u put down all ur pent up emotions down..wotever..a book or a helps u keep things in perspective

and lastly wen things get to me...I actually go down to the gym,have a go at my punch bag...have a hot shower and lie in bed.Get urself pumped up..and then calm helps me >_o
Ur starting ur GCSEs soon the last thing u need is to be an angsty sleep deprived teen...use wots left of summer and find someway of channeling all the negative energy.
Reply 5
lift some weights, that will shut you up.
Reply 6
Audrey Tautou
Don't sit on me, fatty.

That is the second time you have made a comment about my weight, if it was a joke the first time round then fair enough, but if you havent got anything nice or even worthwhile to say, then it might be an idea to keep it zipped.
Reply 7
Get yourself a woman. Reformat the PC. Make yourself a drink.
You see I might suggest having a wee drink (alcoholic) but then that can make you more angry and you are only 15 so don't be doing that. Look, if you are big and that's pissing you off just keep at the workouts etc and it'll soon fly off. Any problems at home? (at this point I think this should be in H and R). I know it's completely naff but the counting to ten think must work, just do that when you get an urge, it's only you can stop the rages.
Reply 9
The only problems at home are the constant arguements that me and my mum have which end up with us both saying something we regret later on. Having a bevvy is easy but that would turn me into a teenage alcoholic, which is even worse. I see you mentioned my weight but I have been losing weight and looking more muscular, so this improves my self esteem and makes me feel better about myself, my mum says it isnt a problem so she wont take me the doctors, so maybe the only thing left is for me to go on my own?
Reply 10
ok, firstly for your PC, download Microsoft AntiSpyware, and Spybot Search and Destroy ....type the names in Google to find the links. These will help clear up any nasties on your computer!

secondly, maybe think of getting some counselling to help you with your agrression? It can help to talk things through with another person, and get another perspective on your situation. Plus, they can help you to control your feelings. Perhaps visit your doctor and get a referral, and at the same time, ask your doc's advice on what to do about your weight as well :smile:

Post again in the Health and Relationships Forum too, as you may be able to get more specific advice in there :smile:
Here's my take on things:

Firstly, At 15, you have a right to be a moody bastard, but from what your saying its probably more than just that...

Dont bother with a doctor unless its a real problem... They tend to want to put you on meds, and that just makes things worse a lot of the time.

A lot of anger can be habbit. Sometimes its a lot more satisfying to just relax about stuff. When you get angry it puts a lot of strain on you, so try and learn to let things go. In the end, how your feeling inside is most important.

As for your computer, I really cant stand slow computers either! It all depending on your level of technical skill, theres plenty of things you can do to make things better. Prevention is better than the solution though, when your surfing online, make sure you dont accept ANYTHING your not sure of, and if your in doubt, just close the window. (With the cross, or hold alt and press f4) - Trust me, there are about a million guys online just ITCHING to show off their computer ego and help you with your problem, so ask, the help is there!

Finally, Lose some weight fatty

(lol, just kidding)
Reply 12 helps if you can put your mind to it
Reply 13
What is involved, and how do I do it? I have read that it can relax you but I have never tried it for myself.
Reply 14
I'm aggressive, i've been told on many occasions that i should go to anger management, i did once but to be quite frank it was a joke. It used to bother me until i started boxing, 'save your aggression up for the ring kid' - it worked, i'd explode whilst training and still do. Now, i dont know whther you're just being a teenager (hell, my bro's 21 and he was doing what you describe yday) or you actually have a tendency to be aggressive. It seems so simple and repetitive, but you need to chill. Do nothing. Watch the tv, watch a dvd, go for a walk, go lift weights. By 'nothing' i mean doing something which takes no 'active thinking'. You gotta keep on smilin' bud, i know a kid like you, he gets annoying, his parents wind him up. If he starts the day happy, he'll finish the day happy. Your life is relatively short, and you're just another cog in the machine, would you rather be remembered as the **** who told his friends to **** off or the dude who was happy?
Reply 15
It's probably hormones. I recommend you get some Rammstein music.
Reply 16
Shaun O'Keefe
What is involved, and how do I do it? I have read that it can relax you but I have never tried it for myself.

You sound like you're pmsing all the time--except you aren't female!!
It's alright though--it's some kind of weird mutant phase you're going through...

Why not just drink some hot tea, take a hot bath, and listen to soothing music?

It'll blow over---and if not, your parents can always call the cops.
ok tis isn't really my field, but i think its just you are feeling as of you are confined, i am not sure if you are working or anything liek that or are keeping yourself occupied, but this anger could be brought on by being in teh same surroundings and the same location all the time, its also why you might be putting the weight on, but doing the exercising is good its using that negative energy. some advice would be to try and go out to a place you have never been before or go somethere with some mates, a change of scenery can make no end of difference.

hope this helps
Reply 18
phone a helpline.....
Reply 19
Helplines dont work, when I was in school a few years ago I was getting bullied, so I called Childline for someone to talk to, and they told me that because it was midnight, there was children waiting to get through who had more important issues to talk about, this annoyed me as I thought they helped anyone? I'm not in the same place all the time, but since I broke up from school for the summer holidays, I have lost over a stone, and this has been a real boost to my confidence.