The Student Room Group
Reply 1
apparantly this is what jessica simpson did to get into her daisy dukes!
Guess thats as good a recommendation as any!
i havent tried it though i have read a few articles etc on it. its basically a healthier version of the atkins diet (more carbs, healthy fats etc). personally instead of going on a diet such as the south beach why not just follow a few simple basic guidelines.

+ avoid foods high in sugar (ie. cereal bars, sweets, fizzy drinks)
+ avoid foods high in saturated fat (although all fat isnt bad mono + poly fats are good fats and should be eaten on a regular basis - can be found in oily fish like salmon, nuts, seeds etc)
+ drink plenty of water
+ instead of eating 3 big meals it would be better to break down these meals into 5 smaller meals (you will feel less hungry and you can digest far better)
+ at each of the 5 meals have a good combination of healthy fats, low gi carbs like wholemeal foods or pasta, and protein.
+ eat lots of fruit and veg
+ dont become obsessed with ur diet just follow the few simple rules and exercise regularly.
Reply 3
i know a couple of people who tried this. not sure how it eventually worked out weight-wise, but some of them started having really serious mood swings. one girl ended up getting depressed and the diet was found to be at fault (i have no idea how that happened, someone explained it to me but it was complicated and i've forgotten.) so if you are going to do it, be careful!
Reply 4
I have a book on it but just don't think I could stick to it so I never attempted to!
GI diet is so the best! I found it really easy to stick to and some of the recipes in the book I bought were scrumptious anyway. I have a lot more energy with eating the recommended foods now and Im losing weight regularly! :biggrin:
Reply 5
Are you going to follow this diet for the rest of your life? If not, its ****.