The Student Room Group

Liberal activist ,blames the 'white man' for being raped by a Black man.

Heard it all now.

Particularly found this comment entertaining.

'Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man’s rage at the white world'(or maybe he is just rapist scum that needs a 9mm cure in his head?)

Other gems

'I'm grateful for the experience'
'We are women, not weapons of war'

'I went to Haiti after the earthquake to empower Haitians to self-sufficiency. I went to remind them of the many great contributions that Afro-descendants have made to this world, and of their amazing resilience and strength as a people'.
(She comes off as incredibly arrogant, the kind of person who 's probably a closet case racist "I'm suprised how clean you are"; " your a nice person for a black man" etc)

I as a white man ,had nothing to do with her being, raped, yet another example of the loony left.

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Reply 1
She clearly doesn't think that black people are equal, otherwise she would have never drawn that conclusion.
Reply 2

Heard it all now.

Particularly found this comment entertaining.

'Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man’s rage at the white world'(or maybe he is just rapist scum that needs a 9mm cure in his head?)

Other gems

'I'm grateful for the experience'
'We are women, not weapons of war'

'I went to Haiti after the earthquake to empower Haitians to self-sufficiency. I went to remind them of the many great contributions that Afro-descendants have made to this world, and of their amazing resilience and strength as a people'.
(She comes off as incredibly arrogant, the kind of person who 's probably a closet case racist "I'm suprised how clean you are"; " your a nice person for a black man" etc)

I as a white man ,had nothing to do with her being, raped, yet another example of the loony left.

lol, rage against the white world.:rofl:
IMO You can't call this a white man's world, not anymore.
"White world".

Wonderful generalisation of 750 million people there based on nothing more than skin type.
Reply 5
Hold on, is the auther white and refers to black people as her brothers and sisters?

No wonder she got raped, damn cracker walkin' around calling every one brother they probably thought she was taking the piss, reminding them of what their descendants did, jeez...
'I’m grateful for the experience' - ok the woman needs a serious, and i mean a serious, head check.
Reply 7

I never thought I would say this but she's so annoying I don't have much sympathy for her being raped
Reply 8

I never thought I would say this but she's so annoying I don't have much sympathy for her being raped


Closet racist ftw, she's like that teacher from Everybody Hates Chris :biggrin:
Reply 11
A similarly retarded comment by Norweigan Professor Unni Wikan, on the huge upsurge in rapes in Oslo by non-Western immigrants (a term virtually synonymous with Muslims in Oslo):

"Norwegian women must take responsibility for the fact that Muslim men find their manner of dress provocative. And since these men believe women are responsible for rape, the women must adapt to the multicultural society around them."

And she's female.
She's grateful, because being a feminist, it's probably the only action she's had in a very looooong time
Perhaps this is her way of coping with what has happened to her. He didn't do it because he is evil, he did it go get back at her racially, must make sense in her mind!
Reply 14
A lot of these lefties don't live in the real world. Sadly these delusional souls are being more and more common.
She's probably paper bag material.
Reply 16
get a grip OP this has absilutely NOTHING to do with the "loony left" as you so eloquently put it, and EVERYTHING to do with the person simply being bonkers.
Hold on, is the auther white and refers to black people as her brothers and sisters?

No wonder she got raped, damn cracker walkin' around calling every one brother they probably thought she was taking the piss, reminding them of what their descendants did, jeez...


Wouldn't mind taking out my rage on someone tbh. :sexface:
Wow, she really does come across badly from that piece.
Reply 19
+ polarity -

Wouldn't mind taking out my rage on someone tbh. :sexface:

the guy eatin chicken strips has me laughing :rofl: