The Student Room Group

Daily routing: Sleeping...

How much do you sleep? And when do you go to bed?

Does it matter what time you go to bed as long as you get enough sleep.
Also, what is a healthy amount of sleep. i.e. what is too little sleep and is there such thing as too much sleep?

Since i was in about year 10... 14/15-years old, i started to go to bed later.
I used to get more sleep when i was youger, but up until year12 i rarley went to bed later than 11.30.
In year13 (this year) before major revision started, i usually was in bed by 12 (although probably didnt get to sleep until about 12.30/1am)
I usually woke up at around 8-9 most days (sometimes earlier or slightly later on weekends)

Now ive finished school and waiting to go uni, during the summer holidays my days have kind of switched.
I dont have a job, so i end up goint to bed around 3-4am every day. I usualy wake up at about 12/1pm (very lazy i know)

Its just that i lose track of time and before i know it its 3am.

I was wondering, is this sleeping pattern bad?
If so, what is e.g. a healthy pattern, and how much sleep shoud a person get on average each night?
Ive got the same problem!
Im awake right now and its 4am. And i expect to wake up at 1/2pm!

Don't think its very good for us tho! :frown:
Reply 2
ditto here... i just become nocturnal during long holidays!

problem is i have nothing to do all day, so sleep to avoid boredom, go out in the evening & chill for the rest of the night (peaceful)

during school i'll have to be up in like 3 hours grr!
Reply 3
Same here!
Reply 4
I think it is recommended that you get 8 hours per night. I don't think there are serious health issues involved if you have less than that, however.

I usually manage about 5/6.
It's really important to sleep 8 hours per night! It doesn't matter when, but sleep is when your body rests. Don't just think about how tired you feel if you only sleep 5-6, think about how many more hours your body is working per day, then add it up over a lifetime!
Reply 6
between 6 and 8 hours, sometimes more sometimes less. my sleep routine during this past year has not been good! the times when i go to bed and wake up changes the whole time i don't think that it is good for the body but when i start school again that will change to a more normal routine.
Reply 7
shady lane
It's really important to sleep 8 hours per night! It doesn't matter when, but sleep is when your body rests. Don't just think about how tired you feel if you only sleep 5-6, think about how many more hours your body is working per day, then add it up over a lifetime!

it is recommended that you sleep 8 hours but i think that it differs from person to person. i read about this test where you are supposed to go to bed when you are tired (not cause it is bedtime) and wake up by yourself (no alarm clock, parents or whatever) for a couple of days and then you would see how much sleep that you would need.
I go to bed anywhere between 10 and 12 depending on how tired i am and then normally wake up between 8 and 9. Nearly all nights i get 8 hours sleep, i heard that 9 hours is recommended for younger people and then as you become adults 8 is recommended but i could have just made that up..
i rarely get more than 7 hours but im gonna have to change before school unlike last year. missing that 1 hour for a number of days eventually builds up and its much harder to concentrate and i tend to do things twice as slow.
I usually go to bed between 12 - 1 am, and then usually wake up between 9-10, but I actually start getting tired at around 11pm, so I dunno, I might actually try going to bed then, but yeah, I usually get about 8 hours.

Although, I think one of my mates is a bit of an insomniac, he doesn't go to bed until like 3 or 4 am, and then he wakes up at about 7am!
In term time I go to bed at 12-1 and get up about 4-5. Out of term it's variable.

Reply 12
In term time I go to bed at 12-1 and get up about 4-5. Out of term it's variable.


What the hell are you doing to get up at 4-5am in the morning?!
What the hell are you doing to get up at 4-5am in the morning?!

That's just what time I wake up. Gives me time to do a good 10 hours work, read 4-5 newpapers, maybe see some friends, and end up in the bar for 9:30-10.

During college my sleep was SO varied...I'd get 1 hour one night then 15 the next thn maybe 4 hours and it was just all over the place.

Over the summer it has balance out though.I normally go to bed midnight-ish and wake up 8/9am.
I usually get about 8 hours sleep these days. I'm the sort of person who really needs their sleep. I feel awful right now cos I probably only had 5 hours last night. I used to be much worse a couple of years ago, though. I needed 9/10 hours a night, even in term time.
Reply 16
i'm jetlagged.

Before I went on holiday I was going to bed at 4am and up at 1pm = 9hours sleep. In term time I usually go to bed at 2am and get up at 8am but that seriously drains me and I lie in on weekends.

How can anyone get by on 4 or 5 hours a night???