The Student Room Group

male moisturiser

just searched and there hasn't been a thread about moisturiser for a long time it seems, so i thought i'd make one, mainly for guys...

so, uh, do you use any? i have terrible acne prone skin that gets painfully dry instantly when washed, then gets greasy about an hour later. I use king of shaves 24|8 face cream, which is cheap, works, and doesn't cause instant spots. ooh, it's good. maybe it will stop me getting wrinkles too.
Reply 1
use nivea for men, the sensitive version of the after shave balm, worked for me the whole time and had basically cured any of the rashes that you can get if you let facial hair grow too much
Reply 2
i used nivea M+C lotion now *blushes*

i used to use Johnson & Johnson but just wasnt working out 4 man.
I use a Garnier brand, couldn't be arsed going to bathroom to read full name.
Reply 4
Cocoa Butter is the best probably.
Reply 5
its good to get an alcohol free one because otherwise that can dessicate the skin, so big negative.
my ex used johnson/johnson...made his skin baby soft and oh-so-sexy-smooth
Reply 7
i'll only occasionally use moisturiser because i feel sometimes it itches like a B***ard, the one i use is charles worthington or something, and the nivea for men balm stuff is v.good like someone mentioned.
Reply 8
I ran out ages ago so now I just use aftersun :-\
Reply 9
I use the Nivea balm as well, it is good.
Reply 10
L'oreal aftershave blam, followed by l'oreal anti regreasing matte moisturiser

this site is the ultimate site for men's skincare
Reply 12
I used to use Nivea.. and then i started using Palmolive and that was great and then i use St IVes now hehe :smile:
Reply 13
i rub olive oil into my keeps it soft & manageable
Are you using for your face? If so then use Nivea. If you're using it for other activities I suggest one which will provide prolonged lubrication, like neutrogena, or use a dedicated lubricant.
After all, what else would a guy want moisturiser for? :biggrin:
Biotherm Homme moisturisers rule all.. Okay.. so do the Clinique men ones ..
Nivea for men rules, even I use it. :wink:
Reply 17
I use butcher's lard - and have a complexion as smooth as a rhino's bum.