The Student Room Group

Would this be weird?

I talk to this guy on msn. Have done for about 2 years now. But unlike other guys, we've never flirted. We talk like best mates and usually can talk to each other about anything and everything. One of his girl mates was talking to me and she said she wanted to set us up. I said i was up for it (which i am cos i like him although i've never admitted it) but would it be weird to be set up with someone i've just acted pally with up til now?

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Reply 1
It'll be fine.
Reply 2
Oh man, you can go on and have a try.. but first things first.. before you get infatuated with the person over the net.. try to meet him at all costs before even deciding youll fall in love for him.. I really do think that its better to meet sum1 and talk about our feelings and all that(esp relationships) rather than just chat it with em... thats just my oopinion though
Reply 3
I talk to this guy on msn. Have done for about 2 years now. But unlike other guys, we've never flirted. We talk like best mates and usually can talk to each other about anything and everything. One of his girl mates was talking to me and she said she wanted to set us up. I said i was up for it (which i am cos i like him although i've never admitted it) but would it be weird to be set up with someone i've just acted pally with up til now?

uh those are the relationships that work out.
Reply 4
sure,give it a try
Reply 5
go for it! :wink:
uh those are the relationships that work out.
Exactly what I was gonna say - relationships built on friendships are usually longer lasting and a whole lot better than those built on, well, anything else...

Meet him before you make ANY kind of decision though!! [unless you already have, in which case - sorry!! :redface:]
Reply 7
understanding and trust forms the basis of a relationship!
If you have met him, yeah, give it a go.
If you haven't met him, you should see what he is like in real life first. people are very different in real life than what they appear to be in MSN.
Reply 9
Give it a go but if you meet safe! Either go with someone, or let people know where you are, when you'll be home, how you are travelling there and back etc. and try and have somebody in the vicinity of where you are. I wouldn't necceserily ever advise somebody to meet a person over the net as theres a whole nasty world out there, but if you want to and you think it might go somewhere then just be careful :smile:
Reply 10
Meet him if you want to (in public, with a friend there etc) and see how you get on as friends first. Try not to get wasted on cider and have sex with him the first chance you have.
Reply 11
Meet him if you want to (in public, with a friend there etc) and see how you get on as friends first. Try not to get wasted on cider and have sex with him the first chance you have.

Yeh don't do that :eek:
Reply 12
yeh u should meet him, lol it isn't that weird that u wanna meet him even though u've been talking like your friends. chances are he's wanted to meet you too and the chance to meet sumone from the net in real life has got him thinking anyway.

dont fall for him, until you get to know him more on a face to face basis.

ok i've ranted enough!
Reply 13
Try not to get wasted on cider and have sex with him the first chance you have.

:biggrin: filler
i know what you mean... my boyfriend used to be my best friend. i also fancied him for a LONG time before we actually got together. all i can say is that it is slightly weird at first, actually being able to kiss him on the lips - a lot! but we are very happy. it disappeared within the first few...well, hours. i just had a sense of wonderment that my dreams were actually coming true (literally). i say go for it.
Reply 15
:biggrin: filler

:ditto: :biggrin:
Reply 16
Yeah you should go with it but make sure you tell someone or take someone with you when you meet up :smile: Even if it doesn't work out as a relationship, you could still be mates :smile: Some of the best relationships are built on initial friendship! :love:
The majority of the time the people you meet online are genuine, I have met loads of people off the net though not in the same situation and they turned out fine, but there are some cases where this isn't true. Like everyone else has suggested, if you're going to meet up take someone with you, let people know where you're going etc...

I have many friends who got together after being friends for a long time first. They are normally the best relationships :biggrin:
I talk to this guy on msn. Have done for about 2 years now. But unlike other guys, we've never flirted. We talk like best mates and usually can talk to each other about anything and everything. One of his girl mates was talking to me and she said she wanted to set us up. I said i was up for it (which i am cos i like him although i've never admitted it) but would it be weird to be set up with someone i've just acted pally with up til now?

yeah because shagging some guy who thinks you're an easy lay is a lot less weird :rolleyes: You're even lucky that a guy would still consider being your boyfriend.
Reply 19
yeah, you cant act too easy. got to leeave sometjhing to the imaginstion (ps ia ma pissed... see sig why.) lol!