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hmm dont know if it's all that weird but - knee length kilt in school tartan (it's blue and green with some yellow and brown in it - attractive sounding, I know! It's not too bad though) blue, brown and yellow striped tie, grey jumper, white shirt, Blue blazer with school crest on pockets. The guys can wear kilts too if they like, but none of them do lol.
Reply 2
I once saw a school with a uniform that consisted of blue and purple stripes. It was horrific.
I once saw a school with a uniform that consisted of blue and purple stripes. It was horrific.

I go to a state-run grammar school, and year 6 kids are encouraged to wear their present school uniforms when they come for the induction day. I once saw this kid in a blazer that was striped, like grey, purple, green and other colours I think. I so pitied him...
Reply 4
our uniform is going to be changed now, but it doesnt matter to me cos im going 6th form. but we had to wear bright emerald green sweatshirts.
Reply 5
at my current state school the uniform for year 6-11 is green blazer.******. at grammar school I am going to start in september, the uniform is purple. Thanks god we dont have proper uniform. For 6th form we just wear suits with any ties and shirts there.
Reply 7
Purple blazers with grey trousers.
Reply 8
Maroon blazers and pinnifores with a grey shirt and grey knee length socks-lovely
The stupidest uniform I ever saw was my cousin's uniform for her school in South Africa. It was a royal blue and bright yellow striped skirt, bright yellow blouse, royal blue blazer with yellow piping and a school crest, stripy blue/yellow tie, brown "sensible" shoes with HUGE buckles on them, bright yellow knee-length socks, and to top it all off, a straw boater with a striped yellow/blue ribbon.
What made it even funnier was that at the time she was a goth...
Reply 10
Fettes in Edinburgh have the most hideous blazers ever (though they may just be for prefects, I'm not sure). They're striped magenta and kinda tan - hideous!
Jenn xx
Reply 11
izzy - is that a school in north london by any chance?
theres one secondary and primary girls school down my road which has green blazers, those summer hats with pink ribbons, pink shirt, green/pink tights. Whenever one of the students there walk past me, i cant help but giggle :p:
At my old primary school we had to wear a bottle green tunic, white shirt, green and white striped tie and thick green tights in winter. Also, when arriving and leaving school we had to wear something which looked suspiciously like a bottle green bowler hat with a huge white 'R' emblazoned on the front of it. I was ashamed to be seen in public!

Also at my school a Japanese exhange trip was organised every year, where Japanese students came to stay for a fortnight whilst some of the people at my school who were studying for an A Level or GCSE in Japanese went over to Japan. The poor Japanese girls had to wear something which could only be described as a sailor suit - covered in blue and white stripes!
Reply 14
sketchy canvas - im sure i know that school too! is it by any chance in enfield, london? If its the same one it has the worlds most annoying lollypop person.
St Mary's Convent in Worcester is brown and yellow.
sketchy canvas - im sure i know that school too! is it by any chance in enfield, london? If its the same one it has the worlds most annoying lollypop person.

Its in London, i think enfield, but its called Palmers Green High School,is it that one?
At my old school we had to wear white shirt, ties according to which house u were in (mine was yellow and black striped-yuck!) plus wool jumpers, trousers or a-line skirts (had to be bought from the school so the trousers were pretty arwful the skirts which had to be 1 inch above or below the knee-to make matters worse they measured them!
Reply 18
I had to wear a KILT. Which could only be bought from John Lewis in Oxford Street. The colour was OK dark navy blue but it was soooo itchy and expensive (£45 or more).

We also had to have the school blazer in light blue which cost between £65-85.

This was for a girls convent school, Oh the shame. Me and my friends used to get stared at all the time. At the last day of term we all burnt our kilts :biggrin:
Reply 19
sketchy canvas - yeah thats the one. bloody lollypop lady - ahhh im sure she hates me