The Student Room Group

sore eyes.. plz reply soon my friends

For most of today, i have had really irratating eyes, they are itchy, and feel like ive got grit in them. I looked in the mirrror and can see tiny clearish floating bits in my eyes.
I first felt the pain when i was eating a toastie... which probly has nothing to do with it lol... but i dont recall getting any grit or anything in my eyes.
Its been here all eve. And it feels even worse when i close my eyes, god knows how im gonna sleep tonight if i cant shut my eyes! hehe

please reply sooncoz i want to try and get some sleep soon, and need advice :smile:
Reply 1
wash with warm water, dont itch them!

good luck
Reply 2
It doesn't sound like conjuctivitus...

You can go tomorrow to the pharmacy tomorrow and get something like Brolene ointment

Advice... don't rub your eyes :wink:
wash with warm water, dont itch them!

good luck

eww the thought of washing my eyes is quite..erm....weird hehe. but yea i might try that thanks.
It doesn't sound like conjuctivitus...

You can go tomorrow to the pharmacy tomorrow and get something like Brolene ointment

Advice... don't rub your eyes :wink:

thanks, i'll go there tommorrow
Reply 5
If you wet a face cloth with cold water and wring it out then fold it and put it over your eyes when you're in bed it might just cool them down enough to get you off to sleep...but make sure you wring it out or all the water will drip down :smile: I do this when my hayfever is bad!
* gemchicken
If you wet a face cloth with cold water and wring it out then fold it and put it over your eyes when you're in bed it might just cool them down enough to get you off to sleep...but make sure you wring it out or all the water will drip down :smile: I do this when my hayfever is bad!

aww what a good idea,thanks :smile:
Reply 7
aww what a good idea,thanks :smile:

Hope it works :hugs:
Reply 8
my eyes are like that with my hayfever, i throw some eyedrops in and its cleared up within about 5 mins. Stings a bit first, but the relief from itching is gone pretty much straight away.
Reply 9
yup same here, im sat here with bright red eyes as we speak. to calm it, put some cucumber slices on or a cold compress, it does help :smile: