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ART re-marked?

Hi, I understand that getting things like English re-marked is a bad idea since your grade might go down. But my Art is known to be the best in my class (excuse the vanity :p: ) and I only got an A whereas my teacher was so sure I was getting an A*, and even hinted it to me from the examiners comments. So I was really surprised. I was just wondering does anyone know how complicated and how long it takes to get Art re-marked? It's just I'm leaving that school aswell. Advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Also, I got my results over the phone, most of my boards are Edexcel, do you know if it says in the certificates what your actual mark/percentage was?

Reply 1
Hi, I understand that getting things like English re-marked is a bad idea since your grade might go down. But my Art is known to be the best in my class (excuse the vanity :p: ) and I only got an A whereas my teacher was so sure I was getting an A*, and even hinted it to me from the examiners comments. So I was really surprised. I was just wondering does anyone know how complicated and how long it takes to get Art re-marked? It's just I'm leaving that school aswell. Advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Also, I got my results over the phone, most of my boards are Edexcel, do you know if it says in the certificates what your actual mark/percentage was?


My friend is in the exact same position as you. Hes as good at art as me, and i got full marks in art this year at gcse level. During the year the teacher gave him a* all the time, but when it came to results day he ended up with a B! What i question is the fact that on both occasions the same teacher marked his projects, and she even said when the moderator came in, they agreed with her marks. What is this all about? I thought it was a bit cruel predicting him an a* and then giving him a B, or unless there was a mistake, hopefully. The sad thing is, he spent all his free time on art, and for what, a B! Sadly i dont think art can be remarked, well thats what i was told from my exam board (ccea). I do suggest you talk to your school straight away.
Reply 2
It can be - mine was AQA - no one in my school even got an A, it was ridiculous. But basically some teachers think it's just a waste of money so if you really really want it looked into then follow it closely.
Reply 3
What's wrong with an A. Why cant you accept that you aren't good enough to get an A*.
Reply 4
Les Mcqueen
What's wrong with an A. Why cant you accept that you aren't good enough to get an A*.

There's nothing wrong with an A I'm not crying out my eyes out or anything, its just I KNOW I'm good enough to get an A* people PAY me to do portraits and loads of other stuff! I'm not being a snob I just think it's really out of order. Do you know what mean because Art took up so much time and energy. My board is actually Edexcel though, does anyone know if I can get re-marked, how much it costs? And hopefully it's with a different examiner right!?
Plus do you get told on your results how close you were to another grade or something?
I did Edexcel Art and was predicted an A* because i really enjoy it and plan to do it as an A level and maybe uni, but i got an A. Hopefully the sixth form i wanna go to, still accepts me. But i dont think it makes a difference that much, because an A* is something extra, and A is still very good!
Reply 6
if you think you really deserve A* then yeah i would get a remark, but remeber A is still really good.
I did OCR Art, and it's all centre marked.

In other words, you probably would get exactly the same teachers, and I don't know how nicely they would look upon that.

It all depends on interpretation. You may be a better artist, but if it's not to the examiners taste, then hard luck.
I KNOW I'm good enough to get an A* people PAY me to do portraits and loads of other stuff! I'm not being a snob I just think it's really out of order. Do you know what mean because Art took up so much time and energy.

maybe the written aspect let you down? i dont know about edexcel but AQA involves loads of annotation and description etc
It could be any number of factors so discuss it with your teacher first. When I got my GCSE art result I was in shock (an a - imagine!) after being predicted an A* for 2 years. It soon transpired that most of the A* candidates failed to reach their predicted grade. What had happened was that there had been a change to the mark scheme in February, when my actual teacher went on maternity leave, and the substitute was unaware that we had not been told. Thus there was a small, but significant, hole in our work which brought us all down several points.
Two years later the whole escapade seems insignificant, as those of us who carried on came out with fantastic marks at A level.
If you are truly as good as you say chin up and smile because you are talented! It'll all come good for you at A level with out you having to stress to much about whether or not your A has a star tacked on the end.
Reply 10
I did Edexcel Fine Art... Whatever that means... And somehow got an A*, having been predicted an B/A throughout the year.

As a result, I've come to the conclusion that the way in which Art is marked is very subjective to whether or not the examiner likes your style and especially your final piece (and so on).. Even though examiners aren't supposed to let their personal opinions guide them towards awarding a higher grade, it's only natural that if they really liked someone's work, they would rate it higher.

Perhaps you could ask for another examiner to come round, and hope that it's a person who appreciates your work more... I think, however, getting Art remarked is a really unpopular notion, because I think I remember my teacher saying something about the fact that your school has to get ALL of the marks reviewed, since all of the marks were moderated by one person (as opposed to a written exam, where each paper is probably marked by a different person). Maybe that's only Edexcel though...

Hope it works out for you :smile:.
Reply 11
in art there is no right or wrong, as in the sciences, so it may be worth a remark, depending on how close your raw marks were to the grade boundary.