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Reply 1
Just to get any idea of what your doing, where at and what you plan to do after.

Think im doing Bsc single honours sports science but not sure what to do after. :redface: :smile:

(Would be good if the thread was a sticky but its up to the mods.)

I don't know psychology probably.
BA (Hons) Film and Broadcast Production ^o^
Reply 3
MA Social Anthropology at St. Andrew's Uni and afterwards i plan to work with voluntary or overseas organisations or in the mental health sector with voluntary organisations :smile: .
BA German and History at KCL.
See my sig :wink:

Afterwards I don't really know what I want to do. The ideal plan is to find a rich Tory at university (unlikely, considering I'm going to a notoriously leftwing uni in a rather left wing country!), marry him and then become a housewife!
Reply 6
Japanese and Politics at SOAS. Can't wait! :biggrin:

I think I'd like to become a diplomat, or something similar, but I'm not sure yet.
Reply 7
Reply 8
See signature. Afterwards, a job in the computer games industry would be heavenly, but because I'm an avaricious leech, I suppose something in law or investment banking.
im doing pharmacy - at LSOP - hoping to work as a hospital pharmacist
Reply 10
computing @ icl
Reply 11
St Andrews Uni, MPhys Astrophysics
Philosophy at Liverpool Uni
Then Masters, then who knows?
Reply 13
Pharmacy at Bath so probably a hospital pharmacist :smile:
BA History & Politics at Ulster. Plan to teach for a few years after....maybe do a Masters if I wanna take some more time off from the real world lol
Reply 15
BSc physiology at Cardiff uni!
I hope to go into medicine or medical research, dont know which one I fancy yet.
Reply 16
Sociology at Lancaster.

I have no idea what I want to do after it to be honest.
Reply 17
Primary Education @ Herts University.
Reply 18
I'm only just going into year 13 but I want to do History at one of the Unis in my sig... and afterwards a PG Dip. in Broadcast Journalism!
Reply 19
BA in International Relations @ Sussex