The Student Room Group
Reply 1
wat about nottingham?
Reply 2
what about georges?
what about georges?

id probably go for eithr staffordshire or...hmmm.oxford brookes...
Reply 4
what about southampton?
Reply 5
Edinburgh/Notts are both missing from this poll and in my opinion should be included!
Reply 6
Well I voted London but its v hard to say what the best is. There are a number of different course types, each which suit different types of people. I only voted London cos I go there lol and also IMO you see loads different types of patients and the clinical experience is great (no of hospitals, specialist hospitals, different socio-econ characteristics etc).
Reply 7
It's weird to club all the London ones together, because there are 5(?) of them, which are all different. I voted Newcastle, even though I'm at Cambridge, but I don't know much about some of them.
Reply 8
Hehehe I think we can safely see Newcastle is the best medical school considering there are 5 medical schools in london and *the same number of votes as* newcastle!! Thats less than 2 votes each haha :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
I agree maybe Notts and Edin should have ben included, and Soton. They arent necessarily the best med school, but they certainly are very good ones, and better than some u mentioned (leeds/sheffield)
It all depends on the course you want at the end of the day, Newcastle i would say has the best course style in the country but if you prefer purse science then oxbridge is for you. However there isnt a lot of people who prefer science!!!!
You have to think in terms of city too; if you want to pay ridulously high accom/socialising prices go to london.
If you want the "8th best party city in the world" then come to newcastle. I am from the north west myself and even I noticed a difference in prices for going out!
Plus Newcastle is a very clean city, nothing like where im from (or london where my dad lives!!!!).

Like i said its all relative to what you want; I would say Newcastle wins on most accounts though! It certainly has the best reputation for medicine at the moment (it was 2nd in tables when i applied).

Hope that helps
Reply 9
The best medical school is the one that is best for you - considering type of course, location, city etc
Reply 10
The best medical school is the one that is best for you - considering type of course, location, city etc

True....reason being is: it's hard enough getting a place. Oxbridge odds are probably about the same anyway. Plus, you're pretty much guaranteed a job anyway regardless.
Reply 11
what about southampton?

yeah i thought it was supposed to be Southampton
Reply 12
I meant because medical courses vary considerably. Some are very traditional - namely Oxbridge, and you do not gain any clinical experience in the early years of the course. These courses are gradually becoming more integrated. Others are problem based, for eg Liverpool, Manchester and most of the grad courses. More and more courses are becoming PBL.

Then there's the question of intercalated BMedSci's/BScs. Notts is the only place where you study for a BMedSci and MBBS as part of a 5 year course. Other places are 6 year courses - this makes Notts more intense.

Then of course there are the grad courses
Reply 13
The general consensus among medic applicants that i know is that Newcastle or Nottingham are favoured, however, unlike many other subjects, a lot say any medical school is excellent since competition for places is so high
Reply 14
Exactly, whereever you go, you'll (hopefully) qualify as a doctor, and it will have little influence on your career. What's important is you choose the right place, as believe me, medicine is difficult enough as it is, without not enjoying your course or where you are living. 5 or 6 years is a long time so you need to make the right decision.

All medschools are roughly equally competitive to get a place in - the stats don't really mean very much.
Reply 15
Hehehe I think we can safely see Newcastle is the best medical school considering there are 5 medical schools in london and *the same number of votes as* newcastle!! Thats less than 2 votes each haha :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
I agree maybe Notts and Edin should have ben included, and Soton. They arent necessarily the best med school, but they certainly are very good ones, and better than some u mentioned (leeds/sheffield)
It all depends on the course you want at the end of the day, Newcastle i would say has the best course style in the country but if you prefer purse science then oxbridge is for you. However there isnt a lot of people who prefer science!!!!
You have to think in terms of city too; if you want to pay ridulously high accom/socialising prices go to london.
If you want the "8th best party city in the world" then come to newcastle. I am from the north west myself and even I noticed a difference in prices for going out!
Plus Newcastle is a very clean city, nothing like where im from (or london where my dad lives!!!!).

Like i said its all relative to what you want; I would say Newcastle wins on most accounts though! It certainly has the best reputation for medicine at the moment (it was 2nd in tables when i applied).

Hope that helps

hi chamone
just wanna know r u raving about newcastle cos ur studying medicine there? because i think there a few that would fall into the superior med school category, so hard to identify a specific one !!!!!!!

feedback ?
chemistry girl
St Andrews? It might be small, but it's second only to Oxbridge in the amount you are taught. Plus, the opportunity of getting an Honours BSc, should you be interested...
Reply 17
UWCM?? (Unversity Wales College of Medicine)

Thought that was the popular one this time around?
Every medical applicant I know has applied there & my sister is 2nd year medic. Clinical attatchements start in first term!

(Can't say much for Cardiff though...!)