The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Why not just keep to one thread?
Reply 2
Lol, it's not very likely you'll be using 5th gear on your test anyway. Just use it if your on a duel carriageway, or going above about 50 mph
Reply 3
when the hell do i use it?!

When you need to traverse a distance more vertical than horizontal. Unless you drive a Skoda; in which case it functions in logical conjunction with the 'eject' button (which, as a tragic afterthought, was never fully implemented).

I hope this helps.
Reply 4
U've never used 5th gear!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You POOR boy, mind u, (presuming by the name) living in london i suppose i aint suprise, u should be able to hear by the tone of the engine, if ur in 4th and the car souds like its struggling, (or the reeve counter is at 3000 as average guide) change in to 5th for speeds of about 40mph plus, but never go in 5th in 40 mph or below speed restricted areas. How come ur doing test but never used it? doesnt sound like u have had much experiance at going a decent speed. There again, i am a mere country girl in the north who loves driving/speed. Im a better driver at higher speed and my test is in 5 weeks.
Gd luck all the same!
(using 5th gear at 40/50 mph uses less fuel and doesnt hurt the engine in your car so much. DONT HURT IT, THAT IS NOT NICE. love the car, and treat it as if it was a lass, unlike me, who treats her lil'pug lovingly but a little harsh from time to time)
Reply 5
Lol, it's not very likely you'll be using 5th gear on your test anyway. Just use it if your on a duel carriageway, or going above about 50 mph

Use of 5th gear is NEVER just restricted to dual carriageways, BUT i see point on the test thing, drivng tests are always in towns, which is wrong, people need to be tested on country roads where there may be tractors/mud on the road etc.
Tests should include a bit of both
Reply 6
Use of 5th gear is NEVER just restricted to dual carriageways, BUT i see point on the test thing, drivng tests are always in towns, which is wrong, people need to be tested on country roads where there may be tractors/mud on the road etc.
Tests should include a bit of both

In Birmingham, most of the test centers are based near the edge of the city. Mine has tight twisty country lanes as well as a nice motorway roundabout and a long, straight, 70mph dual carriageway on the end of it. Another has wider lanes and Horseriders. A third is just too far inside the city and I don't think they'd go that far. I guess it just depends on the location of the test routes? Cetral londoners would have no chance of getting into the country I guess?