The Student Room Group

Who can't drive?/Can't be bothered to drive?

Seeing one of the earlier threads, nearly most of the people in my year last year (year 13) had learnt to drive and I felt kinda like an odd one out. I'm planning to start lessons when I go back to school although I could not afford a car and my parents don't have a car so I'm just learning just to have the skill lol. I've not long started working so it's only now I can afford to start lessons.

So is there anyone (above the age limit you can start learning) who can't drive? If so, why?

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as soon as i was 17 i started learning to drive. mainly because i would need to drive for work. a few people i know who are 19/20 still havent got provisional licences
I can't drive, and don't want to. I prefer walking or going by train to places.
im 19 and only just started driving 2 months ago.... im not sure why i waited but i think one of the resons was that i wanted to build up my bank balance before and finish college.!
Reply 4
sometimes going by train is better. like, when you wanna have a few pints on the beach with your mates.

but other times, going by car is FAR superior. like, when its freezing cold outside, and youve got to drive a fairly long distance. whack on the heating, crank up the tunes and bomb down the motorway in your cosy, music filled, car shaped bubble.
Reply 5
In was one of 3 people in my year (120+ people) who did not learn to drive at the first available opportunity. Some couldn't afford it, I just couldn't be arsed.

At uni i failed 2 tests (no ready for the first, monged up the second). Now I've got a city job and sure as hell don't need a car there! So....I still can't be arsed to finish learning to drive - though I'm sure I should at some point in the next few years.
Reply 6
*waves hand around like a Math nerd in class when the teacher asks the square root of pythagoras theorum when multiplyed by the first prime number under one*

I don't even own a provisional.
Reply 7
I'm 18 haven't even got my provisional.
Can't be bothered plus i'd only need it to get to uni which is in london and close to a congestion charge area. plus i'm chicken.
Reply 8
Exactly the same reason as trixx. Plus, I want to save up for a hybrid car; its far too expensive as a student to run a car.
Reply 9
I'm too scared to drive. I'll hire a driver when I'm rich enough. :cool:
I can't be bothered to get my provisional yet.
i've had many lessons, still can't drive properly :biggrin:
*raises hand* I can't be bothered. Im going to be living in London for a few years at uni, and it seems pointless to learn if im not going to use the skill until my mid-20's.
I don't wanna drive cause if i do i can't drink... The issue of choosin the driver is always discussed and debated with my friends when we go out, but because i cant drive, they can't pick me !!!
Yay ... :wink:
There's no law against not learning to drive as soon as it becomes legal, although it feels that way at times. I don't drive a car because, like others here, live in London and its pointless and too expensive. I do ride a motorbike though for fun, plus its cheap, but its just a luxury really. Yay. :smile:
Reply 15
*raises hand* I can't be bothered. Im going to be living in London for a few years at uni, and it seems pointless to learn if im not going to use the skill until my mid-20's.

of course it is.

you get 'experience' while youve got your licence. even if youre not driving. and that means cheaper premiums when you DO need to buy a car.
Reply 16
I can't drive, I'm really too lazy to learn even though ashamedly own a car.
Me. I don't have the money
I don't have the motivation
I don't have my provisional license.

I don't know why but I am terrified of learning to drive! So I don't plan to drive for a while! :biggrin:
I was one of a handful of people who didn't learn to drive during sixth form. I've started learning now though.

Half my year have crashed their cars :rolleyes:
Reply 19
Don't see the point. Learn to drive, don't get a car and never use one for the next 4 years I'm at Uni...