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Heh, you should be, A levels are SO much more fun than GCSE... So much more independance.
Me me me! I'm SO excited..I really can't wait. I was looking forward to it before results day, but now GCSE's are completely out of the way..there's nothing stopping me going wild in excitement! I've also started doing the prep work we were asked to do in some subjects...sixth form here I come :biggrin:
Reply 3
Yeah I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited. :smile: I'm looking forward to the added responsibility and freedom. I'll enjoy not having to wake up at 7:30 every weekday! In terms of academia, I'm really excited by the prospect of independent study and a healthy challange in the subjects that I want to study. :smile:
I can't wait to start my A Levels. No more stupid subjects I don't enjoy. I'll have free periods, I can finally go into the 6th form centre,. I want to go back now, lol.
Reply 5
I can't wait!!
It's going to be so much fun to study what i enjoy and be respected by my teachers!! Plus loads of my friends are in the yr above and we have mixed yr tutor groups in 6th form. AND i'm going to be in debating soc!!!!
Reply 6
Yep, I'm really excited. I will be even more excited when I finally make my mind up on my 4th AS subject!
respected by my teachers!!
You reckon? Some still treat you like Year 7s.

mixed yr tutor groups

Is it a small sixth form? Never heard of that before. I would be scared if I was going into lower sixth lol!
Reply 8
^^na all my teachers next year are v. cool, and in my 6th form students really get on with teachers!

Is it a small sixth form? Never heard of that before. I would be scared if I was going into lower sixth lol!

No our 6th forms quite big actually, its just to encourage 6th formers to mix and not be excluded from societys etc.
I quite like the sound of that actually. When I was in lower sixth I felt there was a huge barrier between the two year groups. And as for teachers being cool and respectful, you're lucky! I did have a few great ones though :biggrin:

Is it a small sixth form? Never heard of that before. I would be scared if I was going into lower sixth lol!

At my school, we've had mixed form tutor groups for two years now.
My sixth form has mixed Year 12 and 13 tutor groups as well, and at the start of the year there might as well have been a forcefield between the 2 year groups because no-one mixed at all, but after the first term or so we actually started talking to each other! This time last year, I was really looking foward to starting sixth form as well because I wanted the freedom of free periods, the more relaxed relationships with teachers and the chance to study subejcts I actually enjoy in depth. It's true that some teachers still treat you like children because I guess if they've been teaching Year 7 then have a Year 13 lesson next, they find it hard to adapt, but most do treat you with more respect.
I'll enjoy not having to wake up at 7:30 every weekday!

Lucky - I still have to wake up at 6.30am like I've done for the past 5 years! :frown:

I also can't wait to find out what teachers I'll be having, and what my timetable looks like and all the rest of the admit stuff.
I can't wait either! My sith form is so nice and I can't wait to start my subjects. Seeing all those friends who you could never really call up but see at school will be cool too :biggrin:

We have mixed year tutor groups too.
We don't...I think it would just be too confusing if we had mixed year tutor groups..there's that many students.
Reply 15
I'm really looking forward to it.

However, I deeply suspect it will be rubbish.

*loves being contradictory*
Reply 16
ha. i promise you the novelty will wear off shortly.

however, if i had a choice between yr 11 and 6th Form, i'd pick 6th Form everytime :wink: .
Reply 17
I'm gonna be the odd one out and say I'm not looking forward to it! For one it's 'coz I'm going to a new school, and though I know a couple of people there, it's mixed, which I'm not used to, it's huge (well, bout 200-300 people), which I'm not used to, and it's about 40 minutes or so away, when I'm used to leaving the house at 10 past 8 and getting to school in time for chapel at half past!

And, yeah, I hate the idea of independence and university being close :frown: I don't seem old enough to do A Levels anyway, tis madness!
Reply 18
one of my teachers still asks us to colour in pictures and asks us questions like does anyone know what an earthquake is? so dont expect things to be too diff. Still alot more independence though and free periods!
Reply 19
I'm gonna be the odd one out and say I'm not looking forward to it! For one it's 'coz I'm going to a new school, and though I know a couple of people there, it's mixed, which I'm not used to, it's huge (well, bout 200-300 people), which I'm not used to, and it's about 40 minutes or so away, when I'm used to leaving the house at 10 past 8 and getting to school in time for chapel at half past!

And, yeah, I hate the idea of independence and university being close I don't seem old enough to do A Levels anyway, tis madness!

Aw i get what you mean i really don't feel old enough to be it 6th form - when my sister was in 6th form she was like an adult(shock horror)!!
Think of it as a chance to meet new people and start over - i'd love to go to a new 6th (couldn't be bothered) becuase i love meeting new people, it'll be fun!