5am fire alarms in Moatsied are notorious. Thankfully I didn't live there and only experienced 2 - one time I had just got out of the shower so quickly pulled some clothes on and the other time I was half-ready for formal. What really annoyed me though was the fact they liked to test the fire alarms on a Tuesday morning. Would always scare the hell out of me!
I remember a morning in the snow at 3.30am me very hungover yet also on a caffene high from strange alcopops, but durham did look very beutiful if I wasnt freezing
5am fire alarms in Moatsied are notorious. Thankfully I didn't live there and only experienced 2 - one time I had just got out of the shower so quickly pulled some clothes on and the other time I was half-ready for formal. What really annoyed me though was the fact they liked to test the fire alarms on a Tuesday morning. Would always scare the hell out of me!
Trevelyanites - every Wednesday at midday they test the fire alarm! So don't worry about running out of the building, they just turn it on for about 5 seconds, then turn it off, then it usually comes on for another 5 seconds, then turn it off
The fun thing is the Thursday morning in Freshers Week....oh how we all loved that. Wednesday night - get very drunk, Thursday morning at 7am...FIRE DRILL...
Luckily I had stayed up all night lol and so didn't actually have to wake up or owt, just put a jacket on and go!
I seem to remember a lot of anger when people found out who set the fire alarm off at aidans for like the 3rd night in a row
Hahaha Aidans and fire alarms, i get so many angry tales from my housemate and boyfriend on that subject!
I was caught up in one actually, but luckily it was after the Valentines formal this year, so we were only really pushed out of the bar for 20 minutes... and it wasn't that cold. I just found it odd myself, as i had luckily missed all the fire alarms we had at Hatfield... until June when it seemed to only be my block and A, B, and C stairs that were forced outside at 6 am. Which is a horrible time to be up, as it's too early to get up and it's too late to get back to sleep once you have been woken up. (Well, that's in my case anyhow).