i'm not here to defend every degree course, I'm sure there are people who are on the courses will be more than capable of doing that, and probably far better than I could. My point is that it's all too easy to condemn a degree course whilst being in ignorant of the real content and demans. As far as some of those instanced above goes though:
Turfgrass Science-the international institute for sports turf is in Bingley, West Yorkshire and it's provided the turf for the world's mpst prestigious sporting venues for at least 30 years that I know of-makes a fortune for the country and demands a high level of scientific and horticultural knowledge;
stained glass-I recently spent a very instructive afternoon watching someone install a new stained glass window in Manchester Cathedral-amazing. A lot of this I would imagine is also to do with conservation of some of the most maginificent glass in the world-walk around any medieval cathedral and realise what it takes to ensure the conserbation of such national treasures;
decision making- I really wish that some of my previous bossess had some knowledge of effective decision making-would have made everyone's life much easier and more productive;
golf management-I expect that some of these graduates will earn far more money than most of us on this forum-there are islands in this world that are purely golf courses and the money they make is unbelievable-you are talking about millions per year-that requires first class facilities, control of staff, budgets, intensive knowledge of the sport and entertainment industry etc..
Just four examples form those quoted above with my limited knowledge. I'm not trying to say that any subject is more important than any other. I really think it's that most of us just don't really understand exactly what's involved in other subjects,