The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Bristol in general, yes, the normal amount for a city of its size. Around the uni though, hardly any. They can't afford to live in Clifton. The city centre on a Saturday night isn't great though.
Reply 2
I guess there won't be any near or around the area where Badock Hall etc are?
Reply 3
thats in stoke bishop so no! have u seen it?

mehtinks you would need about 3000 chav salaries from macdonalds to afford the mortgage on those houses!
Reply 4
From all the cities i have visited Bristol had a really low amount of chavs. People are generally really friendly around the university aswell so you don't need to worry about chavs.
Reply 5
I guess there won't be any near or around the area where Badock Hall etc are?

Nope. I lived there last year, and I didn't see any.
Reply 6
Awesome. I hate chavs.

Am i likely to encounter any chavs when walking from Stoke Bishop-->Uniof Bristol?
lol what does it matter, no1 likes chavs but just ignore em n get on with it, i come from chav city lol n dont let it bother me
Reply 8
Awesome. I hate chavs.

Am i likely to encounter any chavs when walking from Stoke Bishop-->Uniof Bristol?

In a word, no.
Reply 9
I hate chavs.

Me too. Hopefully, the distinct lack of chavs will be one of Bristol's greatest plus points.
This was something I was gunna ask... The number of Chav's around Woking is absolutly aweful, its been getting me down recently.

Being 18 and 6'3" means that I dont ever get started on, but I just hate the way they **** everything up, vandalise stuff, and are generally, well, chavs.
Reply 11
From my limited experience, Bristol is chav free from Stoke Bishop down towards the university. It's in and around the Broadmead shopping bit that things start to get a bit chavish, but only slightly. Probably because all of the shops and eating establishments are more expensive along whiteladies road and down park street, the sudden flourish of cheaper eateries and more common shops in Broadmead means that our less economically adjusted friends hang out there. Of course, this is limited experience from the few times I've visited...
Reply 12
That's a pretty good analysis leeeo. From my experience of living in Bristol, all area's around the uni are practically Chav-free and, as you've said, I wouldn't imagine one would stumble across too many when walking to and from Stoke Bishop. I do wonder, however, whether Chav encounters may be a little more common on the busses which pass through Stokey B, since some of them start their routes in the 'scruburbs' of Chavtown and pass through S.B on their way to the centre...? I've not lived in the Halls, but maybe a current/previous resident could provide a better informed answer...

Incidentally, THIS provides a Chav's-eye opinion on the current state of West-country chavism :biggrin:

chavs are all pussies and I expect the southern ones to be even more so!
Reply 14
chavs are all pussies and I expect the southern ones to be even more so!

:eek: Our chavs are so much harder than your chavs!
chavs are all pussies and I expect the southern ones to be even more so!

Oh dear... Someones not been to woking at 1am on a friday... :biggrin: :rolleyes: :wink:

I've seen people get bottled first hand, a 14 year old punch a full grown guy in the face, and many more :eek:

Chav's round here ARN'T pussies!
I say we go around and batter them first. A new student society - Chav Knackers.
I say we go around and batter them first. A new student society - Chav Knackers.

Thats quite an awesome idea my friend... If we managed to say get 100 people together, surely they couldnt arrest us all! Strengh in numbers! Start the Revolution! :biggrin: