The Student Room Group
laser treatment :confused:
yeah i heard that one. and i could probably get it on the NHS but i was hoping there might be something else
Reply 3
what can i do to get rid of the viens like drugs , creams etc, that is if they do exist

I don't think your legs would function too well if you actually got rid of the veins from them :wink:
I don't think your legs would function too well if you actually got rid of the veins from them :wink:

lol. yeah thats true. but outta sight, outta mind if u know wot i mean :p:
Reply 5
I'm assuming you mean thread veins rather than varicose veins?

Take a look here:
Reply 6
also have a look here:,,181033_606676,00.html

Suggests it might be worth seeing your doctor as e.g. liver problems might be causing them, and Vitamin K cream may help. It looks like you would have to go privately for laser treatment, though, although it may be possible to have NHS treatment if they are considered to be causing you severe psychological damage or something.