I got full marks in my GCSE French and just got 295/300 in Edexcel French AS. I didn't find it particularly difficult. We were made to do quite a few past papers which I think helped. I didn't make too much of a concious effort to learn the vocab but still seemed to know it?! I think a lot depends on how good you are at languages, or on the other side, how hard you are prepared to work. I found it a really good course but slightly boring at times because I was doing exactly the same topics for Spanish. However, i think at GCSE level I was actually at AS Level in terms of reading & writing and grammar because I'd always been ahead. A lot of people seemed to have really struggled, possibly because they can't cope with how quickly you learn things and you can't expect to be tested on vocab etc because at the end of the day it's your own decision how much you want to learn. It think it also depends how long you've been doing the language. I found Spanish more of a challenge because I'd only done it for 2 years, and one year we had a supply teacher!