The Student Room Group

Friend Trouble.

Where do I begin?

Ok last evening around 6.00pm, me and my friends were walking home from town. We happen to come across an obese person (a she), where my friends suddenly started to laugh. It was obvious they were laughing at this person, as they practically laughed in her face. I could tell that the person was really offended, and was about to cry. When I asked why they laughed, they started to make jokes about the persons weight. So I practically had a go at all of them and from that point on, they hardly talked to me. I also found out today that they have all planned a night out, of which I have not heard anything about this; consequently I'm not invited. Have I lost all my friends because they are not as mature as me?

I also felt sorry for this girl, she only seemed to be 14 years of age.

What should I do? Shall I reconcille with them?
Reply 1
Where do I begin?

Ok last evening around 6.00pm, me and my friends were walking home from town. We happen to come across an obese person (a she), where my friends suddenly started to laugh. It was obvious they were laughing at this person, as they practically laughed in her face. I could tell that the person was really offended, and was about to cry. When I asked why they laughed, they started to make jokes about the persons weight. So I practically had a go at all of them and from that point on, they hardly talked to me. I also found out today that they have all planned a night out, of which I have not heard anything about this; consequently I'm not invited. Have I lost all my friends because they are not as mature as me?

I also felt sorry for this girl, she only seemed to be 14 years of age.

What should I do? Shall I reconcille with them?

if they behave like that, you're clearly very different from them...are you sure they're worthy of your time?
Reply 2
if they behave like that, you're clearly very different from them...are you sure they're worthy of your time?

The thing is though, I thought I knew them. I thought tey were quite mature for their age. I shudder to think what would have happened if we saw someone in a wheelchair. :frown:
What an idiot, at least the idiots I know make jokes behind people's backs. tut tut.

Yes, speak to them!
Reply 4
Maybe they are just annoyed that you had a differnet opinion to them, and maybe they realised the mistake but didnt want to admit that to you, however you definatly did the right thing to stick up for that girl as she might have had a reason why she was obese which she couldnt help. Try and talk to your friends and see why they are not talking to you, try and work it out. If they dont come around, then think about it, does their friendship really mean that much to you? Do you really want to be friends with people who make fun out of others? Try and talk it over with them though, as you dont want to lose your friends.
I hope that kind of helped at least a bit.
Reply 5
ask your "friends" how they would feel if they were laughed at! and anyway, it's the inside that counts, right? :confused:
Reply 6
They're really not worth it if they act like that - I know it's tough but find some other people who really are mature/secure enough not to rip it out of anyone who's not like them.

Good for you for having a go - it may seem like they've abandoned you but they're probably shamed by what they did and are huddling together in a group to try and convince themselves they don't need to feel guilty.

If you still want to be friends (I suspect so do they when they've calmed down) I should speak to them, maybe individually - is there one you think is more likely to listen to reason? Explain gently that you didn't approve of their behaviour, but you still like them just the same.
Reply 7
It upsets and angers me just reading about this kind of ********. I can't help but think about how that poor girl must have been feeling as she was abused by your mates.

Heartless *****, all of them. Don't give in to the peer pressure, if they refuse to see what they did was nasty, then **** 'em

I hope one of them gets brain damaged, then we can all point and laugh.
Reply 8
Snuggerough would like to thank kish kash for snuggerough was that fat person. thank u so much......

Actually snuggerough would like to applaud Kish kash for standing up for the views they have and also for justice. Snuggerough has no sympathy for the majority of fat people who are the cause of their problem and can do something about it. However, to publicly ridicule this person was horrible. Unfortunately, it is difficult to go against the crowd and present a different perspective.

snuggerough would advice Kish kash to utilise the maturity they have and not take the episode too seriously. In a few days everything will be fine as long as YOU do not make an issue of it.
Reply 9
oh get over it, people have different opinions. of course it is natural to laugh at people less better off than you isnt it? hence the jerry springer show.
People have different opinons sure, but openly laughing at someone you feel is inferior is plain rude and therefore antisocial.
snuggerough is disappointed that af1 holds the belief that it is 'natural' to laugh at people who are less fortunate.

sadly, snuggerough would concede that af1 is probably correct to observe that perhaps in today's society such an appraoch is becoming more common. However, such an appraoch is always lamentable. Snuggerough believes that we should treat people how we would want others to treat us. The logical conclusion would be that everyone would be good to one another, excluding masochists of course.
Reply 12
how old are you kish kash 1?
I would reconcile with them because at the end of the day their your friends.
Reply 14
oh get over it, people have different opinions. of course it is natural to laugh at people less better off than you isnt it? hence the jerry springer show.

Well... no not really. People laugh at Jerry Springer coz they get mad and make fools of themselves, not because they're unfortunate! Also, not really the best example of pleasant human behaviour is it, the Jerry Springer show?
Tell me, do you also laugh at the news?