The Student Room Group

Ingrown Leg Hairs

Sorry for the grimness...

Got my legs waxed today, have taken to having them waxed properly now and not shaving/making a balls up of my leg with Veet.

I had to shave my legs about 2 weeks ago as I couldn't get them waxed, and discovered I had loads of ingrowing hairs..not like 3 or 4 but about 40 on one whole side of my leg :eek:

The beautician today got most of them out, and I'm sitting away now plucking out the rest! Gonna be a long old day..

I exfoliate regularily with bodyshop exfoliator/apricot scrub/origins, and I'm wondering if theres anything else I can do to help get rid of them/stop them coming back once I've tweezed them all out :biggrin:
Did the beautician tweeze them out as well? Must've been there for hours eh? :eek: Didn't she/he have some professional advice, you'd think they'd be used to this kinda thing...
Reply 2
Um, don't mean to be thick or owt but what are ingrown leg hairs and how do you tell them from normal ones?
Reply 3
Um, don't mean to be thick or owt but what are ingrown leg hairs and how do you tell them from normal ones?

Its when the hair grows underneath the skin instead of out of it, and you end up with little red bumps.
Reply 4
Its when the hair grows underneath the skin instead of out of it, and you end up with little red bumps.

Ah, right, thanks! Am uneducated in a lot of 'girly' things - guess that's what comes of choosing athletics magazines over Sugar :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Did the beautician tweeze them out as well? Must've been there for hours eh? :eek: Didn't she/he have some professional advice, you'd think they'd be used to this kinda thing...

She tweezed some, was there the full hour :eek: She just said scrub at them and pluck, was hoping for maybe some other alternative than picking at my legs all evening :confused:
Reply 6
sounds painful??!! :frown:
Reply 7
Suprisingly not, just a bit odd!