My dad used to be overprotective... He's better now. Maybe get your mum to talk to him? Or really really wear him down, I think thats how I got round him.. He doesn't have too much control over me now, and has learnt its better to negotiate things with me than to say just straight no. I'm not saying rebel entirely, thats never good, but your mum might be a good weapon here... Also, getting upset usually gets me round my dad! He tries to overcompensate if he thinks he's being awful... Reason with him too. Explain everything you can about how safe wherever your going is, and how responcible you can be.. Maybe ask for the whole "one chance" thing, so he can see that he really can trust you (although I warn you, mess that up and it'll be worse...!!)
Everyones different though, so noone can really tell you exactly how to get round this, its just something he will grow out of though, your just his little girl still for now!