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Reply 1
Of course that's skinny. I'm 5'8" and 11st and people call me skinny :redface:

Although I am a bit filled out now :wink:
Reply 2
yeh but i realised the taller you are the skinnier you look which is true. what weight should i be for a just under 6 foot guy
Reply 3
im nearly 6 foot and i weigh 9 and a half stone why am i skinny then? for a nearly 6 foot guy what weight should i be not to be skinny?

Well Im 6' 2" and Im 14 stone and I would consider myself as slightly over weight, I dont think 9 stone is an unhealthy weight so just be happy with what you have got, some people would kill for a body like that.
Reply 4
some people are just naturally skinny, its just the way they're meant to be. like some people cant help being fat.
you could try going to the gym to buff up your muscles, creating an impression of weight gain. getting bigger muscles will actually make you put on weight too, as muscle weighs more than fat.

unless you dont eat properly/ enough then you're obviously just meant to be thin.
Reply 5
Well Im 6' 2" and Im 14 stone and I would consider myself as slightly over weight

im exactly the same except im not overweight, its muscle

you just gotta get down the gym dude! :biggrin:
Reply 6
To be not skinny you'd need to be about 11 stone
Reply 7
Chek your Body Mass Index at this site (below) - it will tell you if you're as skinny as you think you are. However, I should stress that everyone else's average isn't necessarily the 'right' weight to be.

But it is true (as far as I know) that muscle weighs more than fat... so get jogging!

Reply 8
your BMI is 18.3 so you are underweight. Most sites say anything under 18.5 is underweight, other places say anything under 20 is underweight.

To get a BMI of 20 you would need to be about 10 and a half stone.
well the best way to boost your weight would be to start on weights or go to a gym and build up the muslce. it will help fill you out and make you look less skinny and would also increase your weight. i am 5' 8" and i weigh 10 stone, but when i was 5' 4" and 8 stone i kept growing up but not putting on any weight, when i got to 5'7" i started doing weights and more fitness stuff, thats when i noticed my weight increased and i built up the muscle which filled me out. people still call me skinny but tis not al that bad
Reply 10
Well putting on fat isn't gonna help, no doubt you'll still have skinny arms/legs with a huge belly or something! Since you're obviously naturally skinny the best thing is probably to try to build up some muscle at the gym.

Reply 11
I'm 6ft 2 and about 11.5 stone and I'm skinny..
Reply 12
But it is true (as far as I know) that muscle weighs more than fat... so get jogging!

im nearly 6 foot and i weigh 9 and a half stone why am i skinny then? for a nearly 6 foot guy what weight should i be not to be skinny?

Don't worry about it. I'm in the same situation and can't put weight on no matter what I try. As long as you're fit and healthy all is good. You'll be moaning about getting lardy when middle age spread kicks in so enjoy it while you can!
Reply 14
If you eat enough then it's probably very difficult for you to put on any weight, just natural high metabolism. If you're worried do some weights work 3 times a week and eat huge amount of lean meat. Otherwise just count yourself lucky that when you're 40 you won't be as fat as all the other blokes you know.
Reply 15
well i'm 5ft 11 and i weight 8 and a half stones! that makes me more skinnier then you although im fairly muscled dispite being skinny. Don't worry about it! if you really want to gain weight then eat more
Reply 16

Well, technically, muscle doesn't weigh more than fat but it is more compact.

I won't explain because I don't exactly why you said "wtf".
Reply 17
I'm 5'10", naturally slim, and have no complaints.
grrr to all you skinny b*st*rds, im 6"6' (tall to start off with i know) and weigh in the region of 20 stone, the only problem is i dont look it. I look a little overweight, but not almost 50% overweight, i must just be muscley under all that lard :biggrin:

problem is though, no matter what I try, I cant get rid of it.... :mad:

aaah well,
Reply 19
well some people are naturally slim and sum are not! i am naturally slim and toned. you might well be naturally a bigger guy but if u want to lose weight, firstly eat mre fruit and vegeatbles it will speed up ur metabolism. secondly get off the snacks, chips, crisps, excessive drinks, chocolates all that stuff. thirdly work out more in ther gym (i've never needed to, but i do sum light exercise at home) do some sit ups, press up work on particular part of body that seems excessive. do this for like 3 months and u'll have lsot lots of weight and look fitter and stronger