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Neck going in to spasm- diazepam not working

Yesterday morning I managed to move my neck 'wrong' and have been in serious pain since. I have cricked my neck before and know what it is like for the neck movement to be restricted and for there to be aching. This seem to be different though- I get general ache most of the time but when I move my neck even slightly to the right my neck, through to my shoulder blade (sometimes involveing my arm), goes into painful spasm and I freeze in the painful position till I actively move myself out of it. Obviously, I went to the doctors about this yesterday and he pescribed me diazepam (5mg) to be taken twice, three times a day. Am I right in thinking this is a fairly strong dose? So far they have done nothing to relieve the spasm- i reckon they might have had an effect on the other surrounded muscles that have been aching due to having to support my neck at a strange angle. I am at a loss as what to do. The main effect of the diazepam has not been to reduce my pain but making me unable to revise :frown:
Reply 1
oh, and the next available appointment at the docs is tues and the earliest :frown:
You could try heat rub? Pretty sure you can just buy that at the chemists.

Maybe also take paracetemol throughout the day, it is a good general pain reliever.

Those are the only things I can think of :frown:

You may just have to wait for it to go away.
Reply 3
You could try heat rub? Pretty sure you can just buy that at the chemists.

Maybe also take paracetemol throughout the day, it is a good general pain reliever.

Those are the only things I can think of :frown:

You may just have to wait for it to go away.

Thanks for the reply :smile:

I have tried the above and it works ok for the muscles that ache, but it the muscle that twinges/spasms that is causing me the most pain. Diazepam is a muscle relaxant so it should have done something but it hasn't :frown:

I should be revising but im stuck in bed with my neck fully supported.
Thanks for the reply :smile:

I have tried the above and it works ok for the muscles that ache, but it the muscle that twinges/spasms that is causing me the most pain. Diazepam is a muscle relaxant so it should have done something but it hasn't :frown:

I should be revising but im stuck in bed with my neck fully supported.

I feel really sorry for you :frown:

My mum gets horrible neck+back pain/spasm, so I was just going on what she tries to do, but there obviously isn't much if it's really bad. It probably will go away though.
She does exercises, but I think they're for her back - but if you see the doctor might be worth asking (I wouldn't just get something off the internet it could make it worse).

If you've been to the doctors, definately worth getting extenuation for your exams if it is hindering your revision. I can ony suggest you try to find a position that enables revision without too much pain.

Oh another thing, you could try a hot water bottle on it. I know one other thing she does is go for walks, swinging her arms lol. Apparently this helps to loosen up.

Best of luck, but if it doesn't go away quickly, don't be ashamed to get extenuation, this is what extenuation is for.
Can you not go to a walk-in clinic?
Reply 6
Can you not go to a walk-in clinic?

Well I already went to the doctors and got diazepam and I'm not sure there is any other treatment. Plus getting to the walk-in clinic will be painful enough as it is.

but thanks :smile:
Reply 7
I feel really sorry for you :frown:

My mum gets horrible neck+back pain/spasm, so I was just going on what she tries to do, but there obviously isn't much if it's really bad. It probably will go away though.
She does exercises, but I think they're for her back - but if you see the doctor might be worth asking (I wouldn't just get something off the internet it could make it worse).

If you've been to the doctors, definitely worth getting extenuation for your exams if it is hindering your revision. I can ony suggest you try to find a position that enables revision without too much pain.

Oh another thing, you could try a hot water bottle on it. I know one other thing she does is go for walks, swinging her arms lol. Apparently this helps to loosen up.

Best of luck, but if it doesn't go away quickly, don't be ashamed to get extenuation, this is what extenuation is for.

Thanks :smile: Sounds like your mum has been through quite a bit!

I would move my arms more if it wasn't one of the things that triggered the spasms :s-smilie: I guess I just have to relax and wait and see- just such inconveniet timings!!
Well I already went to the doctors and got diazepam and I'm not sure there is any other treatment. Plus getting to the walk-in clinic will be painful enough as it is.

but thanks :smile:

Aw sorry I couldn't help more.
Try massaging the area with Deep Heat and do gentle neck exercises so the muscles don't get too stiff.
Thanks :smile: Sounds like your mum has been through quite a bit!

I would move my arms more if it wasn't one of the things that triggered the spasms :s-smilie: I guess I just have to relax and wait and see- just such inconveniet timings!!

Well I asked my mum, and she says if it gets really bad she can take ibuprofen (over the counter) and dihydrocodeine (prescription) but they can/will make you feel a bit sick.

And that you should try your best to make "windmill motions" with your arms, or swing them, or move as much as possible. She says exercise is the only way to get muscles out of spasm, which is why diazepam can be bad cause it knocks you out so you don't feel like moving :p:

And, when I told her how much diazepam you were taking, she said, quote "bloody hell that will completely floor her", so yes lol I think that's a pretty high dose.

If you're having to take diazepam you should definately get a note for extenuating circumstances.
Reply 10

And, when I told her how much diazepam you were taking, she said, quote "bloody hell that will completely floor her", so yes lol I think that's a pretty high dose.

If you're having to take diazepam you should definitely get a note for extenuating circumstances.

The weird thing is it doesn't really floor me. I took 2 before bed last night (around 9.30pm), fell asleep after 11pm, woke up at 2am, went back to sleep and was then awake at 7.30. I took 2 more a couple of hours ago and that did make me feel more sleepy but only to the point where i lay down (like I am anyway :rolleyes: ) for 30mins with my eyes closed (but not sleeping). Even so, once I lie down flat i have to sleep in that exact position -otherwise movement causes pain, so the tablets just make me sleepy rather than pain free.

I am wondering if maybe the pain isn't muscular but a trapped nerve, seeing as a muscle relaxant isn't really working.

(oh and this is my first time taking diazepam so it's not like I've built up a resistance.)

I have spoken to my faculty and luckily Psychologists are very knowledgable about the effects of diazepam so they understand what I'm going through :biggrin:

Say thanks to your mum from me :smile:
Get some biofreeze cream or roll on. Not a long term fix but gives you your movement back for a couple of hours...on Amazon and eBay...
If m taking diazepam but not sure if it’s making my arms and neck painful got some antibiotics for this sinus trouble and taking covodamol for pain my arm cracks when I touch my shoulder it’s so painful put cream on not helping got half a diazepam to take is it taking those causing it didn’t have it before
Reply 13
Original post by Susanclifford
If m taking diazepam but not sure if it’s making my arms and neck painful got some antibiotics for this sinus trouble and taking covodamol for pain my arm cracks when I touch my shoulder it’s so painful put cream on not helping got half a diazepam to take is it taking those causing it didn’t have it before

noo. diazepam doesn't do that.