The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Oh god neither do i! I hate getting my face and hands wet!
Reply 2
Get an umbrella :p:

The 41 i think it was (i got one from temple meads) doesnt go to the halls per say, but turns right in the middle of the parks, so goes very close.
I'm already well-prepared. Bought myself a cool new umbrella last week. :smile:
Reply 4
does anyone know if there are any student deals, like weekly/monthly bus tickets? i was wondering how much it will cost be go to and from stoke bishop every day/

Also, am i right that there are two sets of buses, public ones and the studentlink ones? or are they are all the same.
Reply 5
Can't we just walk?
Reply 6
I was thinking about cycling. Is there anything wrong with cycling? I know Bristol's fairly hilly... but I'll just get fit. :smile:
Reply 7
Nothing wrong with cycling as long as you have somewhere decent to put your bike at each end of your trip. Not sure if I would fancy it up that massive hill though...
Reply 8
Nothing wrong with cycling as long as you have somewhere decent to put your bike at each end of your trip. Not sure if I would fancy it up that massive hill though...

I'd go round the hill, up a less steep bit. It'd still be quicker than walking I think. Anyway - we'll see.
Reply 9
does anyone know if there are any student deals, like weekly/monthly bus tickets? i was wondering how much it will cost be go to and from stoke bishop every day

The UOB student finance office allows £200 per year - based on a 38 week yr - for travel to and from Stoke Bishop during the terms. Apart from that it's quite vague. This is the local bus co website and should have some info about travel passes etc.

Also, am i right that there are two sets of buses, public ones and the studentlink ones? or are they are all the same.

The student bus link is separate - although still organised in part with Firstbus I believe - and runs throughout the evening. The service operates from various points in the main University precinct and picks up/drops off within the grounds of the Halls.

There are regular buses to the Stoke Bishop halls throughout the day - nos 1, 41, 42, 54, 55 all stop nearby. The bus stop on Whitetree roundabout at the top of the road (5 min walk) is served by busses every few mins.

Reply 10
I know that it is possible to catch either the 41 bus or the 43 bus from stroke bishop, but which bus stop and which bus would be closest to Churchill? What is the closest stop to the medical building? I dont like walking in the rain!


There's a bus stop about 5mins away from Churchill, it's about 2mins down the road from Badock hall. Buses are every 20mins (number 43 only), but you'd need to allow for lateness and crossing the downs (with is usually jam packed with traffic).

The closest stop to the school of medical sciences is just outside the Wills Memorial building which is about a 5 min walk from the med school.
Reply 11
There are bus links all the time every 15mins from like 8am or something like that from Stoke Bishop. There's also a late nite service for women that leaves from the library i think.

The journey from SB into Clifton isn't THAT hilly, lord!! + it's a scenic walk past the downs and so I will be taking it alot (maybe not when it rains though)

No idea about fares, even though i was told... but i forgot. And yes it is set up by the union/halls
Reply 12
Can't we just walk?

i think its a bit far, i was told 2 miles from the stoke bishop halls to the centre. Perhaps on a nice day, but probably not good when its cold/raining/your in a rush

This looks to be some sort of pass, allthough i'd rather get a weekly or monthly ticket. £300 is alot to fork out at once. But i guess it is unlimited travel.
Reply 13
This looks to be some sort of pass, allthough i'd rather get a weekly or monthly ticket. £300 is alot to fork out at once. But i guess it is unlimited travel.

HAHAHA - great slogan: "MORE BEER".
Reply 14
I was thinking about cycling. Is there anything wrong with cycling? I know Bristol's fairly hilly... but I'll just get fit. :smile:

The really big hill (Park Street?) would be eeeevil to cycle up, but I think it's downhill from Stoke Bishop to the centre... so if you were in a hurry to get to lectures at least you'd have that on your side!

Personally I'd be scared of the traffic, in some places it looked insane. Then again, I'm not used to biking on the roads... I think I'll probably walk it.
i think its a bit far, i was told 2 miles from the stoke bishop halls to the centre. Perhaps on a nice day, but probably not good when its cold/raining/your in a rush

The uni claims it's a 40 minute walk, so it's not too bad at all.
Reply 16
yer, thats about what i thought it would be.

Personally i think thats a... large walk to do twice a day. Perhaps i'm just being lazy :smile:
Reply 17
You get used to it. The walk goes by in no time eventually.
Reply 18
I don't mind walking far if I don't have to carry much stuff - but I'm not too keen to be carrying books and laptop that far. I have Panniers for my bike :smile:. (I don't have a bike yet though).
im not lookin forward to that walk to be honest, 40 mins is a long way for me when your not used to it, and you ata wear heels cus your short and your jeans are all to long :O ouchy feet! spesh wen its rainin! think ill get the bus pass, but wait until iv tried it a few weeks so i get used to what i like doin