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Do first year results really not matter?

Just come back from abroad to find out my first year BA History results.
Overall I got a pass which of course, is abysmal. The reason is I didn't have any real interest in the course until it was too late. I only started uni because of intense pressure from my dad. I barely did any coursework throughout the year and although I attended most of the lectures I didn't take the course seriously. That was until the last couple of weeks when it occurred to me I need to take responsibility of my life and be studious for the sake of my future. So I revised heavily for my exams. In the end I wasn't sure I would even pass the first year but I did, just.
Anyway I'm going to pull my socks up and be a model student for the next two years but I want to know much my first year pass ( not even a 3rd) will hinder my final mark.

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Reply 1
most courses dont count the first year towards your final grade.
Reply 2
Go for it- your second and third year course marks are what matter now. If you do well in the next two years then your first year results wont come into play.
Reply 3
Our first year marks didn't count at all towards the final degree mark.
Reply 4
It's a barrier if you want to do a second year internship. And I imagine employers would ask for first year results if you apply for a graduate job before you get your final degree result. One of the reasons I'm starting my degree again in another subject.
Reply 5
Each university is slightly different, but in general, the first year results do not count at all towards your final mark. It is worth checking though because I know that a few universities do count your first year (though it only counts for a small amount).

You may have to work harder in the second year to understand it properly if you haven't learnt the first year material throughly (depends on course structure).
Reply 6
What?! Then the whole point of the first year is just to get pissed?!
Reply 7
What?! Then the whole point of the first year is just to get pissed?!

For some perhaps lol. It is worth remembering that if you scrape by in the first year and don't really know the material, you may struggle to get top marks in the second year. Just a thought.
Reply 8
Ok, good. I don't want to work my ass off for nothing!
Reply 9
Ah.. that's why at some universities allow good students to miss out the first year completely :p:
Reply 10
Might not count towards your final grade but some employers ask for all your results.
Dont ignore your first year-in some circumstances they might go back to look at your first year result, but if your Year 2/3 results are fine then I don't think it's an issue.
Reply 12
For some perhaps lol. It is worth remembering that if you scrape by in the first year and don't really know the material, you may struggle to get top marks in the second year. Just a thought.

Thats what I meant in another thread, if I do a joint degree then I won't have taken all the modules for each subject (ony half) so for each subject I won't have a very good base of knowledge so it will be hard for me to get top marks in the second and third year.
This applies to all joint degrees does anyone know what I mean?
For my brother's course at least, the first year does matter, but it's weighted.
The three years go up in value - 1/6, then 2/6, then 3/6.

Either way there's plenty of room for recovery.
Reply 14
Sorry to give bad news, but first year results DO matter. Although they may not count towards the actual weighting of your degree, we were told by a tutor that they very heavily influenced the way you are regarded by tutors in your subsequent years ... also they can be a useful 'fall back' if you fail to perform well in exams etc, as the tutors have some idea of your capabilities.
At most universities, your first year marks don't count, and even if they do, they don't count for much. However, you might want to look over some of the first year work properly during the summer so you're better preapred for your second year.
Reply 16
I dont agree that the first year shouldn't be taken seriously.
Surely, just like in Alevels, everything you learn is built from a foundation. So if you doss through the first year, not bothering to learn everything you need, you will pay for it in the following years. You have got lots to lose by not studying. Firstly financially, secondaly, retaking a year at degree level for no reason looks very very bad, and will reduce your chances of graduate level employment significantly.
I know this will be true for rigrous degrees, but I'm not sure about the softer ones.
snuggerough agrees, especially having taken first year law. The marks may not count but employers do take into account contract and other modules.

besides, everyone has technical faults which should be remedied in the practice first year. If one does not try then they will assume that to receieve higher marks they must merely work harder. The technical faults will then be made and remedied in the second year, when the mark counts.
Reply 18
if you are applying for internships at the end of your second year, your first year results are very important
Reply 19
don't agree at all. my sister graduated from uni this year with a 1st in geography from bristol, but in her first year she pretty much just dossed about and got a 2:2. she spent the year 'getting used to uni life' i.e. living independently and getting very drunk. it didn't adversely affect her tutors opinion of her as one of them is now her referee. saying that tho, she worked very hard in her second and third years. she also didn't have to do an internship and reveal her 2:2 to anyone but our parents. also, i'm not at uni so know less than these people! (still convinced the 1st year is for having loads of fun - unless you do law or go to oxbridge!)