The Student Room Group

Dilemma :( [gf's crazy friend trying it on]


i've been seeing this girl for like 8 months now, everything is bless, we aint having a serious relationship but we only seeing each other.

she has a very close mate where in that whatever her mate says she believes

one night when im with my girl, i kept on getting these text messages from here asking me what i think of my girl,etc. i dont tell my girl cos i see theres no need 2.

next thing u no, my girl away for a week to Mexico, and like at 2am i keep on getting these text's saying 'what u up 2 / come over / do u like getting sucked off etc' - i dont even text back, but keeps on sending these texts.

Next thing i know, my girl calls me gunz blazing saying i've been spotted with next girl, massive arguement happens and she locks off the phone. cant ring her back as she rang me off some mexican phonebox.

that evening, her close friend text's me saying i heard u had a bust up, can i come around, etc etc - i say no. - at 12am now she's at my door saying she got locked out can she stay with me - after 10minz of me saying to go stay somewhere else i let her in.

i talk 2 her saying why u texting me etc , she explains that she really likes me and it was her saying to my girl saying i've been messing around. i told her im not on it and she says 'ok that's fine'.

i go sleep now in my bed and she sleeps on the couch, next thing i know shes trying to get in my bed, grinding up against me, so i just relentlessly pushed her back in the main room on the couch and locked my door.

i wanna tell my girl but i know she wont believe me cos EVERYTHING she says, like a dikhead she believes and now her close friend texting me saying im sorry can i come over i'll bring some wine and a dvd.

the **** do i do???

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Reply 1
If you kept the texts off the crazy girl, show them to your gf. Tell her if you did text back, crazy girl would have kept the texts. If she says she deleted em then its your word over hers.

Anyway basically you have to show your gf how crazy the other girl is. Good idea would be to get a dictaphone hehe those things are great. And record convos she has with you. I've had one since I was about 17, good for recordin drunken convos really but in your case for gettin you back with your girl. £17.99 from Index I think.
Reply 2
snuggerough thinks u have entered the wrong forum. reverse and don't come back.

and ur reason is? - this is a health + relationship forum.

i am in a relationship

so that makes me eligable.

if u havent got anything 2 say, click the red 'x' on the right and shut down ur PC.
Reply 3
If you kept the texts off the crazy girl, show them to your gf. Tell her if you did text back, crazy girl would have kept the texts. If she says she deleted em then its your word over hers.

Anyway basically you have to show your gf how crazy the other girl is. Good idea would be to get a dictaphone hehe those things are great. And record convos she has with you. I've had one since I was about 17, good for recordin drunken convos really but in your case for gettin you back with your girl. £17.99 from Index I think.

i delete all my text's but im gonna keep the ones she text's me now

safe bro

i've been seeing this girl for like 8 months now, everything is bless, we aint having a serious relationship but we only seeing each other.

she has a very close mate where in that whatever her mate says she believes

one night when im with my girl, i kept on getting these text messages from here asking me what i think of my girl,etc. i dont tell my girl cos i see theres no need 2.

next thing u no, my girl away for a week to Mexico, and like at 2am i keep on getting these text's saying 'what u up 2 / come over / do u like getting sucked off etc' - i dont even text back, but keeps on sending these texts.

Next thing i know, my girl calls me gunz blazing saying i've been spotted with next girl, massive arguement happens and she locks off the phone. cant ring her back as she rang me off some mexican phonebox.

that evening, her close friend text's me saying i heard u had a bust up, can i come around, etc etc - i say no. - at 12am now she's at my door saying she got locked out can she stay with me - after 10minz of me saying to go stay somewhere else i let her in.

i talk 2 her saying why u texting me etc , she explains that she really likes me and it was her saying to my girl saying i've been messing around. i told her im not on it and she says 'ok that's fine'.

i go sleep now in my bed and she sleeps on the couch, next thing i know shes trying to get in my bed, grinding up against me, so i just relentlessly pushed her back in the main room on the couch and locked my door.

i wanna tell my girl but i know she wont believe me cos EVERYTHING she says, like a dikhead she believes and now her close friend texting me saying im sorry can i come over i'll bring some wine and a dvd.

the f uck do i do???

awwwwwwww sweetie :hugs: that girl reminds me of a mate I used to have....she done the same thing to me on my now ex boyfriend was passed out on the couch and I walked through the door and she had her hand down his trousers and another occasion told another fella i was going out with that I hated him and she rang me and told me he called me clingy..we only started speaking again recently that happened 2 years ago after I fell out with her.......yeah......well hunny you gotta explain to your current girlfriend that it was not your fault and you never replied to these messages or and that when she comes home they shall be saved for her to look at.....also if your girlfriend doesnt believe you then she definately hasnt a clue who her close friend is and what she gets up your girlfriend her friend is nothing more than a sleaze and....dont let her in ya house anymore so she cant slabber to your girl behind your back :smile: :hugs: xoxo
Reply 5
sorry snuggerough doesn't understand - " this is what went happened " doesn't make much sense.

we are still using the english language. No ?
Reply 6
BTW, if she doesn't send you anymore texts (because you locked her out of your room) then, in person, not in text or any other recorded format, pretend you like her eg come onto her to get her to send the messages again.

Just to make sure you come out of this with your girl :wink:

Some might call it underhand but it isn't.
Reply 7
awwwwwwww sweetie :hugs: that girl reminds me of a mate I used to have....she done the same thing to me on my now ex boyfriend was passed out on the couch and I walked through the door and she had her hand down his trousers and another occasion told another fella i was going out with that I hated him and she rang me and told me he called me clingy..we only started speaking again recently that happened 2 years ago after I fell out with her.......yeah......well hunny you gotta explain to your current girlfriend that it was not your fault and you never replied to these messages or and that when she comes home they shall be saved for her to look at.....also if your girlfriend doesnt believe you then she definately hasnt a clue who her close friend is and what she gets up your girlfriend her friend is nothing more than a sleaze and....dont let her in ya house anymore so she cant slabber to your girl behind your back :smile: :hugs: xoxo

thanks tamz :smile:
thanks tamz :smile:

n/p ^_^ just wouldnt wanna see someone go through the crap I went through with that bitch! xoxo
Write her a letter? when you cant talk to people on the phone or on person cos they might lock you off or shout at you a letter is always a good idea.
Reply 10
she's coming back sunday
she's coming back sunday

that shouldnt be too bad then but seriously I hope things go well for ya :smile: :hugs: xoxo
Reply 12
snuggerough wonders what prick is deleting their posts.

f u

is snuggerough a robot?
snuggerough demands the following -

bad rep

an answer to who deletes their posts

how to achieve warning status
Reply 14
Clearly only one logical solution if your girl doesn't trust your word over hers - get with the horny girl (provided she's not ugly)
Clearly only one logical solution if your girl doesn't trust your word over hers - get with the horny girl (provided she's not ugly)

awww dont say that! xoxo
Reply 16
Well if his girlfriend doesn't trust his word he might aswell get the sex while he can, he'll be annoyed if in a months time horny girl has lost interest and he and his bird split up.
Reply 17
snuggerough demands the following -

bad rep erm no

an answer to who deletes their posts a mod

how to achieve warning status here is what you need to do for warnings

Answers in bold
Reply 18

I wouldn't recommend having a shower if she's still in the house... I see blood dripping down walls.

Just imagine if you were a girl and she was a bloke. It's amazing what some people think they can get away with. I'd say chuck her out your bloody house. In the unlikely event she isn't lying through her teeth, she can find somewhere else to sleep.
Reply 19
snuggerough demands the following -

bad rep

an answer to who deletes their posts

how to achieve warning status

'Their' is plural.

Mmm... pedantry. A pleasant alternative to walking.