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Reply 1
Awwwwww....I'll post in here just to make your thread less lonely :smile:

I don't think there are any Cuths people around here though.....have you phoned them up yet about the welcome pack? I really do recommend getting onto that ASAP :redface:
Reply 2
Awwwwww....I'll post in here just to make your thread less lonely :smile:

I don't think there are any Cuths people around here though.....have you phoned them up yet about the welcome pack? I really do recommend getting onto that ASAP :redface:

Lol thanks! :biggrin: there are several cuths ppl on tsr sometimes....come and post ppl! :p:
And about the welcome pack....when they wrote to confirm my offer, they said id hear from them in early september... but people from other colleges seem to have theirs... :redface: ...hmmm
Reply 3
Evening Rach.

My mum, being my mum, wanted to phone and check stuff with Cuths - I don't know exactly what... "mum stuff" probably. The lady on the phone said that the welcome pack should be with me either the end of this week or early next week. It's annoying not having it because I can't really start sorting myself out until I know whether I'm living in the Bailey or at Parson's Field, so I know how you feel. :smile:
Reply 4
Do Cuths people have to walk all the wayto Cuths to get their evening meals? In the snow and wet is that not a little inconvenient... espcially if you live miles out like in Teikyo building... as some Cuffers had to last year?
Reply 5
Eddie K
Evening Rach.

My mum, being my mum, wanted to phone and check stuff with Cuths - I don't know exactly what... "mum stuff" probably. The lady on the phone said that the welcome pack should be with me either the end of this week or early next week. It's annoying not having it because I can't really start sorting myself out until I know whether I'm living in the Bailey or at Parson's Field, so I know how you feel. :smile:

Ahh...thankyou so much! :biggrin: hehe ur mums a star :smile:
What did you put as your first choice for accomodation? I put parsons field...really hope i get it :redface: xx
Reply 6
Yep, they sure do! :s:

Yikers. that has got to be a bummer? Why do ppl chose Cuths then? Is it because their prospectus is so misleading and doesnt actually explain the fact u may have to walk 15 minutes in the ice/rain/snow to get ur dinner?
Are you sure there isn't a second dining hall at Cuths? We once found a cuths dining card on this forum that had "bailey dining hall" written on it, so I'd assume there's another, but I'm probably wrong...
I chose Cuths coz I was gona live at home then I decided against it... such a good decision... But I'm not boshed bout walkin for my dinner... if it's that bad, I'll starve, otherwise I'll have a nice walk to walk off my dinner :wink:

And I havn't had anything in the post at all yet... My friend who's going to Cuths hasn't heard anything yet either
Reply 9
I was at Cuths for the first 3 weeks and then changed colleges. Didn't enjoy it there at all.
I was at Cuths for the first 3 weeks and then changed colleges. Didn't enjoy it there at all.

wot was it u didnt like? :confused:
Reply 11
Are you sure there isn't a second dining hall at Cuths? We once found a cuths dining card on this forum that had "bailey dining hall" written on it, so I'd assume there's another, but I'm probably wrong...

Haha! I found one which said "Bailey Dining Hall" on it too...had to figure out which college it was from so came on here and asked :rolleyes:

I assumed it just said that because that was the name of the dining hall? Not necessarily because they've got two? :confused:

But anyway, wherever they have to's not dinner/tea I'd be worried's having to trek there for BREAKFAST hahahahahaha :biggrin: :wink:
wot was it u didnt like? :confused:

lack of college atmosphere, having to share with a guy in a nasty house on the bailey, just found it weird really, fragmented, without a real heart. my experiences after moving really vindicated my choice in my mind, it was much more what i had been expecting.
Reply 13
Ahh...thankyou so much! :biggrin: hehe ur mums a star :smile:
What did you put as your first choice for accomodation? I put parsons field...really hope i get it :redface: xx

I put the Bailey down but doing engineering they said I'd likely be at Parson's field because it's where they 'stick all the scientists' :frown: . It doesn't really bother me either way but as Adam said, it's a fair old trek for food. Although, Parson's Field does look a bit more halls-ey :confused: . As long as I've got a bed and a desk though, I won't worry! :smile: x
I doubt that they "stick all the scientists" anywhere, colleges like to mix up subjects in accommodation, so that you have a better chance of making friends outside your subject. Admittedly, most of my friends are scientists anyway, but perhaps it's just a way of thinking or something, common working habits etc.
Reply 15
:frown: I was really looking forward to going to durham until people started saying theyve had bad experiences of cuths :frown:
about accomodation...people used to have to live in houses randomly about the city, but the parsons field accomodation was built for first years this looks really nice and isnt that far from the college. theyre also building more accomodation there which will be offered to final year students. some students will have to still live in the houses tho i think....:rolleyes: xx
Woah, what's with the anti-Cuths vibe?! In all honesty I think if I wasn't at Grey then Cuth's would be my next choice.
I've never met anyone from Cuth's who doesn't love it there, they have a fantastic bar - the best in the uni in my opinion - and the atmosphere there is always great too. This might have something to do with Cuths students being among the drunkest in the uni from my experience but in general I've always found Cuths students to be extra friendly, even to a non-Bailey kid like me. :smile:

And the girls in the 03/04 intake were exceptionally attractive. :wink:
yeah, but the reason cuth's bar is good is that:

a) it is full of people from other colleges
b) it is quite large and they don't have a restrictive policy like some other bailey bars.

i'm sure the new accommodation will make a difference, but i found it miserable there - only lasted a couple of weeks.
Reply 18
yeah, but the reason cuth's bar is good is that:

a) it is full of people from other colleges
b) it is quite large and they don't have a restrictive policy like some other bailey bars.

i'm sure the new accommodation will make a difference, but i found it miserable there - only lasted a couple of weeks.

and the bar steward is cool and gives us loadsa free stuff and puts on murder she wrote :cool:
Reply 19
Woah, what's with the anti-Cuths vibe?! In all honesty I think if I wasn't at Grey then Cuth's would be my next choice.
I've never met anyone from Cuth's who doesn't love it there, they have a fantastic bar - the best in the uni in my opinion - and the atmosphere there is always great too. This might have something to do with Cuths students being among the drunkest in the uni from my experience but in general I've always found Cuths students to be extra friendly, even to a non-Bailey kid like me. :smile:

And the girls in the 03/04 intake were exceptionally attractive. :wink:

At least someone seems to like cuths! :biggrin: before id visited i was a bit sceptical but when i went there for the open day i loved it, and everyone was really nice and it was so easy to make friends :smile: ...really hope its like that in october! :rolleyes: cant promise anything about the attractive girls tho :p: xx